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    81 KB Lictor Quest Part IX That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)16:49 No.7234880  
    Pic probably related. Previous Thread:

    Time until Fleet's arrival: 3.125 days
    Time until Planetary Shadow in the Warp: 3 hours
    Inventory/Assets: Lictorcron named "Chewy", Inferno Pistol, assorted archeotech, 19 Necronized Genestealer-Hybrids, 2 Necronized Ogryn-Genestealer hybrid, 1 Necronized Genestealer hybrid made to look like a techpriest, and armed with three Inferno Pistol mechandrites, 20 Bioplasma Spore Mines, 20 Bioacid Spore Mines, 20 Dark Eldar Torturemines, 80 Rippercrons, 2 Synrippers, 46 Plasmarippers.
    Current Biomorphs: Rending Claws, Mantid Claws, Bioplasma, Feeder Tendrils, Chameleonic Scales, Drug Miasma (Obscura, slaught, frenzon), Adrenal Glands, Egg Sacs, Synapse Node, Warp-Lobe, Pistol Socket, Ovipositor, Flesh Hooks, Stinger, Toxin Sacs
    Warp Abilities: Telekinesis, Telepathy, Mind-Blast, Localized Shadow in the Warp, Synapse Control, Levitation

    You have prepared your trap well. All that awaits now is for you to activate your Synrippers, have them start pinging the Grey Knights, and wait for them to fall into your trap.

    WHAT DO?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)16:51 No.7234900
    >All that awaits now is for you to activate your Synrippers

    >WHAT DO?

    I'll have a drink. Oh, and activate synrippers.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)16:52 No.7234910
         File1261432341.jpg-(57 KB, 633x437, Lictorlictor.jpg)
    57 KB
    pic related to this quest.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)16:59 No.7234973
    start pinging with synrippers, and make it look as close to your own psychic signature as possible.

    Also, don't make it look like you're just sitting still in the trap...try to provide the illusion you're running into the DoomCave as the Knights show up.

    Then let the feasting commence.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)17:03 No.7235018

    Confirmed: Activate Synrippers outside of Broken Faceplate, then have them continue pinging as they work their way into the building, and crawl to their respective waiting locations. Do you wish to try and detect the Grey Knights' current location with your psychic abilities?
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)17:13 No.7235117
    Bumping for the sake of the regulars.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)17:18 No.7235158
    Sorry, had to shower before work.

    Suggestion: Crawl into our hiding spot and wait. We'll know when they're here.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)17:24 No.7235206

    Where in the bar would you like to hide: The bathroom, the ventilation system, the main bar area, the storage room, or the secret drug room under the storage room?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)17:25 No.7235224
    Secret drug room.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)17:28 No.7235259
    Wait for my plan draft. Incoming [messages/posts]
    >> Don't start without me AAAGH Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)17:30 No.7235274
    [Community/fellow Hive Nodes] we are of the Great Devourer. We may use every dimension as we are [highly mobile/tactical geniuses].

