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!!taqDd9490Ip 05/01/09(Fri)06:01 No.4449743 File :1241172068.jpg-(56 KB, 400x500, SteelBrothers.jpg)
 The Steel Brothers.
They happen to have a rather high concentration of Tech Marines... or they used to, before the Machine Cult got pissy with them for snatching whatever Dark Age tech they could get a hold of. So now, while not quite excommunicated, the Steel Brother continue their meticulous collection and study of all Dark Age tech they can find, using whatever they deem useful, up to the point that all recent Tech Marines in their ranks are home grown and taught by their veteran tech marines. They feel a particular disgust for the AdMech, who they believe repress technology and reduce it to a religion. While religiously fervent about their cause, the Brothers see it as exactly what it is. Technology, only as good or as evil as it's used.
Oh, and they kill shit for the Emperor.
(Yes, there is a direct inspiration... I never did get why no one voiced it before.) |