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08/15/09(Sat)02:13 No.5460382 File1250316799.jpg-(25 KB, 200x335, 200px-Barloweoldone.jpg)
 >Feed him the full extent of the knowledge of what he's become.
Libraries worth of indescribable information are poured into the shoggoth's mind. It quickly becomes aware of the strengths and limitations of its form. Last Tuesday- billions of years ago, from this world's perspective- another race ruled. The scholars of this planet simply call them the "Elder Things", and you are as far above them as they are above this world's current inhabitants. They created shoggoths, they enslaved them, and they were eventually consumed by them.
The tiny fragment of the shoggoth's mind that is still human also becomes aware of this fact. It screams. Or at least it would, if it was not already screaming.
>Evil donut made from pure explodium. It is done.
> But not before we deliberately redraw the chalk summoning circle into an artistic yet pimpin' pattern, to demonstrate just how useless it is. It is done.
As a pseudopod reaches forth to consume the EXPLODIUM DONUT, it... reacts predictably. The house- and every building for forty blocks in every direction- is no more. The shoggoth is scattered to the four winds. It is not destroyed, but it will take time to reform unaided. You are completely unharmed. |