    NORTH Wall/bar
    WEST Door to Outside EAST Restroom
    SOUTH Door to Storage

    The Ventilation System: Designations "Doomlictor" and "Chewy" as well as Six Stealercrons and twenty plasmarippers.
    The Dance Floor:
    Ten bioacid mines and all twenty of the torturemines on the floor of the bar. These are expendable to attempt a probing/distracting assault on the Grey Knights. The Synripper #1 is hiding -NOT MOVING- behind the bar at the corner closest to the bathroom doors. Also hiding underneath the ledge of the bar where the [imbibed substance/drinks] are kept is ten plasmarippers, ready to provide fire support through the wood paneling.
    The Bathroom:
    Two Stealercron Ogryns and six Stealercron humans, which will attack the Grey Knights as they approach Synripper #1 or once they Grey Knights are otherwise distracted.
    The Storage Room Leading to Basement:
    Eight Stealercrons, ready to head to the dance floor or the basement to attack the Grey Knights.
    The Basement:
    Synripper #2 giving the second psyker lure. Ten bioacid mines, ready to weaken the bar floor/dance floor. Twenty Bioplasma mines are down there to attack any Grey knights that fall through. Sixteen Plasmarippers which will provide fire support through the floor.
    The Four Walls (Inside the walls):
    All eighty Rippercrons, twenty to a wall, to provide gauss blast fire support, and to tunnel out and keep the Grey Knights in melee if they appear to attempt to escape the [kill zone/Building].
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)17:31 No.7235288
    When the GK come in, unless they breach the Bathroom or Storage room, only attack with ten acid mines and the torture mines. If they come through the bar behind Synripper #1, they have to cross past the bathroom and go across the floor to get to the basement. If they come in through the front door, they need to walk across the open danceroom floor to get to the bar, as well as going past the storage room entrance.
    Vector A) Those attacking Synripper #1 Behind the bar
    1) they traverse the dance floor covered in torturemines and ten bioacid mines. They near Synripper #1. When close enough to engage Synripper #1, the ten plasmarippers under the bar and the two Stealercron Ogryns and six stealercrons rush from the bathroom and attack.
    2) The Wall rippercrons start firing.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)17:32 No.7235299
    3a) The Grey Knight farthest from the attacking Stealercrons is attacked by the six stealercrons in the ventilation system and Chewy, and is dragged INTO the ventilation system by all attackers. Inside the ventilation system, we all attack this singular Grey Knight. This occurs simultaneously to Step 3b.
    3b) The Bioacid mines in the basement detonate, weakening the floor the armored Grey Knights stand on.
    Scenario 3b1) If they all fall through, the Stealercrons from the bathroom jump down and attack, the plasmamines go off, the sixteen plasmarippers fire, the rippercrons fire downwards, and the Storage room stealercrons head downstairs to attack.
    Scenario 3b2) If some are upstairs and some fall downstairs, ten bioplasmamines attack these, the other half float up and assault the marines on the dance floor. The sixteen plasmarippers fire on the Grey Knights downstairs, and four stealercrons head upstairs and four stealercrons head downstairs.
    Scenario 3b3) If none fall downstairs, the plasmarippers fire throught the floor on the Grey Knights. The Eight Stealercrons all rush out the Storage room and assault the Grey Knights.
    4) All units converge on surviving Grey Knights. Doomlictor is exempt, and focuses on projecting the Shadow of the Warp, making sure no communications escape the building/the Grey Knights cannot radiocommunicate between each other through voxes, and that the Doomlictor stays out of the melee excepting fire support from above.
    >> I have played no Shadowrun for four months. On the upside, it's been replaced with DH Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)17:33 No.7235312
    Vector B) The Grey Knights divide into two groups: One for the basement, one for the bar floor.
    1a) The Plasmamines, ten bioacid mines, plasmarippers, and eight stealercrons as well as half the wall rippercrons attack those downstairs.
    1b) The ten bioplasma mines, twenty torture mines, the ten plasmarippers behind the bar, the six stealercrons and two stealercron ogryns, and half the rippercrons attack those on the ground floor.
    1c) See Vector A Step 3a.
    >> I write because I care- DON'T DIE CHEWY AND DOOMY! Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)17:35 No.7235343
    Statement: Once this is in place- Enact psychic attack throughout city which pings the entirety of the humans and attempts to drive the psykers insane, providing further chaos as the [parasites enter/veil weakens].
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)17:37 No.7235359
    [Done posting. Just finished erging man, heck of a workout- but I did a 10k in 38 minutes! Pardon if I seem frantic, I am a bit hypoxic right now.]
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)17:39 No.7235383
    Hive Node, I see your plan, and approve of it fully.

    Only question: what if some of the marine are still outside as the attack commences?
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)17:42 No.7235406

    ... Ow.

    Okay. Here's what occurs.

    Once your trap is laid, and the synrippers begin pinging, you wait patiently. Minutes go by. Then tens of minutes. Then an hour.

    When you are about to re-evaluate your plan, you hear voices outside - And you can feel the raw psychic potential of their wielders.

    As you eagerly await their entrance to the building, you hear a "FWOOSH" noise, and the smell of smoke is immediately discernible. The Grey Knights have elected to burn down your brood's nest.
    >> Sorry for the delay, was taking off my JL's Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)17:43 No.7235427
    Then either they come inside to rescue their comrades when the Shadow blocks their communications, or they evade us and we escape after having consumed Grey Knight Geneseed and biomass.

    This Hive Node finds it unlikely that the Grey Knights would abandon fellow Grey Knights- they are [of the same brood/battle brothers].
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)17:44 No.7235436
    this node would have preferred to have his question answered before going on, but oh well...
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)17:45 No.7235455
    Then, we only have to burrow our way to safety... and find another nest, preferibly in the whore house.
    >> . . . Clever Girl. I feel a bit cheated. Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)17:46 No.7235473
    Rippercrons burrow underneath with Gauss blasters, attack them from underground. Meanwhile, Doomlictor and Chewy make tunnels out of there escorting everything way the fuck out of there. And this Hive Node wished for the Grey Knights to be harried by the Psychic Doom Scream- This Hive Node understands that this is not what occured?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)17:47 No.7235477
    Or, we could have one of our explosive mines detonate near the entrance. extinguishing the flames.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)17:49 No.7235495

    Confirmed: Rippercrons burrow beneath Grey Knights, and begin Gaus Blasting upwards. Chewy and Doomlictor will tunnel away from the bar, bringing along all Stealercrons and Bio-rippers.

    Do you wish for Chewy and Doomlictor to head towards: The North (Slaaneshi Power Plant), the East (Center of this slum), the South (Warehouses), or the West (Grey Knights)?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)17:51 No.7235512
    Question: sending some mines to explode beneath the Grey Knights?
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)17:52 No.7235525

    An interesting concept. This Hive Node wishes to try this. In addition: Tunnel underneath the Grey Knights with the rippercrons. Put a bioacidmine underneath them, blow the floor they stand on. Proceed to rush them with rippercrons, plasmarippers, bioplasmamines and bioacidmines. We need to engage them on our terms.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)17:52 No.7235530

    Do you wish for the Rippercrons to take some mines with them? If so, how many and of what type?
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)17:53 No.7235540

    Requesting Clarification: Have all Ripper-based forces burrow beneath Grey Knights, create sinkhole, and then attack when Grey Knights fall through?
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)17:56 No.7235569

    ten bioacid, ten plasmamines, and all twenty of the torturemines. Ten bioacid and ten plasmamines accompany us to the warehouses, were we can proceed to single them out in [close quarters assault/just like in Space Hulk].

