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!!hZDPsoEDBxR 01/25/09(Sun)05:37 No.3513352 File :1232879838.jpg-(78 KB, 460x541, dino_cutaway.jpg)
 The fact that Dinotopia has dinosaurs is incidental. It's an incredibly well-developed setting, so much so that it's a shame that the fluff sections of actual campaign settings aren't written and illustrated in the same style as Dinotopia. It can be as steampunk as you want it. It can handle court intrigue, airship adventuring, dungeon delving, SCIENCE!, ARCHAEOLOGY!, exploration, deep-sea adventuring, and even film noir-style storylines. It can be as steampunk as the group wants it to be, it can be as primitive as the group wants it to be, and it opens itself up extremely well to the whims of the players.
In fact, fuck it. I'm running a seafaring game soon. I'll lift Dinotopia wholesale and drop the island into it just because. Maybe give them a political isolationist policy instead of reefs keeping people from coming and going so it doesn't fuck over players who want to keep going with the seafaring... |