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!94Ud9yTfxQ 04/12/09(Sun)05:24 No.4258282 File :1239528274.png-(47 KB, 600x396, 45.png)
 >>4258220 Beardbeard is 100 miles East. Far too long a walk for this 19 hour time limit. That'd take over a week to walk!
>>4258228 Aldwin has no idea where to start looking for them, but CRIMINAL SCUM seems a good idea. And leaving the city of the dead seems a good start for finding someone alive.
>>4258237 You ask good ol' Reaper where you might find some livers.
"Hey hey hey, buddy, you seem to have someone new in your entourage! Whatcha need? Oh, some livers? Some CRIMINAL livers? Eeeeheheehee, I gotcha covered. Head south, you'll find a fort ona hill. Buncha grave robbers live there; I'd owe ya a pretty penny if you gave 'em a spot o' trouble."
>>4258255 On your way out, you return the map to Benben. |