    [Not gonna make this easy on us, huh? There goes the time I spent on planning. Ah well.]
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)17:59 No.7235609
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)18:01 No.7235632

    Awaiting Confirmation.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)18:03 No.7235647

    Clarification: All eighty rippercrons, twenty six of the forty six plasmarippers, ten bioacid mines, ten bioplasma mines, all twenty torturemines. Sinkhole and attack.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)18:04 No.7235655
    Exception: have one of the synth-rippers assist to the attack, while the other burrows away, acting as a relay node in case of disaster.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)18:06 No.7235676

    This Node agrees. It is best to keep an eye on how the attack progresses, and monitor the defensive actions of the Grey Knights.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)18:09 No.7235712


    As you burrow towards the warehouse district with Chewy, your brood of Stealercrons, and some plasmarippers following, your Rippercrons/remaining plasmarippers quickly transport the requested mines to the area directly beneath the purgin' Grey Knights. After having sufficiently hollowed out the ground below the Knights' position, one of the Rippercrons attaches a mine to the top of the hastily-constructed cavern, crawls back down to one of the walls, and fires a blast of Gauss energy at it.

    It detonates, and the ceiling of the cavern collapses, as five surprised Grey Knights plummet down into the Ripper pit.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)18:12 No.7235756
    [Watches to see what happens with baited breath- though that could be from exercising like a mother like twenty minutes ago.]
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)18:14 No.7235776
    Fire, Concentrate on one knight at a time. Two max. We don't know how they will react. Also, detonate half of the mines.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)18:15 No.7235782
    Question, Do we sense any more grey knights on the outside?
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)18:19 No.7235819

    Immediately, the Justicar begins shouting orders, as his Battle-Brothers begin to douse the ripper-covered walls in promethium. The organic rippers go up in little gouts of flame, unable to stop their deaths as the mines begin to go off. The Grey Knights seem largely uninjured by the bioacid and bioplasma mines, but one falls beneath a swarm of Dark Eldar torture devices.

    The Rippercrons begin blasting the Grey Knights with Gauss blasts as they do their best to avoid the Incinerator fire - The Knights' holy armor begins to peel back, layer by layer, as the Gauss blasts flense it apart.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)18:22 No.7235845
    Concentrate Fire On Justicar! He has the power of plot with him, and must be eaten. Also, send the 14 remaining plasma rippers to burrow under the fallen GK, and take it to us.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)18:23 No.7235861
    Alright, Chewie should now dash in, and try to swipe through the head of one of the GK (preferably the Justicar, but whatever he can do most reliably), grab the body and keep running.

    If done quick, you could instakill one of the GK with the phasing claws, and dash off to attempt Geneseed extraction.

    The great thing is, they will probably assume that OH GOD RIPPERCRONS are crazy enough, who is going to expect a Lictorcron to abruptly appear?
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)18:24 No.7235865

    Clarification: Do the Grey Knights appear to be wearing designation [Carapace Armor/Power Armor] or [Tyrant Guard Enhanced Carapace/Terminator Armor]?
    Chemical Impulse: [Satisfaction/JUBILATION]. A Grey Knight has fallen. It took twenty Torture devices.
    Observation: [Bioplasma/S7 AP2] and [Bioacid/S4 AP3] have done little damage. This bears further thought.

    Observation: Overmind Designation "Justicar" appears to be their [Synapse Creature/commander]. COMMAND: TARGET THIS MAN.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)18:27 No.7235896
    Correction: Twenty Plasmarippers remain. Query: Do you wish to send fourteen away, leaving eight plasmarippers?

    Statement: These Grey Knights appear [Unshakable/Fearless]. I do not believe they will be overly traumatized by the presence of a lictorcron.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)18:28 No.7235912

    Chewy is currently with Doomlictor, burrowing South. He will need to burrow Northwest to reach the Grey Knights. Confirm?


    Confirmed: Terminator armor. Four of the GK's are wielding Incinerators - the Justicar seems to be attempting to use Psychic attacks on the Rippercrons, to little effect - By the time he's blasted one into little pieces and moved onto the next, the first is halfway to reforming.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)18:28 No.7235913
    All twenty should go, then, in order to burrow faster.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)18:29 No.7235920
    Motive: Plasma seems ineffective, at the moment. So their occupation is reassigned.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)18:31 No.7235936
    Twenty Plasma Rippers will burrow the fallen GK to our position..
    >> And thank you for the clarification: Christ, terminator armor, no wonder they're having trouble. Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)18:32 No.7235952
    ARGUMENT: The plasmarippers will be destroyed by the [four template holy prometheum flamers against swarms vulnerable to templates].

