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  • File : 1261185758.jpg-(70 KB, 1000x500, Glowing pit.jpg)
    70 KB OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)20:22 No.7194875  
    Quest Thread: Strange Places

    Continued From: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/7188192/

    Last we left off, you were a 16 year old plain looking girl, you were lost in a strange place. You were in some kind of ringed courtyard, the center of the courtyard was blocked off by a wall. You squeezed through to find that your limited light was reduced further. You are standing in front of a strange machine:

    Last Post: As your field of light interacts with it, the undulating artificial noise picks up in intensity. It looks like a construct of a combination of glass and metal. It's horribly mangled, there are no exposed wires, but there are what appear to be beams of light that arc and twist within the shredded remains. It looks like it may have at one time been a robot, but it's been mutilated beyond recognition. The noise is the residual power supply causing some its components to twitch. What it originally looked like is anyone's guess.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)20:32 No.7194990
    rolled 6, 1, 3 = 10

    Examine the machine further. Get closer, touch it lightly.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/09(Fri)20:34 No.7195031
    the robot is twitchy and coming back to life from my presence, I am gonna back away for now
    >> Anonymous 12/18/09(Fri)20:36 No.7195062
    Stop reading my diary, Kevin.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)20:43 No.7195145
    The robot seems to be pretty severely incapacitated, and doesn't react beyond what it's already doing.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)20:47 No.7195192
    rolled 3, 2, 6 = 11

    Can we get a verbal response? Let's ask it if there's any way we can help it.

    I don't suppose we were studying light-powered robots in high school?
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)20:52 No.7195251
    No, there is no response, it looks too badly mangled. No, you weren't studying light powered robots in school. You know that the time you live in is the contemporary era, that is, here on the cusp of the year 2010.

    You've never seen anything like this.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)20:54 No.7195263
    rolled 2, 2, 3 = 7

    Can we take it with us? I'm guessing it's quite heavy, so we might have to drag it. At the very least, it's an additional light source.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)20:55 No.7195273
    It provides very little in the way of a light source, and you didn't see it when it was outside the ambient light that is following you. It's not heavy, in fact, quite the opposite, it's very lightweight. However, it is bulky.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)20:57 No.7195283
    rolled 2, 3, 2 = 7

    We should pick it up and continue moving. Are there any entrances or exists besides that which we came through?
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)20:58 No.7195293
    Hey, it's back!

    See if there's anything about it we can recognize; a CD/DVD drive, speakers, anything an average teenager would find similar to a computer.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)21:00 No.7195310
    No, the entire thing looks completely alien.

    Well, you know where you came from, and you aren't sure how large this room is, it would be quite easy to get lost should you stray too far, especially in the limited lighting that seems to be following.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)21:02 No.7195328
    rolled 3, 5, 2 = 10

    We'll follow the wall on the left side. Sooner or later, if we don't find another route, we'll end up back where we started.

    Unless the room is infinitely large, that is.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)21:02 No.7195331
    This room is on the outside of the main circular pathway that we first started on, right? Whereas the room with the dais is on the inside of the curve?
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)21:10 No.7195415
    The main circular path has 8 forks at equilateral points pointing out from the circular path. The dais was at the end of one of those forks. This room was from the fork after the fork with the dais (if this isn't too confusing)...
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)21:11 No.7195433
    Oooooh. I thought the room with the dais was on the inner side, differing from the others. Looks like I was wrong.

