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09/27/09(Sun)07:22 No.6030512 File1254050573.jpg-(763 KB, 1000x1250, Kogasa Danmaku Discs Midriff.jpg)
Danmaku combat relies on four primary traits: • Aim is equal to the mage's Gnosis + Dexterity. It represents the sheer amount of bullets or other particles that the mage can create (Gnosis), along with how well she can weave, pattern, and launch them at the enemy (Dexterity). • Focus is equal to half of the mage's Gnosis (rounded down) + Defense. It is a combination of the supernal clarity and shielding that a willworker's raw power brings to bear (half of Gnosis), plus the mage's natural aptitude at dodging and maneuvering around projectiles being fired in her direction (Defense). • Lives are equal to the mage's Resolve + Composure. It is the amount of direct hits from bullets that a mage's metaphysical body of projected will (Willpower) may absorb. Unlike the Duel Arcane, a mage losing a Life in danmaku combat is not diminished of Willpower. • Spell Cards are comprised of each of the mage's individual arcana dots. A mage with Death 3, Matter 2, and Time 1, for example, has access to a Death 1 spell card, a Death 2 card, a Death 3 card, a Matter 1 card, a Matter 2 card, and a Time 1 card. These cards are the embodiments of the arcane understanding of the mage, used to fuel further power into the mage's curtain fire, and are altogether required to launch danmaku. After a spell card is activated and its effect takes place, its form disintegrates, unable to be used until the mage's next danmaku duel.
Danmaku rolls are the central rolling mechanic in this type of combat. An attacking combatant's dice pool for a given spell card declaration is as follows: • Attacker's Aim + (Spell Card Level × 2) contested by the defender's Focus. Successes on the defender's Focus roll subtract from the attacker's successes. • Any successes are considered lost Lives for the defender. • Willpower may not be used to add to this roll, and Willpower may not be used to increase Focus. Each mage's will is occupied with shaping and dodging danmaku. |