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!mE1ODcDVTM 06/29/09(Mon)01:33 No.5035982 File : 1246253623.png-(120 KB, 800x600, B36.png)
 At the request for more information, the largehatted man continues, >"First, we found your wives here being carried by two monsters who were easily defeated without the leadership of their beastgod. Then much later, we found you floating amongst the beastgod's torn remains! >We brought you all here on this biped vessel, which we gladly gift you. There we no bipeds on board, but it is fully stocked and there is a locked black chest in the cargohold. But is there anything else? Anything else we can offer you? How can we ever repay you?"
Rudy knows how, "I'd like a magical merman tophat." |