    Seconding putting our hand to the wall and walking around the room to get an idea of it's dimensions.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)21:13 No.7195444
    rolled 2, 6, 6 = 14

    Okay, first, let's take the robot remains back the way we came, and set them on the dais.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)21:13 No.7195449
    After a short bit, you almost fall as floor seems to have come to an abrupt end. The robot-like thing you are dragging seems to be trying to react to your presence now, as what you thought was shredded material turns out to be four arms as they try to wrap around you!
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)21:14 No.7195458
    rolled 4, 1, 3 = 8

    Or after
    I suppose it really doesn't matter.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)21:16 No.7195492
    rolled 1, 4, 4 = 9

    Shove it away.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)21:17 No.7195499
    Awww, it's trying to keep us from falling. I think it likes us. Try not to fall again, and return to the entrance of the room.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)21:21 No.7195540
    You shove it away, it breaks further from the force of your shove, pieces break off as the main body of it is shoved into the inky blackness of the precipice you nearly fell down.the 4 arm-like appendages are still trying to cling onto you but seem mostly impotent now.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)21:23 No.7195561
    Huh. Maybe it wasn't as benevolent as I thought. Whatever. Shall we trek back to the entrance of the chamber?
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)21:24 No.7195575
    rolled 2, 6, 6 = 14

    This. Let's take what remains of the robot to the dais. If nothing happens, we can explore the other six forks.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)21:28 No.7195630
    Forks forks everywhere, and not a bit to eat.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)21:29 No.7195637
    You head back to the dais with the four arms, you get a cold chill run through you. The arms seem to glow slightly brighter as they wrap around you with more force.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)21:30 No.7195647
    rolled 2, 4, 1 = 7

    Pull em' off and put em' on the dais.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)21:33 No.7195686
    Hugs from beyond the grave!

    Pull them away, put 'em n the dais.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)21:38 No.7195743
    rolled 1 = 1

    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)21:41 No.7195786
    You fail, as the arms wrap around you. They are mostly ineffective though and do little more than form a harness around your shoulders and ribs. You feel like you are cold as long as they are wrapped around you. They seem to be locked tight around you.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)21:43 No.7195797
    Well crap. Step onto dais.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)21:44 No.7195819
    The dais is not currently visible, just an empty whole where it was, the dais was only apparently made of light, and it only seemed to exist for a brief second. Do you proceed?
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)21:46 No.7195829
    rolled 4, 3, 3 = 10

    Yes. Move to the position where it appeared.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)21:47 No.7195850
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)21:49 No.7195876

    The dais shimmers back to life under your feet. it's made of a blue-ish light, it illuminates the area brighter. It seems to be an elevator of sorts as it descends into the darkness.

    The arms twist around themselves, and you feel a sharp pain in the back of your neck. You start to "feel" the arms.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)21:50 No.7195889
    rolled 4, 6, 6 = 16

    Will them to relax.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)21:51 No.7195900
    rolled 1 = 1

    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)21:53 No.7195917
    They fail to relax. You feel them shifting their configuration.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)21:54 No.7195940
    No offense OP, but can we roll the dice from now on?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/09(Fri)21:55 No.7195959
         File1261191313.jpg-(89 KB, 480x684, spiderman_2_doc_t_l.jpg)
    89 KB
    "Ease up. You listen to ME now."
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)21:55 No.7195963
    rolled 6, 5, 4 = 15

    Must we do coin flips?
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)21:55 No.7195965
    No problem!
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)21:58 No.7196006
    rolled 4, 1, 1 = 6

    Will the arms to stretch out, away from our body.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)21:59 No.7196021
    Easiest way, since this is mostly freeform style.

    The elevator reaches the bottom, the dais slowly fades away again, leaving you in darkness. The arms seem to be done configuring, they feel almost like a backpack with how they are wrapped around your shoulders and reconfigured to have a larger bulk across your back..
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)22:00 No.7196023
    Thanks. Just tell us when you need a roll.

    Try to will the arms to loosen up a bit.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)22:01 No.7196047
    Whoops, disregard that.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)22:02 No.7196060
    The arms loosen up, and the 'backpack' seems to be stuck to you but seems to adjust for your comfort.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)22:04 No.7196100
    Disregard that disregardation.

