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    176 KB AchieveMen SageHoge !!mp3WVEd4fDm 05/27/09(Wed)03:37 No.4676423  
    More Achievements

    There is no time, Your Sword is Enough:
    Still have at least 75% of your starting money after finishing making a character

    Damn the torpedoes!:
    Run through an area you know has traps without disarming them.

    Wellcome to Jurassic Park:
    Fight and Defeat a Dinosaur

    Hold on to your Butts:
    Kill a T-Rex

    Fist of the North Star:
    A monk must get a critical on all Flurry of Blows attacks (only after level 10)

    Tryin' To Catch Me Ridin Dirty:
    Steal a horse in every town you enter

    Super Cripple:
    In D&D 3.0-4.0 have one physical stat under 7 and one stat above 19 and survive you're first 3 encounters.

    And Then Dexter Said....
    DM makes up game off the top off his head for at least two hours
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)03:42 No.4676466
    Luck is a Fickle Thing:
    roll a critical miss after rolling a critical hit
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)03:46 No.4676500
    >And Then Dexter Said....

    Too easy. I've run like half of every campaign I've GM'd off the top of my head.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)03:49 No.4676519
    Either the DM or a Player rolls a natural 20 for the same task that their opposing number rolls a natural 1.

    Lucky Bastard:
    Roll a 2 on a d20 and still pass.

    Neutral Evil:
    Successfully run Tomb of Horrors for five consecutive sessions.

    Chaotic Evil:
    Successfully run Tomb of Horrors honestly for five consecutive sessions with every player having to roll 5 new characters minimum.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)03:50 No.4676533
    Wait, what?
    Refuse to read the rulebook, and make the GM/other players explain everything to you.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)03:51 No.4676552
    Someday I'll be a real Orc....
    Play with fake weapons and armor for more than 5 games
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)03:56 No.4676588
    Oh shit, sni-

    Score a critical hit with a ranged weapon at that weapon's absolute maximum range, without yourself being detected.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)03:58 No.4676617
    A Fiddle Of Gold
    Make a deal with a Demon and Win

    Daddy Warbucks
    gain over 1 million in Gold

    Richie Rich
    Gain over 3 million gold

    Scrooge McDuck
    Gain over 10 million gold
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)03:59 No.4676623
    >And Then Dexter Said....
    >DM makes up game off the top off his head for at least two hours
    I've done this, like, ten times.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:00 No.4676634
    Ed, Edd, and Eddy:
    All PC's have the same first name.

    You're on your own:
    During combat after one of your party members is KO'd teleport out of battle.

    I said I didn't FIND any traps:
    Have a party member trip a trap after the rogue fails a search check.

    Going To Hell:
    Defeat an angel

    Going To Hell Part Duex:
    Summon a Demon to help defeat an angel
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:02 No.4676644
    Critical Shit:
    Roll the minimum possible damage on a critical hit.

    We Had To Do That Thing For Whatshisface:
    Between one session and the next, completely forget what you were meant to be doing and the names of any NPCs you met the last time.

    I'd Rather Be Playing WFRP:
    In a game of Dark Heresy, persistently refer to Righteous Fury as Ulrich's Fury.

    Treason Is Genetic:
    In a game of Paranoia, have ALL your clones executed for treason.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:03 No.4676650
    >And Then Dexter Said....
    That's not an achievement, an achievement would be not having to make a single thing up for over two hours.

    On a related note -
    Steam Train:
    Heavily Railroad the players for an entire session without a single one complaining about it.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:03 No.4676653
    Got halfway between the two ToH ones. It took two parties and a "Okay you are all alive again, except the monk that was still alive anyways isn't double-alive." for the second party.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:04 No.4676665
    David & Goliath

    Defeat an opponent at least twice your CR/level/point total, with no magic, no armor, and only improvised weapons.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:05 No.4676676
    Did you just punch out Cthulu?
    Literally punch out or defeat an eldritch abomination or a god in some manner.

    (This has probably already been done in some form or other.)
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:05 No.4676681
    He's there.... And there.... and There... : When using Archery, or Archery charms, roll at least ten more attack successes and five more damage successess than nessasary to kill the foe.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:05 No.4676682
    Auto Pilot
    A Player leaves in the middle of a session with the only directions to play his character are "someone roll for me when we fight something"
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:05 No.4676684
    Metaphysical Meta Gaming.