    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)18:34 No.7235971
    Argument Accepted. Question: should we redirect part of our Necro-rippers to take the fallen GK away?
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)18:35 No.7235985

    Requesting Confirmation: Have Chewylictor lead Stealercrons back to GK position, and if so, have him return a dead/incapacitated GK back to Doomlictor for consumption amidst the confusion?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)18:36 No.7235994
    Plan Confirmed.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)18:42 No.7236042

    Hive node confirms plan with modification as stated by Overmind: Enlist Chewy to bring back incapacitated/dead Grey Knight for consumption by Doomlictor IF IT APPEARS CURRENT FORCES WILL NOT KILL ALL GREY KNIGHTS. If there is the possibility designation "Chewy's" presence will turn the tide of battle and annihilate all Grey Knights, he must stay.

    [And preferrably, I would like us to much the Justicar. Those guys are all older than 200 years right? That's a lot of training, psyker powers, and combat experience, shoved into one lictor. . . Though all Grey Knights is better than one Justicar, which is better than one Grey Knight!]

    For the Great Devourer.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)18:45 No.7236074
    Also: terminator armor and Sacred Prometheum for Chewy
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)18:46 No.7236084

    OVERMIND: See confirmed plan with minor modification in regards to designation "Chewy"-> >>7236042
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)18:49 No.7236107

    My designation has left me momentarily.

    . . . Query: Is it wise to attempt to consume the [sacred promethium/blessed napalm on crack]? This Hive Node approves of the consumption of a case of Terminator Armor, however.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)18:49 No.7236108

    Just as the Grey Knights begin to start annihilating Rippercrons, first with Psychic blasts to blow them apart, followed by Incinerator blasts to keep them from reforming, Chewy and his host of Stealercrons burst through one of the walls of the sinkhole.

    "Purge the Xenos filth, brothers! Leave none of these abominations alive!" The Justicar roars, as the four remaining Grey Knights immediately turn their attention towards the sudden incursion of Necrodermis-coated Tyranid organisms.

    Within a matter of seconds filled with psychic blasts, Gauss fire, promethium, and explosions, all but two organisms in the pit are dead - only Chewy and the Justicar remain, staring each other down from opposite ends of the sinkhole.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)18:51 No.7236132
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)18:52 No.7236143
    Question: status report on Justicar armor?
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)18:53 No.7236150


    [And how did the Stealercron Ogryns do?]
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)18:53 No.7236152

    Justicar Terminator Armor status: 50% gone.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)18:54 No.7236170

    JUBILATION: 4 Grey Knight Dead, One Remaining.

    Statement: Now comes the hard part...
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)18:54 No.7236171

    Stealercron Ogryns managed to flense one of the Grey Knights to ribbons before melting.

    Battle Scene to commence, but first: Proposed Tactics for Chewy to employ against the Justicar?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)18:58 No.7236211
    First of all: go for his weapons. His psychic attacks are pathetic before Chewy. On the other hand, his weapons can harm us... Very Much.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)18:59 No.7236220
    Also: Status Report for Chewy? Damage?
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)19:00 No.7236230

    Try to stay behind the guy- Terminators are not mobile. Use the Necrodermis to shrug off/absorb hits, and the tyranid/lictor side to STAY MOBILE.

    QUERY DESGINATION "THAT MOTHERFUCKING GOBLIN" AND FELLOW HIVE NODES: What Necron/related tactics could be used? Chewy has a power field, gaussblastermouth, and phase-claws, correct? What other powers does Chewy have?
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)19:00 No.7236233

    Confirmed: Chewy status is undamaged.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:01 No.7236251
    What type of weapons does the Justicar appear to have? All we know so far is that he can mind rape things, or at least try to.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)19:02 No.7236268

    Other Technomorphs: Chewy can spit DElfdar torture devices as well as Necrodermis, and has the tech-equivalent of Feeder Tendrils.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)19:03 No.7236275

    Nemesis Force Weapon, and Psycannon.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)19:04 No.7236287
    Answering Statement: The four other Grey Knights were equipped with [Incinerators/Blessed Flamethrowers]. As far as we know, this Justicar has only the bog-standard stormbolter, psychic powers (which ones are unknown), and at least 200+ years of battle experience, training, and generally being a Grey Knight. Chemical Impulse: [Dismay/Holy Shit].
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:04 No.7236294
    Yeah... hit and run tactics appear to be the best against the terminator. If he tries to close quarters, burrow and go to the other side of the hole.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:05 No.7236299
    The force weapon could do some harm, but if I understand correctly, the Psycannon would just ignore any holy or unholy type of magical protection.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:07 No.7236324
    Nemesis Force Weapon, and Psycannon.

    Statement: FUCK.

    Consideration: Use Power Field to disable power weapon and Psi-Cannon.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)19:07 No.7236331
    >>Nemesis Force Weapon
    Oh [dismay/SHIT]. That's a problem.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)19:09 No.7236347

    Confirmed: Priority for destruction: Nemesis Force Weapon, Justicar.