    Is the room completely dark or is there a doorway visible? If not, walk forwards cautiously until we reach a wall.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)22:08 No.7196163
    the area seems to be made up of arching hallways, the illumination that's provided seems to encompass it, the entire thing is ribbed, giving you the sense that you are in some kind of creature, there are faintly glowing trails of light illuminating the area further in very dim light. The area the dais has descended into has only one discernable direction, that being forward.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)22:17 No.7196275
    rolled 5, 2, 4 = 11

    Then we go forward. Do the arms possess any inbuilt tools?
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)22:21 No.7196310
    You know as much as your character does. You can exert some level of control over it, but otherwise you don't know what the backpack's capabilities are.

    The hallway empties out into a large chamber. This chamber seems to be better lit than anything else you've run across so far, the ribs seem to come together in this room into a large column descending from the cieling to the floor in the center of the room. The "ribbed" column seems to have several smoothe surfaces along it that seem oddly out of place in comparison to the rest of the column.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)22:21 No.7196319
    Maybe we should try to go back? I'd hate to miss anything on the upper floor.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)22:25 No.7196367
    rolled 1, 5, 3 = 9

    Try to make one of the arms turn into a drill, and see what it does. Walk up to the column and examine it more closely, and look back over our shoulder to see if we can still see the way back.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)22:27 No.7196389
    Inspect column.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)22:27 No.7196392
    ROLL! 1d4
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)22:28 No.7196395
    rolled 4 = 4

    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)22:30 No.7196417
    You seem to synch with the arm, you can feel it as an extension of yourself. It unfolds from the backpack, looking almost like a spider leg, you feel yourself almost go into shock as the heat is sapped from your body, you feel so cold all over. The arm seems to have some kind of blue-ish purple glow at the tip of it.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)22:32 No.7196443
    rolled 5, 3, 1 = 9

    We might only get one shot at this. Stamina is not in infinite supply.

    >> Captain Bullshit Returns...Again! 12/18/09(Fri)22:35 No.7196478
    Why do I feel like I'm playing Ico when I'm reading this thread?
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)22:38 No.7196507
    There's is a crash of energy as the arm slams into the column, the energy of the arm meets some form of energy barrier around the column, you are knocked on your ass and are momentarily blinded. When you vision clears you see some of the walls of the room have been removed and the same kind of glass and metal machinery with bending ribbons of light weaving around in it that the robot was made of lies behind them. There are crackles of some kind of energy along the ribbing along the walls. The illumination in this room seems to have increased as you can see it wholly... You hear a low hum starting to build up.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)22:39 No.7196528
    rolled 3, 1, 4 = 8

    Return the drill arm to normal form. Touch the ribbing.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)22:43 No.7196575
    Wow. Um, inspect the column and surrounding area.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)22:43 No.7196589
    what's Ico?

    The arm folds back into the backpack. As you touch the ribbing, a pulse of energy repels you violently. You are knocked back as you slide across the floor several feet.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)22:45 No.7196611
    rolled 1, 6, 2 = 9

    Ico is a video game for the Playstation 2.

    Inspect the column, I guess.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)22:50 No.7196672
    So touch=knockback. Good to know. Inspect column and then the humming noise.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)22:53 No.7196698
    The column now seems to be encompassed in some form of energy field. The low hum seems to stabilize as it becomes a gentle and consistent tone. The column seems to have streams of light flowing through the flat panels on the otherwise ribbed column.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)22:56 No.7196725
    rolled 3, 6, 1 = 10

    Try to make the backpack create the same type of field that kicks us around so easily.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)22:57 No.7196736
    Flat panels eh? Do they resemble computer screens?
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)22:58 No.7196753
    Considering how little you know about all of this, that would be an impossibility.

