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09/15/09(Tue)13:04 No.5871609 File1253034252.jpg-(485 KB, 620x876, Reisen Hexagons.jpg)
The tl;dr version: How does it promote munchkinry when it lowers the dice pool of a powergamed character in most cases, and when it also lowers the amount of hamfisting that has to be done with Attributes and Skills, exactly?
I shall heed your advice, Tewi. I had intended on posting this approximately seven hours ago, but a combination of delays, typing it all up, and shoddy internet had pushed it back for a quarter of a day. Perhaps seventeen hours from now should do.
>The munchkin will use Boneyard with one of their Keystones, getting at least a +3 bonus. So at start, assuming the average in all stats, they'd be rolling 12 on their Boneyard. 3 from Wits, 3 from Occult, 3 from Boneyard, and 3 from the Keystone. Munchkin: Wits 4, Occult 4 ("I'm a professional occult researcher and own my own bookstore."), Boneyard 3, Keystone 3. 14 dice. Non-Munchkin: Wits 2, Occult 1 ("I know a little about ghosts, but I'm no Crowley of the Underworld), Boneyard 3, Keystone 3. 9 dice. There is still a difference of 5 dice because of this arbitrary designation of Attribute and Skill.
>Is this 'her' you? Because this is where the ST comes in to say "no, that's stupid, get rid of that." Alternatively, this could be prevented by something that has been patched into the system mechanically. |