    As Doomlictor attempts to follow Chewy's tunnel back to the battle, you encounter a wall of force preventing you from getting within 100m of the battle. Conclusion: Chewy is on his own.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:11 No.7236364
    I told you we should have necronized. Then we wouldn't need to worry about the GK's.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)19:11 No.7236365

    Statement: This Hive Node AGREES with that statement. Use the Power field to disable BOTH weapons, focusing on the HOLY [GREAT DEVOURER/SWEET ASSFUCKING CHRIST] Nemesis Force Weapon.

    Query: Is it a sword, halberd, or other weapon design?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:12 No.7236377
    DOOMLictor: search for origin of the force field.

    Command to remaining Plasma-Rippers: provide a distraction for Chewy to attack the Force Nemesis Weapon.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)19:13 No.7236386

    Statement: Then we wouldn't be able to consume biomass of Grey Knights, and in turn, be consumed by the Great Devourer for the good of the swarm. Or rather, produce something ELSE with GK geneseed and have THAT get devoured, and slowly become more and more badass ourselves, and tear the universe a new hole in the process
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)19:14 No.7236388
    The Justicar glares at Chewy, as the Lictorcron plans his strategy.

    "You may have felled my Battle-Brothers, you filth, and you may think you have won, but you couldn't be farther from the truth. Our sacred Geneseed will not be yours this day."

    With that, a blinding white flame surrounds the Justicar, and begins to expand outwards. You're able to recognize this technique, although that is a small comfort; The Justicar has just initiated Holocaust.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)19:16 No.7236412

    If Chewy survives this and kills the GK Justicar and we get geneseed, I'm going to drawfag. And then I'm going to go what the fuck am I doing, and ask someone who can draw to drawfag this. On how much I have enjoyed this quest, do I swear.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:16 No.7236415
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)19:19 No.7236439
    >>Used in assault phase at Init 1, S 5 hit, save allowed, partially under the template, roll +4 to see if it hits.

    [Come on, Chewy, make that save, you have to have wounds remaining. . . Be too fast, you're a lictor, you're like I 6! Come on Chewy!!]
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:20 No.7236454
    We'd still be lictors, if tech lichtors, and able to save biomass for the hive which will be here shortly.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:21 No.7236462
    If we kill the Grey Knight before he burns himself up, we'll get his geneseed. If we grab the bodies of the others and run away with them, we'll get their geneseed. Either route brings us the win, as long as we act fast.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:22 No.7236471
    Also more likely to live.
    >> Iron Lung 12/21/09(Mon)19:22 No.7236472
    Hmm, interesting.
    Query: are we within psychic reach of other psychic tryanid elements?
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)19:25 No.7236515
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)19:26 No.7236524
    As the Justicar's Holocaust spreads, Chewy charges through the flame. You can feel his power-conduits short-circuiting as he wades through the pure warp-energy, as layer after layer of his necrodermis is peeled away. With as much strength as his damaged form can muster, he lunges at the immolating Justicar, and strikes out with his rending claws.

    You can feel his claws phase through the remnants of the Grey Knight's terminator armor, tear through the flesh, shatter the black carapace, and then... Grasp his two hearts. As his form begins to melt in the warp-inferno, Chewy tears out the man's hearts, shattering the front of his Terminator armor as he does so. The effect is instantaneous; The warp-flames vanish, as the Justicar's corpse falls to the ground, his eyes swiftly dimming as the life leaves his body.

    "The... Emperor... Protects..." He murmurs, as his dying breath escapes his destroyed form.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:27 No.7236531
    Also: A single Justicar Holocaust ought to be less powerful than an entire squad's. Hope for some luck.

    Also, if we disable his psi-cannon, the power should be reduced even more.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)19:27 No.7236533
    . . .

    Where's my tablet.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:27 No.7236537

    FUCK. YES.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:27 No.7236540
    Is the force field stopping doomlictor from moving forward still in place?
    >> Iron Lung 12/21/09(Mon)19:28 No.7236542
    Stratagem: spike the GK. I bet we can break his concentration with enough raw voltage.

    That said, let's detail the remaining Rippers to grab the other GK's asap to be safe.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:29 No.7236544

    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)19:30 No.7236559

    Negative: Psychic field has dissipated, Doomlictor can now safely join the pit and begin to feed.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)19:30 No.7236561

    Command: Rush over to Chewy. Brofist somehow. Spoonfeed him five suits of terminator armor. Eat the Justicar and the four Grey Knight corpses.

    Chewy will be leaning over the Justicar, with two hearts on the end of his claws, hissing. The GK will stare back defiantly- his eyes empty.

    That sound [acceptable/okay] [Overmind/bossman]? I'll send it to a friend overnight if I can for [pigmentation implantation/coloring].
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:32 No.7236571
    Excellent. Let us do so, then.
    >> Iron Lung 12/21/09(Mon)19:33 No.7236582
    Through the valor of our enemies are We perfected, and by the great strength and valor of the Justicar We will become mightier indeed.
    /raising a mandible in salute.