    Kill 10 enemies without rolling to attack or magic.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:06 No.4676691
    (General) If You Stat It… - Kill a setting NPC within minutes of seeing them.
    (Exalted) Compensating For Something - Dual wield a pair of grand daiklaves without using a warstrider.
    (Exalted) Compensating For Everything - Dual wield a pair of grand goremauls without using a warstrider.
    (Player) Dick move - Use social attacks on other player characters
    (Exalted) Compensating For The Universe - Dual Wield Warstriders
    Fast Talker - use social attacks in combat
    (General) MDV:Fist - Attack someone after ignoring a social attack.
    (General) Sugar Overdose: Play an Exalt under the age of 12.
    (General) No Kids Allowed - Play in a campaign with no children. Not even NPCs.
    (Solar) “Cathak Welan, I Choose You!” - Get 10+ minions who are fellow Exalted.
    (General) Old-Man Solar: Play a character who exalted in their late 50s, or has a crippling disability
    Masked Bishoneun: Wear a Mask all game to keep from using your Appearance 5.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:07 No.4676698
    Where can I see the original Achievements? This sounds awesome.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:08 No.4676703
    Its like the game is real man!:
    Play with someone high on drugs or while you yourself are high on drugs

    I don't want you to have that yet:
    As a DM sunder all of the PC's magic weapons during combat, steal all their magic armor, have all their magic items confiscated by a GMPC all in one session.

    I'm the winner kid!
    Have 3 stats over 20 in D&D 3.0-3.5

    No business like ho business:
    Pimp in game.

    Where my money!:
    Attack another party member over something that values less that 1 gold
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:08 No.4676706
    Autopilot Malfunction:
    Leave to go to the bathroom and come back to find your character has been killed or seriously injured.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:09 No.4676717
    Damnit, Xom: Dependant on game:
    DH: Roll on the Perils of the Warp table.
    DnD3.5: Have a Rod of Wonder harm you or your party, or give you a negativew status effect.
    DnD4e: As a Wild Magic Sorceror, kill all the minions in an enounter with five or more with a single Chaos Bolt.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:12 No.4676734

    God is my autopilot.

    Have someone else run your character when you miss a session, and your character *doesn't* die.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:14 No.4676754

    (Alchemical) Sieging The Means Of Production - Blow up a Factory Cathedral.
    (Alchemical) This Remind You Of Anything - Invoke a super-robot themesong in combat.
    (Alchemical) Get Equipped - Use the charms of at least eight other alchemicals that you have personally defeated.
    (Alchemical) Kaito - Be the only male Alchemical in an all Alchemical party.
    (Alchemical) I’m Not Sure If I Can Poop Anymore - Forget your physiological ferences to humans every other session.
    (Player) We Don’t Say Those Things About Mechazawa - Play an alchemical without the party ever realizing what you are


    (Abyssal) Skeletits: Raise an undead army for no purpose but to creep you fellows players out by doing every one of them.
    (Abyssal) In The Deep Darkness Of My Soul - Start andend the campaign with no Positive Intimacies.
    (Abyssal) REALLY? - Create a character with a name that consists of over 20 words
    (Abyssal) Dethklok - Have a perfect circle with Perform favored.
    (Abyssal) Glucifer, My Ignoble Steed - Name everything you own in the most stereotypically Evil fashion possible.
    (General) WITNESS MY TRUE FORM AND DESPAIR - Use Birth of Sanity’s Sorrow
    (General) I CAN KEEP DOING THIS ALL DAY - Use Birth of Sanity’s Sorrow. Twice.
    (Abyssal) Codec Call - Use screaming in silence to contact other players at random on unrelated topics
    (Abyssal) EAT YOUR PEA, PROFESSOR - Poison a Solar’s food.
    >> SageHoge !!mp3WVEd4fDm 05/27/09(Wed)04:14 No.4676757
    awesome pilot

    have someone run you're character and level him
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:15 No.4676762
    >We Had To Do That Thing For Whatshisface:
    >Between one session and the next, completely forget what you were meant to be doing and the names of any NPCs you met the last time.

    This happens so often to us that we started to write that shit down.
    >> SageHoge !!mp3WVEd4fDm 05/27/09(Wed)04:17 No.4676775
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:17 No.4676776
    Ha! You shall never de-what?: Defeat an epic-teir encounter at heroic-teir.