    The low hum seems to be coming from everywhere, more than likely the machinery that surrounds this room.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)22:59 No.7196771
    So does it look like there is any way out of this chamber other than the way we came?
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)22:59 No.7196773
    rolled 1, 1, 6 = 8

    We made an energy drill, but a force field is "impossible?" Really?
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)23:02 No.7196815
    Well, you wanted drill, the arms did what they could. You want a form of energy but aren't specific in how you want it, but you are specific enough to want "this specific energy" but you have no clue as to what it is exactly.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)23:04 No.7196837
    There's nothing blocking the direction you came from, in fact, if you look back you see that energy dais is there, instead of the weak shimmer, it seems to be a strong emanating glow now. This entire area seems to be more alive.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)23:06 No.7196869
    rolled 2, 3, 6 = 11

    Let's try focusing on a point and trying to "push" against it with mind, not body. Just concentrate.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)23:06 No.7196874
    Right, but is there any other way out of the room?
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)23:08 No.7196896
    You don't seem to have the ability to do that right now if it is possible.

    There doesn't seem to be.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)23:09 No.7196902
    rolled 2, 4, 2 = 8

    Alright, I'll hold off on that for now. Let's go back to the elevator.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)23:11 No.7196943
    This. Also, because I have nothing else to contribute to the conversation right now, have some d'awwwww.

    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)23:15 No.7196991
    When you get to the elevator it starts to ascend, this time you can see the shaft it goes up, there seems to be a clear energy barrier around the elevator this time, the illumination everywhere seems to be good enough to see everything now. Where there was once abysmal darkness you can see the walls of this place, it seems this entire "building" is a giant ovoid structure. the walls are ribbed, encircling the entire thing. The ribbing has pulses of energy that run through the pulses seem to be gradually fading and evening out as they are slowly becoming a steady stream of energy.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/09(Fri)23:15 No.7196992

    >> Anonymous 12/18/09(Fri)23:16 No.7197013

    Can we control where we ascend or descend to?
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)23:22 No.7197085
    it seems this elevator only has 2 levels it goes to. If you are on the lower floor, it goes to the upper floor, if you are on the upper floor, it goes to the lower floor.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/09(Fri)23:23 No.7197103


    Look around the room now that it is more visible. Is there anything at all of note?

    If there isn't, dance a little jig.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)23:25 No.7197114
    Let's go back tot he room where we ound the robot. Hopefully it will be better lit now and we can take stock more fully.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)23:26 No.7197120
    rolled 2, 5, 1 = 8

    Let's explore the other forks.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/09(Fri)23:26 No.7197127

    From the way it's better lit, we may be activating the entire structure by simply walking around in it. Which makes the presence of a robot quite worrying.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)23:28 No.7197147
    rolled 1, 4, 2 = 7

    Or it could be that the whole complex was in "low power" mode, and reactivated to protect itself when we tried to DRILL its main reactor, or whatever the thing in the basement is.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)23:29 No.7197161
    There doesn't seem to be much else of note, the scope of this place seems like something out of a dreamscape. You can see the thick central column that's surrounded by the path you started on is highly reflective, seemingly made of mercury. There are bands of white light that emanates from the top of it forming rings rings around the area near where it meets the ceiling. You can see the path and the forks along it, the fork to your right seems to contain a gigantic highly reflective metal dais that has rings of blue light around it's base. The other paths seem to have doors, each door is slightly different in regards to the seams and constructions.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)23:30 No.7197176
    Well the robot was severely damaged when we found it. And it's better lit now because we activated te generator or something.

    Anyway, explore all the forks by going clockwise from where we exit the dais room. Which just so happens to bring us to the robot room first.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)23:30 No.7197177
    rolled 4, 2, 4 = 10

    To the gigantic, possibly very dangerous dais!
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)23:31 No.7197186
    Isn't that where we just came from?
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)23:34 No.7197219
    rolled 6, 3, 6 = 15

    ...Is it? I honestly don't know.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)23:38 No.7197274
    Well we just left the room so it seems like the only place we would be able to see into is the place we just left, which if we turned to head down the path would now be to our right. 'Specially since the other forks have doors which we (presumably) cannot see through.