    And to the fallen Ripper, Chewy. To him who distingushed himself in faithful service from amongst a mass of the lowest. Even the smallest of the Hive can epitomize the sacrifice and focus all of Us must never abandon or neglect.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)19:33 No.7236586

    Confirmed: Drawfaggotry suggestion sounds excellent.

    Chewy is currently semi-molten, but should self-repair within the next 10 minutes, whereupon he can begin to consume any/all Grey Knight tech.

    Doomlictor emerges from the hole in the side of the sinkhole, and after declining to brofist the currently white-hot Chewy, descends upon the corpses, and begins eating.

    New Psychic Power Unlocked: Holocaust.
    >> Iron Lung 12/21/09(Mon)19:36 No.7236607
    Whoops, eulogized too soon. =3
    Guess I didn't see what you were doing there.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:36 No.7236608

    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:36 No.7236609
    Have chewy snack on terminator armor remnants and rippercrons to heal faster, assist in any way possible.
    Now that we've got a breather, Want to try making Chewy integrate into power armor for Doomlictor, as was discussed in the last thread?
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)19:36 No.7236611

    Time until Fleet's arrival:
    Time until Planetary Shadow in the Warp:
    Inventory/Assets: Inventory/Assets: Lictorcron named "Chewy", Inferno Pistol, assorted archeotech, 10 Bioplasma Spore Mines, 10 Bioacid Spore Mines, 1 Synripper, 20 plasmarippers.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)19:39 No.7236631

    Time until Fleet's arrival: 3 days
    Time until Planetary Shadow in the Warp: Shadow in the Warp is now active across the entire planet.
    Inventory/Assets: Inventory/Assets: Lictorcron named "Chewy", Inferno Pistol, assorted archeotech, 10 Bioplasma Spore Mines, 10 Bioacid Spore Mines, 1 Synripper, 20 plasmarippers.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)19:39 No.7236634
    COMMAND: Scan Justicar brain for combat experience and anything which pertains currently to this planet's situation.

    COMMAND: Scan Justicar Geneseed. See what benefits can be obtained from it by our consumption, and by the consumption of it from the Great Devourer.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:42 No.7236650
    See if Chewy can integrate the Psi-Matrix build into the Grey Knight armor
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)19:42 No.7236653
    >>Time until Planetary Shadow in the Warp: Shadow in the Warp is now active across the entire planet.

    >>Dead Inquisitor
    >>Dead Inquisitor's retinue
    >>Dead Five Man Squad of Grey Knights
    >>Dead/flooded Tzeentchian cult of the Dam
    >>Dead/flooded Nurglite cult of the waste-plant.

    What's left?
    >>Half-dead Slaaneshi cult of some kind of power plant
    >>Unattacked Khornate Noble cult of the windmills
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)19:44 No.7236662
    QUERY: [Confirmation/What]?
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)19:45 No.7236675

    Brainscan yields:
    10,987 individual battles fought over the course of 500 years.
    Current planetary situation: Inquisitorial Battle Barge orbiting the planet, lacks required hardware for full-scale Exterminatus, but possesses weapons capable of making things... Difficult planet-side.

    Geneseed Analysis: Sufficient data for the mass-production of Tyranid Psyker broods, particularly in regard to Pyromancy. In regards to personal benefit: Will enable the production of Rippers with up to three Psychic abilities each.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:47 No.7236690
    Ah I just read the lexicanum article and I was wrong, it's just psychically charged, nvm
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:47 No.7236694
    At this point in the game we could just spawn HolocaustRippers for a while in a safe place, then use them to blow the shit out of the Khornate base for delicious irony.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:48 No.7236701
    So is anyone else going to confirm the power armor plan for Chewy? There was some support in the last thread but we didn't have time to do it.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:49 No.7236705
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:49 No.7236706
    do some sneaky Eldar
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:51 No.7236713

    Have the Grey knight communicated our position outside of the system?

    What were the contingencies in case of a failure?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:52 No.7236723
    Chewy shall nom all of their equipment.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)19:52 No.7236724

    Grey Knights were not prepared for the show of force you mustered: As such, no back-up plan was in effect.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)19:53 No.7236732
    [God dammit we're awesome.]
    Statement: No rest for the [effective/wicked].
    Command: Chewy consumes Terminator armor, then Nemesis Force Weapon, then psycannon, then inspects incinerators to see if consumption will/will not making him burst into flame.
    Command: We inspect Justicar brain to see what the next course of action the planetary defenses will take against us, whether they know a Hive Fleet is inbound, if any Guardsmen, Astartes, Sisters of Battle, or any other forces have been called upon to aid this world, and what work is being done to combat the cults (if the Grey Knights know that the Adept has been captured and the cults have been blamed).
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)19:58 No.7236774
    I can't blame them, I wouldn't be prepared to fight psychic tyracrons backed up by doom&necron lictor partners in crime.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)19:59 No.7236794

    >next course of action the planetary defenses will take against us

    Inquisitor Kryptman was contacted shortly before the Grey Knights began to pursue you, informed of the presence of some sort of hyperadaptable Tyranid organism with breeding and synaptic abilities.