    Fuck you guys!: Force the DM to destroy his notes with in-character actions only.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:19 No.4676788

    Pssht, Whatever.

    Take 1d100 SAN loss. Roll 01.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:25 No.4676830
    Gravity is my friend

    Bullrush enemy several levels above you off cliff.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:27 No.4676843
    >>Cthulhu Mythos
    DM>Grace of (Edler) Gods: Save a character using SAN penalties from death.

    STFU: Make an attack roll during a BBEG's monolouge, then hit and deal enough damage to force him to cease speech.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:28 No.4676853
    Mythos game, CoC, etc

    Fahrenheit 451
    Burn every book you find.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:29 No.4676860

    NO U: Attack opponent with the same weapon, maneuver or spell he just used on you. Inflict more damage.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:30 No.4676866
    What's appropriate CR?
    Have a GM accidentally throw something so ludicrously high CR at your party that all the players' automated XP calculators call the encounter "Impossible."

    You're doing it wrong!
    TPK in a fight that the DM intended for the party to breeze through.

    Can't let you do that, Starfox.
    Change something about an encounter with the purpose of preventing something one of the players was talking about doing mid-combat.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:34 No.4676891
    That's Convenient:

    -All players choose the same height for their characters at generation.

    They do so independently of each other.

    (I introduce you to the crew of the good ship Clusterfuck. There's 5 of them, and every one was 6' 3" at chargen.)
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:35 No.4676907
    LOL I TROLL U: Conspire with the group to present the DM with five characters that all share the same race: Troll.

    GTFO: Cast Defenestrating Sphere with lethal effects.

    THE FLOOR IS NOW LAVA: Research a spell that superheats the floor until it either ignites or melts, yet leaves anything else untouched.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:35 No.4676908
    Vorpal Bunnies

    Monsters so low-level that the PCs would earn no xps for killing them, end up wiping out the party.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:37 No.4676916
    >Gary, Gary and Gary

    Fixed that for you.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:38 No.4676925
    No Noh to Know: (PC) Attch no value to any NPC you ever encounter.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:39 No.4676929
    Magic backpack
    See how much stuff you can write down without anybody noticing between sessions.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:41 No.4676945
    Medal of Honor citation: a henchman or other minor NPC singlehandedly prevents a TPK.

    Battlefield Promotion: that character later becomes a PC.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:46 No.4676980
    You're on fire baby... Literally.
    Kill someone whilst you are on fire
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:46 No.4676981
    At least one henchman or other minor NPC dies every session.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:48 No.4676992

    They Killed Kenny: the same character dies and is ressurected five or more times.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:53 No.4677029
    I'm Incognito!:
    Steal shit, change name

    What would _____ do?
    Base your character's actions on someone else's values (yours don't count)

    To awesome not to:
    Find a way to trick your DM to include something they don't want to (mechs in D&D for instance)

    Facepalm Novice:
    Get 5 facepalms in a game (facepalm adept at 15, master at 30)
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:57 No.4677061
    This nearly happens to me all the time, which brings me to:

    We hardly knew yee:
    Name a generic NPC only to see them get killed in the same encounter.

    Doing it wrong, part two:
    Co-dm and dm-pc at the same time

    Roll LOOOWEEEEER....
    Max out a weapon or armor's possible attributes while randomly generating one in D&D
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:57 No.4677062
    D&D: Donkey punch
    Get a pack mule, strap the corpse of a dead PC to it, slap the mule so it runs off and is never seen again.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)04:58 No.4677065
    You da Bomb:

    Load up on gunpowder, alchemical fire and nails for effect.
    Hug bbeg
    >> MechaMilk !T.We2gZSuI 05/27/09(Wed)05:00 No.4677088
    >> Anonymous. 05/27/09(Wed)05:01 No.4677092
    (DM) No, That's Not It...
    Forget the name you just made up for an NPC and be forced to rename them when your PCs don't remember either.

    (DM) Cackling Electricity
    Get caught using a similar-sounding, but ultimately incorrect word to describe something.

    (DM) Underestimation And Recalculation
    Fudge more than 5 rolls in the PCs favor during a single combat encounter.

    (DMPC) Nepotism
    Fudge more than 3 rolls in favor of your own PC during a single session.

