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!!t1PjjQn4qVX 01/06/09(Tue)08:23 No.3327768 File :1231248211.gif-(14 KB, 701x683, 44.gif)
 >>3327713 >Fuck, Weaver, you're railroading it. At the time I made the decision, split up had two votes, stay together had one. You're welcome to say fuck it and stop reading at any time if you're not 100% satisfied, but I really am doing the best I can especially under pressure and with such time limits.
>>3327725 >Describe what's at the far end of the room, please. A door? A dispenser of sorts? Ruby examines the room: There is a ladder leading up, with a sealed metal hatch at the top and on visible means of opening it. There are two doors to the north, both with a symbol above them. There is a FRAMED PICTURE on the wall, with some sort of illegible, archaic writing on it. To the east, there is a heavily-reinforced metal door with an inset card reader.
There are two PLAQUES on the display case. The top one is illegible due to blood and rust. The second appears to be a request and/or warning label. A key card slot is set just underneath this second plaque. |