    >whether they know a Hive Fleet is inbound

    They don't know that a fleet is inbound, but they made Kryptman aware of the possibility that this was more than an isolated incident.

    >if any Guardsmen, Astartes, Sisters of Battle, or any other forces have been called upon to aid this world,

    The only call that went out was the one sent to Kryptman.

    >and what work is being done to combat the cults (if the Grey Knights know that the Adept has been captured and the cults have been blamed).

    The Arbites were sent to root out and destroy the Slaaneshi cultists; Chances are that they drowned on the way there.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:04 No.7236847

    Why aren't we flying to the battle barge yet?
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)20:06 No.7236869
    >>Inquisitor Kryptman

    >>The Arbites were sent to root out and destroy the Slaaneshi cultists; Chances are that they drowned on the way there.

    So. . . The Slaaneshi, Tzeentch, AND Nurgle cults are all dead? I thought the Slaaneshi cult wasn't the level getting drowned, that was the Nurgle cult. . .
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)20:08 No.7236908

    Whatever remains of the Slaaneshi cult is above the water level; The Arbites sent after them, however, are probably drowned.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)20:11 No.7236937

    Chemical Signal: [Extreme Dismay/AaaaawwwwfffffFFFUCK].

    How's Chewy getting on with eating that stuff- are the incinerators safe to eat?
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)20:12 No.7236957

    Chewy has consumed all the tech the Grey Knights brought with them, including the incinerators. Aside from a little indigestion, he seems not to have had a problem with them.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:14 No.7236993
    Is it possible for chewy to meld the tech of the plasma pistol with the incinerator in to a sort of tail mounted compact heavy flamer (or perhaps super heavy flamer)?
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)20:15 No.7237011
    >>Holy prometheum = Indigestion
    Why did we ever doubt you Chewy?

    Query: Has chewy gained any interesting abilities from consuming the Incinerators, termy armor, nemesis force weapon, and psycannon?

    Command: Head to the Slaaneshi power plant.
    Query: When we last left off, we'd killed a foreman put slaught and frenzon mines in the vents, killed half the cult, a psyker, and its cult leader, correct?
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)20:16 No.7237016

    It is indeed.

    And it'll only take him 30 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:16 No.7237019
    Then, the next course of action is: destroy the remaining cults, right?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:16 No.7237025
    Using the digested incinerators, can Chewy grow a Jump Pack? Between that and our levitation, we ought to be quite mobile.
    Also, requesting Chewy armor plan outlined in last thread be implemented.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:18 No.7237038
    Assuming these are mutually exclusive, which would we prefer?
    I like the jump pack if it's possible.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:19 No.7237047
    Unfortunately, the Psycannon and Nemesis Force Weapon (unsurprisingly) require psyker ability to use. Something Chewy, I believe, lacks.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)20:19 No.7237053

    Incinerators: See prior tail-flamer suggestion. Alternatively, he can emit it from... Well, any orifice, essentially. And he could hypothetically find a way to coat his claws in it on-command.
    Terminator Armor: Chewy can now produce ceramite plates of terminator-quality armor.
    NFW: Interestingly, nothing useful.
    Psycannon: Same as the Nemesis Force Weapon.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:20 No.7237064
    Slaught and Frenzy mines detonated already, and the power plant is disabled.

    We should deal with the remaining slaneeshi cultists, and replenish our biomass...
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)20:21 No.7237083
    Oh. That's interesting. Ah well.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:23 No.7237097
    Could Chewy try and fashion a Nemesis weapon for Doomlictor, and then we can see if we're capable of making one work with our own psyker power?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:23 No.7237106
    Necro-Chewy shall now become Necro-Terminator-Chewy.

    Remember to add Grey Knight Insigna to plates for mockery.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)20:25 No.7237134

    Chewy, by his very nature, is unable to synthesize the psycho-active alloys required for such a weapon.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:26 No.7237142
    I was thinking:

    DOOMLictor produces Black Carapace.
    Necro-Chewy Models itself to become Armor for DOOMLictor.

    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:26 No.7237145
    With "The Emperor Protects" inscribed atop a relief of the dead grey knight. The dead grey knight being eaten.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:28 No.7237157
    Hmm... the jump pack would be unduly noisy and compromise his stealth capabilities. I suggest priority be given to the super-flamer tail and if he can do both then add the jump pack just in case.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:28 No.7237159
    what I said earlier
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)20:29 No.7237169

    Argument: Chewy can already fly.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:32 No.7237189
    He can? Well, double confirm super tail flamer then!
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)20:33 No.7237201
    As you and Chewy consume the spoils of your latest victory, you hear a noise from the lip of the sinkhole.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)20:33 No.7237206

    COMMAND: Head to Slaaneshi controlled power plant. Scope it out. It'll be a nice change of pace not to worry about fighting something on the level of a Grey Knight with those things gone. All we have to worry about now is daemons, and that's not for-

    QUERY OVERMIND DESIGNATION "THAT MOTHERFUCKING GOBLIN": When are the daemon summonings due to happen?!
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:34 No.7237214
    Activate Chameleon scales and then levitate up, while scanning with psionics.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)20:34 No.7237216
    Oh shit.