    (DMPC) Stolen Thunder
    Narrate your DMPC administering the killing blow to an enemy that he did not actually kill during an encounter.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)05:02 No.4677101
    One track mind:
    Cast a spell with many possible uses only for one, it can't change.

    One track mind explained:
    "Polymorph any other" used only to change things into ONE thing. Never pick anything else.

    "Polymorph self" never change into anything but ONE thing, only that thing.

    "Suggestion" pick one suggestion, stick with it, never cast the spell for different reasons
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)05:08 No.4677148
    Exalted achievement:

    My arm, my arm, my arm, my arm...
    Spend at least 5 ticks in combat boasting about combat prowess, and kill the enemy on your next action.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)05:15 No.4677187
    Each square is 5:
    Hit yourself with 3 damage-oriented AoE spells.

    Play a character of an opposite gender

    Opposite world:
    No PC is the same gender as the character playing them

    So, I had this great idea:
    Embark on some crazy-complicated scheme that has nothing to do with the campaign (ex: become pirates, merchants, or professional acrobats)

    Break everything:
    Go one session without interacting with any complicated traps or puzzles, just deactivate them with crazy ass rolls on disable device (only counts if there are 3 or more of the aforementioned devices present)
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)05:22 No.4677228
    Bullet Train:
    Railroad the players through an entire session's worth of playing in about 5 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)05:31 No.4677304
    >What's appropriate CR?
    Have a GM accidentally throw something so ludicrously high CR at your party that all the players' automated XP calculators call the encounter "Impossible."

    We once defeated an EL 29 in a game of 3.5 at level 15. I don't know how the party win since I died on the first round and spent the next 4 hours of the fight making a new character.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)05:38 No.4677342
    It feels good to be the King: become the leader of a nation during the course of your adventure.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)05:50 No.4677415
    Villagers use all their looting money to make a city.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)06:00 No.4677445
    Mage Hand Tickle:
    Tickle BBEG's balls during speech with mage hand
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)06:38 No.4677696
    Break Warranty.
    Use things not for their intended use.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)07:04 No.4677825

    >Then dexter said..

    Try Every game I've run, most over 9 hours.
    >> I apologized on 4chan 05/27/09(Wed)07:25 No.4677875
    Impersonal Party
    Players refer to all PC's by their class, never once using a PC's given name.

    [GM] Fucking Natural 20's...

    Fudge a dice roll to prevent a player from killing the BBEG in their first encounter.

    [GM] Thank god for GM Screens
    Same as above, but the players never realise.

    [CoC] [GM] Sometimes a Cigar really is just a Cigar.

    Have a player inherit a mansion. The mansion turns out to be completely normal. Have them investigate it anyway.

    Obtain any weapon a Space Marine would use as a Special Weapon.

    [DH] [GM] Of omlettes and broken eggs
    Put the players in a situation where in order to survive they must commit heresy of some kind.

    Same as above, but have it happen more than three times before the players notice.

    Are you *sure* you want to do that?
    Have your GM/DM/Storyteller/GC utter this to you, more than once in a single session.

    [DH] Things my friend, man was not meant to know.
    Accidentially slip information about your activities that get's you shot for heresy.

    [DH] Welcome to the 41st Millenium, Mr Kasshu
    Perform a Luminem Shock attack, whilst proclaiming that your hand glows with an awesome power, and it tells you to destroy him - SHINING FIIIIIING-GAAAAAAAH.

    Witness the power of the darkside
    Kill someone with lightning bolts shot from your fingers.

    Time to play THE GAME
    Grapple something successfully.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)10:04 No.4679040
    >And Then Dexter Said....
    Any real GM will have done this sometimes.

    >Critical Shit
    Done last session by one of our players. 1 damage. At the opposite end of the spectrum, another player managed to do 54 damage in the same session by scoring a critical hit with a simple thrown knife.

    >Steam Train
    I've done plenty of this in the past, mostly through the careful use of GMPCs. Oddly, the players don't seem to mind either, but I've still been trying to avoid it lately just in case.

    >David & Goliath, Did you just punch out Cthulu?
    One of our PCs tends to do both of these with alarming regularity. He's pretty much the de-facto protagonist because of this. Unlike the Grendel of /tg/ fame, this player merely has average luck with dice, but has to instead rely on a combination of JUST AS PLANNED and his character's surprising toughness.

