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!!ql/rzSIfHCY 08/16/09(Sun)02:52 No.5472681 File1250405573.jpg-(169 KB, 600x600, Yeah Yeah Now Let Me Tell You (...).jpg)
 >>5472437 >>5472493 >>5472517 Patrick tells you all about "Mr. 4". We'll assume it's his number obviously. he attempts to tell you about 4's base but seems confused on what exactly you want to know. It's big, very sturdy considering, and is somewhere near the Loch Ness
Getting a little distracted, he decides to tell you the story behind his number 8. Whether or not it is true is up to you to believe. Supposedly, he spotted the Loch Ness monster. Diving in and chasing after the beast, he eventually wrestled the monster for eight days. Eventually the monster pussied out, passing out in a headlock and he tossed it back into the lake.
>>5472534 That'll take some time and a much much larger transport than the one we sent her in on. >>5472567 Oh God. |