    If I'm wrong, please tell me OP.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/09(Fri)23:41 No.7197308
    Sorry I'm late. I got as far " you were a 16 year old plain looking girl". Whatever is going on, I seduce it.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)23:42 No.7197326
    You are standing along one path leading towards the central circular walkway, behind you is a glowing dais made of pure light or energy. The next path on your right over along the circular walkway is a slightly raised metallic dais with a ring of blue-ish energy around it's base. The walkway to the left of you that's off the central circular walkway is damaged, the door is heavily scored in what appears to be weapons' fire. The door is hanging slightly at an angle, looking almost like a guillotine blade, with a small gap between it and the floor only on the left side of the door. Everything has a very clean feel, the walkways are a dull dark grey, still keeping it secret whether it's metal or stone. Everything else feels carefully sculpted, as if this organic look with the ribbing was instead of being a machination of nature, to be a deliberate design of some great machine.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)23:44 No.7197359
    rolled 1, 4, 5 = 10

    Go left, use backpack arms to try to move the door.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)23:45 No.7197364
    Looks like I was wrong. My bad. Go to the raised dais like Subprocessor said.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)23:48 No.7197393
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)23:49 No.7197414
    rolled 5, 1, 4 = 10

    Door first. If we can't move it, we'll go right and level up. (Heh)
    >> Researcher Sam 12/18/09(Fri)23:53 No.7197469
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)23:56 No.7197505
    The door pulls open easily with the spider-leg like arms that fold out of your backpack. Inside the walkway continues for a few meters before it widens into another dais, this one doesn't seem to be anything special, as it's just made up of the same material the walkway is, however you see that this entire room is a giant sphere, there are energy platforms sprinkled seemingly at random all over the room. the wall surrounding everything in this spherical room is made up of that same highly reflective metallic material that the central column of the complex is made of, looking like mercury.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/18/09(Fri)23:58 No.7197525
    rolled 3, 2, 3 = 8

    Dais-standing has worked before, and by God it will work again. Step up.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/18/09(Fri)23:58 No.7197533
    Sadly nothing happens.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/19/09(Sat)00:01 No.7197566
    Go to the robot room and give it a look-over to see if there was anything we missed the first time around.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)00:01 No.7197569
    rolled 5, 5, 2 = 12

    Damn. Let's touch one of the energy platforms, and if nothing happens, we'll go right. I'm starting to think that this complex depends on a sequence chain to do whatever it's meant to do. I missed the puzzles in my life.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)00:02 No.7197587
    rolled 2, 5, 2 = 9

    Robot room first it is.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)00:04 No.7197604
    You can grab on to one of the energy platforms, the platform seems to conform to your hand grip to give you an easier time grabbing it.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)00:05 No.7197612
    That's where you are right now.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/19/09(Sat)00:07 No.7197634
    It is? Oh wow, I hadn't realized. So where is the pit that we almost fell in?
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)00:07 No.7197638
    rolled 3, 2, 6 = 11

    I'm going to need a map. I can't believe I can even find my way to the bathroom with a sense of direction this piss-poor.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)00:09 No.7197654
    Everywhere, beyond the broken door that you've pried open is a continuation of the path, this time there's no railings, the path continues for a few meters and becomes a dais, now that there is illumination u can see it's not a pit, but the fact that the entire room is a sphere, and the path that you are on is self-suspended, the dais in the center of it.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)00:11 No.7197670
    Sorry, give me a few minutes and I'll make one, just warning you it'll be a ms paint creation
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)00:13 No.7197695
    rolled 1, 6, 1 = 8

    >Complain about MSPaint on 4chan

    You could upload a picture of a cave painting and I would praise you like DaVinci. We don't worry too much about quality if it gets the job done.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/19/09(Sat)00:14 No.7197712
    Okay, got it now. Thanks for clearing that up.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)00:17 No.7197751
         File1261199841.jpg-(67 KB, 956x662, Strange Places.jpg)
    67 KB
    Here ya go.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)00:19 No.7197804
    rolled 2, 4, 2 = 8

    Awesome. Shall we journey to the metallic dais?
    >> Researcher Sam 12/19/09(Sat)00:21 No.7197824
    Muuuuuuch better.