    >What's appropriate CR?
    A deliberately impossible encounter for the above player, namely a foe who will simply deflect any attack he can make. Through various kinds of trickery, he still managed to end up in a situation where he had a 98% chance of winning outright... and then rolled that critical failure that was the only thing that could foil his plan.

    >No, That's Not It...
    Unlocked. Probably. Now if I could only remember when...

    Ahem. Do NPCs count? In any case, unlocked for many of my fellow players. Some of them pull it off well, others can't roleplay either male or female characters very well yet.

    >Time to play THE GAME
    Unlocked over and over again in our game, most notably when the aforementioned de-facto protagonist picked up an armored enemy and used him as an improvised weapon.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)10:11 No.4679108
    >Damn the torpedoes!:
    My personal favorite RPG achievement. Party is tasked to retrieve a collection of magic books (later revealed to be somewhat-cursed Manuals of +5 Stat) from a magical dungeon, because plot information is hidden within (lol Bible Code). The room they're actually contained in is guarded by what are effectively lightning bolt turrets, dropping six 6d6 bolts of doom every round a PC is in the room. The room itself is 200 feet long. I'm playing a Rogue 3/Ranger 2/Fighter 1 who started at 18 Dex. He's also seventeen, brash as hell, and not about to be swayed by things like 'certain death'.
    "Just have some healing ready," he instructs the party, pausing only long enough to steal a kiss from the elf druidess before turning on the Boots of Speed and taking off at a dead run across the room.
    Failed one save, threw the books in his backpack, turned around, failed two more saves, ending at 0 HP.
    DM permitted me to slide across the threshold back into the hall on a wave of bravado and physical momentum.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)10:16 No.4679155
    I've achieved that too. My PCs are good (or at least better) at optimizing their characters then I am, so they usually win easily unless I pull something out of my ass.
    >> I apologized on 4chan 05/27/09(Wed)10:24 No.4679205
    [DH] Welcome to the 41st Millenium, Mr Kasshu
    Perform a Luminem Shock attack, whilst proclaiming that your hand glows with an awesome power, and it tells you to destroy him - SHINING FIIIIIING-GAAAAAAAH.

    One day, I'm going to successfully do this.

    Of course this day in question would occur when I don't have a ranged weapon on me that would do more damage.

    I have a Boltgun and a Meltagun. I'm in a space hulk with Orks and possibly worse in it.
    This day isn't happening anytime soon.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)10:27 No.4679230
    Epic Fail:
    Intend do something Epic. Fail Epicly
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)10:30 No.4679256
    for Horseplay

    Horse Whisperer: win without any non-sacrificial horse-decapitations on your side.

    Not sure if that's even possible, I just read the premise of the game, lol'd, and resolved to play it at some point.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)10:52 No.4679394
    Springtime for Hitler:

    Fail so horribly at FAILING, that you wind up accidentally succeeding.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)10:55 No.4679425
    >[DH] Welcome to the 41st Millenium, Mr Kasshu

    My Obrimos has this as his signature move, but the quote is always changing.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)11:31 No.4679674
    Wellcome to Jurassic Park:
    Fight and Defeat a Dinosaur

    Our party had to do this after our DM had the dinosaurs SMELL us.

    It was a dick move, but one we all applauded him for.
    >> I apologized on 4chan 05/27/09(Wed)11:46 No.4679751
    >We Had To Do That Thing For Whatshisface:
    >Between one session and the next, completely forget what you were meant to be doing and the names of any NPCs you met the last time.

    To be fair, is there ANYONE who hasn't done this? I mean with my group we have an excuse, we only do Roleplaying every so often, like once or twice a month.

    >Metaphysical Meta Gaming.
    >Kill 10 enemies without rolling to attack or magic.

    Does telling the ships computer to fire the Plasma Cannons at the Orks count?

    >God is my autopilot.
    >Have someone else run your character when you miss a session, and your character *doesn't* die.

    Done this. The fact that my guy had a Meltagun at the time was probably a contributing factor.

    In the long run owever, I should have just conceded to my Blood Bowl opponent and played the session.
    He was a Wood Elf team... nuff said.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)11:58 No.4679818
    >Lucky Bastard:
    >Roll a 2 on a d20 and still pass.
    Easy. I've rolled a 1 and passed skill checks (Knowledge arcana and Spellcraft +22 at level 9)

    >Fahrenheit 451
    That's not an achievement, that's Standard Operating Procedure!

