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!!O1JS15Z6lxy 11/22/09(Sun)18:17 No.6821792 File1258931873.jpg-(1.02 MB, 2389x3258, p069.jpg)
Reload as a matter of course and swoop through the densely packed fighters, and make a strike at the airfield. AA fire crazes around you forcing you away, but your able to make a lucky hit against a fuel tanker as you turn, spewing flame and black smoke into the air. You aren't sure if the explosion took out any landed planes. You are pretty sure you gave the airfield a good pasting though.
As you all broke off, you were forced in different directions unfortuantely and you all have to fend for yourself for a few minutes.
You pull out your MG and begin to fire at the enemy. In the dense, target rich environent you quickly make kills, but with all of the fire zipping around you have to dart and junk with your Dodai.
Luckily for you, the smoke from the fuel explosion is making air targets harder to spot, so the ground AA isn't as bad anymore.
You take burst of light MG fire on the chest with no damage, and manage to block a missile with your shield. Looks like those designers back in Cali weren't lying about the improved armour and agility.
You're able meet back up with your squad in mid-air. Jolyne seems fine but Zolomon's Zaku and his Doday are scuffed up here and there, with the occaisional dent.
Kills 6 Planes Zol: 7 Planes Jolyne: 8 Planes
You are currently in the middle of a giant furball, you can continue fighting or you can finish off the airbase. Or any other good idea you have.