    So we're currently holding on to one of the energy discs in the robot room right? Can we get it to lower a bit so we can climb on? Try asking verbally, thinking about it hard in the direction of the disc, and just pulling it down.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)00:24 No.7197865
    Doesn't seem to work. other than conforming to you, the energy platform seems rather inert.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)00:30 No.7197941
    rolled 6, 6, 4 = 16

    Metallic Dais. We must stand on it.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/19/09(Sat)00:30 No.7197944
    Whelp, then do this >>7197804
    >> Researcher Sam 12/19/09(Sat)00:31 No.7197957
    Wow, I can't type tonight. That was supposed to read "Weep then do this"
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)00:40 No.7198052
    You stand on the metallic dais. Nothing seems to be overtly happening at first, and then you feel a pulse beneath your feet. You see additional illumination soon start to blink into service. There is a low frequency "boom" emanate from somewhere in here. The frequency prevents you from hearing it, but you can feel it like a sudden pound in your chest. After the boom, you can hear a buzzing noise sounding like hundreds of insects. The buzzing undulates, sounding like some form of communication.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/19/09(Sat)00:43 No.7198074

    Beeeeeees! Why does it have to be bees!? Stand and try to listen. Maybe they are trying to communicate with us.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)00:43 No.7198075
    rolled 6, 6, 2 = 14

    Continue to stand there for a few minutes. We'll see if the buzzing gets any easier to interpret.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)00:44 No.7198087
    No, it does not.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/19/09(Sat)00:47 No.7198125
    Time to go check out another room? Try the one next to where we are right now; at about 5 O'clock on the map you made.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)00:49 No.7198135
    rolled 1, 3, 3 = 7

    Exit the room, continue to the right. I hope we don't have to face any FREQUENCY BEES in this complex.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)00:51 No.7198165
    You aren't in a room, the metallic dais is out in the open, the path to it directly connected to the central curving path without a door or anything.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)00:52 No.7198174
    rolled 2, 4, 6 = 12

    Oh. Well, we'll go to the right anyway.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)00:57 No.7198225

    During the short walk to the next door, the buzzing frequency that you hear seems to change slightly into a clicking with a gentle sort of tones between them. You can 'feel' your backpack receiving a stream of information, you can feel it strengthen a bit.

    You get to the door to that place, and feel a sense of foreboding as your adrenaline raises. The door opens and you see a mass of energy surrounded by glass and metal, it seems to be a different model of the robot you found, only this one seems to be fully functional. Hanging from the walls and ceiling are gutted remains of other robotic like things, mangled, shredded, taken apart with surgical precision. This thing seems to be in the middle of some form of boot-up sequence.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)01:00 No.7198258
    rolled 6, 4, 3 = 13

    That forcefield we don't have would probably come in handy right about here.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/19/09(Sat)01:00 No.7198261
    "Hello Hal. You seem to be trying to boot up. I'm sorry, but I can't let you do that."

    Keep some distance from the 'bot, when it's fully activated try calling out to it to see if it responds.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)01:02 No.7198278
    Can you be more specific about how you call out to it?
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)01:05 No.7198297
    rolled 3, 6, 2 = 11

    "I am the Keymaster."
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)01:12 No.7198352
    The thing turns to face you, at least you think it does, it's front, back, top, bottom don't seem to have any distinguising features as such. It hovers there. You see two blue beams being fired angled out from it in a V shape if viewed from above, there's a blue energy field existing between the two beams, it has the beams guide the energy field over your head, moving down to your toes. It seems to be scanning you.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/19/09(Sat)01:15 No.7198384
    "Present unit designation."