    >Damn the torpedoes!
    That's easy. Half-orc Barbarian with a 20 Con, first 3.0 character I ever played, did it all the time.

    >Break Warranty.
    Every modern era game I play.

    >A Fiddle Of Gold
    Define 'win'. I've come out of such deals intact and in no danger whatsoever, though I usually wind up overpaying. Exchanging the trapped souls of a hundred people for a guarantee of immunity from torture after death is a bit expensive, but worth it, I think.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)13:03 No.4680345
    I'm A Whatnow?:
    Start the campaign as one race/class combination and end it as something completely different.

    Master Of Disguise:
    Successfully hide your race, class, gender, and/or alignment from the rest of the party for three or more sessions with Disguise and Bluff checks.

    It Was Handy, So I Used It:
    Successfully use an improvised weapon in combat without having any sort of proficiency in it.

    Who Got The Powah? I Got The Powah:
    As a wizard or a sorcerer, have your spell component pouch stolen/lost/destroyed. Then quickly look through the spell descriptions, realize that you can still cast a spell with the items that are nearby, and one-up the rest of the party by saving everyone after they have been ragging on you for being useless without your precious components.

    Kinda Tight And Uncomfortable In Here...:
    Succeed the DC 80 Escape Artist check required to squeeze into the anus of a Medium-sized creature.

    Eat THIS!:
    Succeed a grapple check and forcefeed your opponent something that could cause vomiting, dry mouth, diarrhea, runny nose, or death.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)13:09 No.4680400

    >I'm A Whatnow?:
    >Start the campaign as one race/class combination and end it as something completely different.

    Happened to me. I was a human paladin at the very start. DM dickery led to a revelation that I was actually some kind of fae all along. Cue the world-ending "WHO AM I?" depression, leading to paladin falling, turning blackguard, using evil power for good ends, and eventually coming back around to greyguard.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)14:05 No.4680836
    Racial Hatred:
    Spontaneously decide that you don't like a specific race in the world and make it clear that you don't like them. Invent slurs against the race. Occasionally quip about them not being as smart, strong, tough, etc. You know you've unlocked this achievement when the DM stops the game to say, "Roger. You know they're not real people, right?" When this happens, you'll already be ready. "Of course they're not real people. Complete animals, the lot of them. It's appalling how the local government has allowed them to wear CLOTHES, like us."
    >> SageHoge !!mp3WVEd4fDm 05/27/09(Wed)14:23 No.4681000
    Its like one of my japanese animes:
    Dual weild katannas while you level

    I didn't like them anyways:
    be the only survivor of an encounter then refuse to revive the rest of the party.

    Why didn't just pick bard:
    play a character with levels of sorcerer, fighter, rogue, barbarian, monk, paladin, ranger, druid, wizard, and cleric.

    Bat Country:
    Kill 10 vampires in one session

    Energizer Bunny:
    Go into negative hit points 10 times in one session without dying.

    Man in a half:
    kill a demon on his home plane

    Berserker Packin Man in a half:
    as above while raging.

    Guns are for wusses:
    as above with no weapons or magic bonuses.

    To Stupid To live:
    Fail all saving throws in a campaign.

    Whole team is baby:
    the entire party is under 11 years of age.

    This old man:
    The entire party is over 60.

    Family Time:
    Run an entire campaign for your family.

    Son... I am disappoint:
    as above but half your PC's quit after the first session


    Son... I am proud:
    as above but at the end of the campaign they want to GM a game.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)14:28 No.4681029
    Disco Inferno:
    Set a club/dance hall on fire with people inside
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)14:33 No.4681071
    Shadowrun game I had a month.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)14:36 No.4681097
    ... That is the best response ever.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)14:38 No.4681111
    Ah yes, the anus thread.
    >> Toy Store Anonymous !wImXn9Y2hw 05/27/09(Wed)14:39 No.4681121
    Already have the first one.

    Monks are ridiculously cheap to equip.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)14:51 No.4681213
    (PC) I'm here to kick as and chew bubble gum...

    -And I'm all out of bubble gum:
    Roll a natural twenty after tossing off an awesome one-liner

    -And I'm all out of ass:
    Roll a natural one after tossing off an awesome one-liner
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)14:58 No.4681261
    >Either the DM or a Player rolls a natural 20 for the same task that their opposing number rolls a natural 1.

    Done this last week, well the GURPS equivalent at least. I got a critical success on a psychic interrogation, GM got crit fail. Gave me full access to browse this guy's mind. Moves the plot forwards by several months of potential in game time.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)14:59 No.4681272
    >Lucky Bastard: Roll a 2 on a d20 and still pass.
    Got it. Star pact warlocks FTW!
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)15:07 No.4681343
    Deal 100 or more magic damage with a single attack

    Make more then seven successful attacks in a single turn.
    >> SageHoge !!mp3WVEd4fDm 05/27/09(Wed)15:16 No.4681427
    Just Keep Rollin :
    Roll 5 exploding 10's

    Blow Up a planet while still on it.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)15:23 No.4681479
         File :1243452223.jpg-(133 KB, 1425x268, 1242263572188.jpg)
    133 KB

    yes the anus thread
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)16:51 No.4682191
    Mostly Harmless
    Present a creature or swarm of creatures which the party would naturally expect to be harmless, then attack them with it (eg. swarm of bunnies)

    Fool me once....
    After slaying an impressive monster, have the party trip 3 consecutive traps, without the party looking for them. (eg. trap the door to the vault, trap the floor around the chest, finally trap the item inside the chest)

    Lead from the front
    Have a character, who cannot detect traps, open every door, chest and touch every suspicious object based on the fact that they have the best saves and highest hit points

    Lead from the rear
    Have a character, who cannot detect traps, open every door, chest and touch every suspicious object based on their stupidity or greed while the rest of the party is still engaged in combat (eg. sorcerers who loot bodies and open chests to pocket as much coin for themselves)
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)16:56 No.4682227
    The Babe Ruth:
    Saying to the DM you'll crit next attack and do so.
    >> SageHoge !!mp3WVEd4fDm 05/27/09(Wed)19:07 No.4683109
    Hoo M. Eye:
    Forget your character's name 4 times in one session.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)19:17 No.4683183
    Behold The Face of God
    Have characters be aware of the players.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)19:22 No.4683205
    Im So Hungry, I Could Eat A.....
    Run out of rations and resort to eating the meat of fallen enemies.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)22:21 No.4684482
    Lord of The Underworld
    Have a Member of the party die, and come back as a demon. Recruit said ex-party member into the party as an NPC
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)22:25 No.4684513
    Haven't most DM's done this already?
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)22:25 No.4684520
    Tactical Genius:

    Infiltrate a super heavy tank under enemy lines .
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)22:42 No.4684644
    Gravity plays favorites: Bullrush enemy several levels above you off cliff and live, killing them in the process.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)22:54 No.4684718
    The Red Cyclone: Successfully grapple and slam an enemy that is half your size into the ground.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)23:05 No.4684787
    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)23:06 No.4684789
    I can do what?:
    -Discover a new attack option and use it to end a previously hopeless fight (i.e. discover auto-fire in the middle of a fight in Dark Heresy, then kill the gribbly with burst weapons).

    By your powers combined...
    -Have your character team up with another character or an NPC to control a single body (giant mech, posessed PC, etc.).

    [3.5] Pretty high INT for a Commoner.
    -Lose your spellcasting powers by destroying an artifact with Disjunction while only having levels in the class that gave you access to the spell.

    [player] TL;DR
    -Summarize everything the DM/GM just said for the other players, none of whom were listening.

    Ah told ya not to touch that darn thang.
    -Kill an enemy that is actively trying to destroy something you created.

    Aw, they're goin' ta haf ta glue you back together...
    -Kill an enemy by critically hitting them with an AOE attack.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)23:06 No.4684795
    Wut: Say nothing the Entire game but successfully grapple and molest the BBEG
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)23:17 No.4684884
    It's All Downhill From Here: Kill an enemy by pushing him off of a mountain or cliff.
    I Am The Lizard King! I Can Do Anything!: Successfully play a kobold, sahuagin, lizardfolk, or other scaled humanoid for the entire campaign without dying.
    And Zoidberg: Play a character the opposite alignment of the majority of your party and survive the entire campaign.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)23:32 No.4684989
    Now you're thinking with portals: Summon a demon through a portal so that it falls onto an enemy.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)23:36 No.4685018
    How could I leave this behind?
    Speak in Double Entendres while in playing as a member of Spinal Tap
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)23:42 No.4685090
    Send in the next wave: send several npc's to their untimely deaths to succeed in your plans.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)23:53 No.4685183
    Don't Fear the Reaper.
    Die and be resurrected at least five times with the same character.