    Say this to the robot.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)01:16 No.7198386
    rolled 5, 1, 6 = 12

    I suppose we should just stand still and be unthreatening. Please continue.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)01:19 No.7198412
    It emits a bright flashes of light, in a sequence, your head starts hurting as you start feeling like you are having a siezure. You feel a sharp pain in your neck as your backpack tightens around you again, the feeling subsides quickly, but you feel a little jittery and your hands are still trembling as it continues the sequence of flashes. It's approaching you slowly. You see small spider-like legs fold out from it as the tips of the legs seem to have that same bluish energy wrapping around the tips that your backpack produced when you desired a "drill".
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)01:22 No.7198435
    rolled 6, 6, 3 = 15

    Start backing up. Will our arms to change again. Nebulous concepts: "laser cannon" and "tower shield" should do it.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/19/09(Sat)01:23 No.7198446
    I think now is running away time. Yes.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)01:25 No.7198465
    You feel your "new arms" flail a little as if you were trying to move your hand but don't know how, you imagine that this might take some getting used to, as nebulous concepts don't seem to work.

    You hear a female voice emanate from around you. "It's bored. It wants a puzzle."
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)01:29 No.7198503
    rolled 6, 5, 4 = 15

    We'll start with something easy. Hopefully it can respond in English.

    "Why is six afraid of seven?"
    >> Researcher Sam 12/19/09(Sat)01:30 No.7198509
    A puzzle? Very well.

    If Johnny has 3 apples and George has 2 apples, how many mangoes do they have all together?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/09(Sat)01:31 No.7198518
    If the robot doesn't get this one, can I answer it?
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)01:33 No.7198540
    You start to answer with this, and the voice chimes in around you again. "You are a puzzle. a Genetic puzzle. It will take you apart again and again until it solves you."
    >> Researcher Sam 12/19/09(Sat)01:34 No.7198554

    Run. Run fast like speed of sound.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)01:35 No.7198564
    rolled 5, 3, 3 = 11

    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)01:37 No.7198604
    You seem to react faster than it does, as you turn and run... Have any particular destination?
    >> Researcher Sam 12/19/09(Sat)01:40 No.7198637
    Hmmm, elevator or bee room or robot room or one of the others. I vote bee room. Also, call out to the female voice and ask it how to stop the robot.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)01:41 No.7198645
    rolled 4, 1, 6 = 11

    The elevator. I'm trying to think of a suitable weapon to fight this thing with, but the only thing we've managed to make so far is a drill, and it already has those. It would be kick-ass if we could disable it with EMP or hack it with the frequency buzz.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)01:44 No.7198681
    >I vote bee room
    Bee room? The buzzing was coming from seemingly whatever is like an intercom. There was no specific room, the "intercom" activated when you stepped on the metallic dais that looked all conspicuous.

    >Also, call out to the female voice and ask it how to stop the robot.
    "Stop it? Why would I wish to have you do that? You are an aberration here. Invader..."
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)01:44 No.7198691
    rolled 1, 1, 3 = 5

    If we're a genetic puzzle, perhaps we can distract it with a DNA sample. A strand of hair or a drop of blood might do it.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)01:46 No.7198703
    rolled 2, 2, 3 = 7

    "Tell her we'll be happy to leave if she tells us how."

    Pull strand of hair, toss at robot.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/19/09(Sat)01:47 No.7198716
    Sorry, meant the big dais room. And do this >>7198703
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)01:48 No.7198722
    rolled 5, 1, 4 = 10

    I guess that first line shouldn't be in quotes. Herp.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)01:48 No.7198731
    "I would, but that is beyond the scope of my knowledge."

    The strand of hair is tossed down, it stops momentarily, emitting that broad beam of light scanning the hair. It seems to momentarily study it before it resumes searching for you, though it did give you enough to get a decent head start.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)01:50 No.7198767
    rolled 4, 1, 5 = 10

    Toss another strand of hair. Ask the voice why we have been identified as an invader.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)01:50 No.7198768
    the spherical room with the platforms, the "robot" room, or the elevator-dais?
    >> Researcher Sam 12/19/09(Sat)01:51 No.7198778
    Nice. If Subprocessor is still voting for elevator I'm down with that.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)01:54 No.7198809
    rolled 2, 3, 3 = 8