    You can't escape the inevitable.
    Permanently kill off a player character who has earned "Don't Fear the Reaper".
    >> Anonymous 05/27/09(Wed)23:59 No.4685250

    See >>4676992
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:00 No.4685255
    This happens in our group every session. Yet we don't want to piss the GM off.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:12 No.4685369
    Believe in me who believes in you:
    Create an awe-inspiring, charismatic character that the party adores, and have him die early in the campaign
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:17 No.4685411
    Yours is the drill that will pierce the heavens:
    Have a less important character step up to the plate and take this character's place
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)00:40 No.4685572
    Ahh... Mango Juice: Have somthing drop, be thrown, or fall on your character inflicting enough damage to kill you, and yet somehow live
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)02:19 No.4686299
    Use another player's attack or ability to propel yourself towards an enemy to strike the killing blow.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)06:12 No.4687529
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)06:16 No.4687549
    Too much detail:
    Stop to take a leak in game.

    Too much detail revenge:
    Get attacked whilst doing so
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)06:20 No.4687563
    Say you're lawful good but advocate torture.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)06:24 No.4687584
    You get eaten by the giantess *grunt* roll against digestion:
    Your Dm adds his fetish in game

    Player adds his.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)06:29 No.4687606
    Why are you awesome:
    Make something so cliche' it becomes awesome again
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)06:39 No.4687664
    Play a vice. Play it properly
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)06:45 No.4687698
    >Too much detail:
    >Stop to take a leak in game.
    Achievement unlocked!
    "I would be honored to hear your story, Ikoma-sama, but even the Iron Phoenix must piss!" Cue stumbling out of the room to physically relieve myself as well.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)06:53 No.4687740
    History Buff:
    Cover sword in shit, expect bonus
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)07:15 No.4687850
    I did this but the Dm ruled it only worked on the ones that got away.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)07:30 No.4687925
    >Super Cripple; 6 Str 20 Int Grey Elf Wizard
    >And Then Dexter Said.... I have a basic storyline the make shit up the rest of the way. Nobody has complained yet.

    Play with immature people who don't bother to learn the rules, for one year and not complain about it.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)07:51 No.4688029
    > Run out of rations and resort to eating the meat of fallen enemies.

    Ulch - that meat was tainted! You feel deathly sick.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)08:00 No.4688068
    Gravity plays favorites: Bullrush enemy several levels above you off cliff and live, killing them in the process.
    The Babe Ruth:
    Saying to the DM you'll crit next attack and do so.
    >Either the DM or a Player rolls a natural 20 for the same task that their opposing number rolls a natural 1.
    I booted a lictor from the top off the ledge inside a hiveship. I also told him that his lictor was about to die. Oh, did I mention whilst screaming "This is Spartaaaaa!?!"?

    Kick something of a ledge whilst screaming "This is Sparta" without being a faggot about it.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)08:16 No.4688145
    What did you expect:
    Build a party face character with barrels of charisma and a back story that shows him off as a leader of men, then refuse to roll play it and just roll a Diplomacy check.
    >> aero zeppelin 05/28/09(Thu)08:23 No.4688170
    >There is no time, Your Sword is Enough:
    >Still have at least 75% of your starting money after >finishing making a character

    >Damn the torpedoes!:
    >Run through an area you know has traps without >disarming them.

    >Welcome to Jurassic Park:
    >Fight and Defeat a Dinosaur

    >Super Cripple:
    >In D&D 3.0-4.0 have one physical stat under 7 and >one stat above 19 and survive you're first 3 encounters.

    >And Then Dexter Said....
    >DM makes up game off the top off his head for at >least two hours
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)08:25 No.4688180
    I don't get it:
    Tell your player you need them too roll for the Anal Circumference Table.

    Wait, What!!:
    When a player tries to start their turn inform them that because they triggered a silent trap earlier they are actually dead, and as such can't attack.

    Immediately after earning Wait, What!!!, escape from your game alive before your players cave your skull in with a Player's Handbook.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)09:03 No.4688420
    >> aero zeppelin 05/28/09(Thu)10:06 No.4688759
    Not even hard.

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