    We should go 'round the ring at least once, if we now have the ability to delay the damn thing. Maybe we'll find something that will enable us to crush it with mind-bullets. Head left, to the nearest unexplored area.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/19/09(Sat)01:56 No.7198840
    Sounds good to me.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)01:59 No.7198865
         File1261205957.png-(120 KB, 620x861, schroface.png)
    120 KB
    rolled 3, 6, 5 = 14

    I deleted the post referring to the post you deleted. We can keep the chain going if you want, it's all good.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)01:59 No.7198870
    You get to the door on the fork after the robot room. The voice then speaks up in a generally helpful voice. "That's a dead end. You will only get caught in there, two more doors down, you will find escape."
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)01:59 No.7198871
    rolled 4, 5, 1 = 10

    You made me laugh, OP.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)02:00 No.7198881
    rolled 1, 3, 6 = 10

    Drop another strand of hair, go two doors down. Why the hell not.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/19/09(Sat)02:02 No.7198897
    Because the voice might be in cahoots with the robot that's why! But let's do it anyway.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)02:03 No.7198910
    rolled 5, 2, 2 = 9

    Damn straight it's in cahoots. But we're an invader, and if we GTFO there's no reason for the voice to worry. Frankly, it might be directing us to leave its jurisdiction so we aren't its problem anymore.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/19/09(Sat)02:06 No.7198939
    Sounds good to me.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)02:07 No.7198944
    You get to the door, it opens rather easily. Inside you see a large set of energy-platforms functioning like stairs arching around to your left and right. The rest of the room is open, there are a series of 12 raised platforms on either side, underneath the second level that you could acces via the stairs. The raised platforms house thick beams of light at least 2 meters wide that extend straight up into a similar upside-down platform on the ceiling. This place seems to have lessened amounts of illumination compared to the main area, mostly lit by just the beams of light emanating from the 24 beams (12 on each side).

    The voice speaks again. "That room was a trap. There is only one exit, that being the way you came." You think you can almost hear a sense of satisfaction from the voice.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)02:09 No.7198962
    rolled 5, 2, 2 = 9

    "How long has it been since you've had an invader?"

    Go to the next door. Drop a strand of hair.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)02:10 No.7198968
    You will have to exit the door you just entered?
    >> Researcher Sam 12/19/09(Sat)02:10 No.7198969
    "So what do we do now? Climb the stairs?"
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)02:12 No.7198978
    rolled 3, 4, 5 = 12

    Hang on. Is the voice saying that the basement is the trap room, and the room we're currently in is the only way out? Take the damn stairs.
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)02:13 No.7198986
    It said that as soon as you entered this room from the main 'courtyard'.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)02:16 No.7199009
    rolled 4, 2, 1 = 7

    "Which way did we come from? We don't even remember how we got in here in the first place!"
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)02:18 No.7199036
    Okay... It directed you to a door specifically that was off the main circular walkway. You entered into this room (it's the door in the 2 o clock position on the map) and once you entered from the main area, it opened up with that quote about this room being a trap. In the room is the two staircases heading to a second floor of this room, on the bottom floor there are several beams of light that go from the floor to the ceiling.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/19/09(Sat)02:19 No.7199048
    Head up right staircase to the second floor.
    >> ★ Subprocessor DM 12/19/09(Sat)02:20 No.7199056
    rolled 6, 1, 2 = 9

    This quest makes me feel like a moron. To the next door!
    >> OP !h28m2qQSeY 12/19/09(Sat)02:24 No.7199087
    Sadly, I must go now. I will continue this thread tomorrow. Sorry.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/19/09(Sat)02:24 No.7199095
    I-wait, so it tricked us into going into this room? Crap, choose another room to take refuge in.
    >> Researcher Sam 12/19/09(Sat)02:26 No.7199106
    Noooooooooo! Well, can you at least tell us about when you'll start it up again? It's been great so far and I don't want to miss the next part.

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