    DON'T BOTHER LOOKING, BURROW BURROW BURROW RUN FOR IT WE'VE BEEN MADE! It's a gun cocking or something! Have the synripper check it out while Chewy and Doomy burrow down!
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)20:35 No.7237219

    Daemon summonings are due in approximately 45 minutes, assuming enough cultists are left alive to pull it off.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:36 No.7237229
    Evasive action + Chameleon scales. Priority to identifying source of noise and neutralizing if enemy/food.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)20:36 No.7237231

    While you try to decide what to do, Chewy looks up at where the noise came from.

    It's a little girl holding a stuffed Grox toy, looking down at the two of you curiously.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)20:37 No.7237232

    Right, we've got to call the Genestealers to see what they can do with the Khornates, and see what we can do with what's left of the Slaaneshi's. Also, BURROW! BURROW LIKE THERE'S FIFTY GUARDSMEN AIMING LASGUNS DOWN YOUR HOLE AT YOU RIGHT NOW! And have a synripper check it out.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)20:38 No.7237243

    . . .

    Mindprobe the little girl. Make sure it's just a little girl, see if there's some sort of Space Marine Salamander that's watching over her or some other crazy shit. My paranoia senses are tingling. . .
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:38 No.7237247
    Pat her on the head. Eat the grox. Give her Chewy instead. Order chewy to make nice.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)20:39 No.7237265

    Before you can initiate a mindprobe, you notice something on her cheek, tattooed there in barely-noticable blue ink.

    And she begins to smile.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:40 No.7237271
    Burrow to Slaaneshi cultists. have sinth-ripper see for us.

    Order remaining troops to converge to wharehouse.

    Proposal: Start crafting Rippers with:
    1)Levitation, Telepathy, Synapse Control
    2)Levitation, Holocaust, Telekinesis
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:41 No.7237280
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)20:41 No.7237286
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:41 No.7237288
    Oh bugger.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)20:42 No.7237290
    Aaaaaand I need to eat.

    Be back in a few.

    Plan your next move carefully.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:44 No.7237312

    Meanwhile we flee.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:44 No.7237314
    Considering how far we are from the tyranid baseline, how rapidly we've come to this point, and our "unusual hivemind", We might as well be tzeentchian cultists ourself. Say Hi!
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)20:45 No.7237330


    [swear to God, there's no rest for Doomlictor whatsoever].

    Chewy's a Necron/Nid. Have chewy rush the fucking thing while we haul our asses out of there.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:46 No.7237342
    Also, we both burrow... only, doomlictor uses Telepathy to try and Mindblast her. NecroLictor eats her from below.
    >> Bad idea enthusiast 12/21/09(Mon)20:47 No.7237352
    I wanna make friends with the daemonhost, what could go wrong?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:52 No.7237406
    Assertion: Terminator armors come with teleporter homers.
    Suggested course of action: Let Chewy replicate the GKs' teleporter homing signal. Let them teleport a full-sized lictorcron into their ship.
    >> Bad idea enthusiast 12/21/09(Mon)20:53 No.7237414
    We need to open negotiations with the daemon host or psyker or whatever first.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)20:54 No.7237425
    Contrary to your name, that's actually a good idea.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)20:55 No.7237430

    Has the Hivemind come to a consensus on what to do in regards to the little girl?
    >> Bad idea enthusiast 12/21/09(Mon)20:56 No.7237437
    Probably not, but we should at least try and communicate. Maybe chat while eating her? I hear that's polite in the warp.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)20:56 No.7237448

    QUICKLY scan Justicar's mind for best course of action when encountering Tzeentchian daemonhost.

    Put it in our context.

    In the meantime, have chewy charge it, being part necron.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)20:58 No.7237466


    Confirmed: Buy time with discussion while trying to formulate a plan for either attack or escape (The latter is advised).
    >> Bad idea enthusiast 12/21/09(Mon)21:00 No.7237482
    "Greetings. Pardon me for asking, but what are you?"
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)21:01 No.7237496

    Command: Buy time with psychic discussion between THING and Doomlictor. Plan escape while trying not to think about escaping.

    "What is this one?" [What are you?]
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)21:02 No.7237508
    Remember, Lictor? Can't speak very well.

    I suggest sending any remaining flayer rippers at the daemonhost and having chewy and doom activate any and all stealth abilities and running like fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)21:03 No.7237523

    Seconded. Also, LictorCron burrows away. Immediatly.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)21:03 No.7237524

    She cocks her head, that knowing little smile on her face, as the Grox doll's mouth opens, and it begins to speak.

    "What I am would be impossible for one of your origination to comprehend. A better question would be, what are YOU?"
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)21:05 No.7237525
    Statement: We are out of rippercrons. We have twenty plasmarippers and one synripper.
    Statement: We are both psychic beings. Psychic communication is possible.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)21:07 No.7237537
    "We are Doom. We are Doomlictor. . .

    "And Chewy."

    "Are you host, parasite, or are you symbiote?"
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)21:07 No.7237540

    Be honest. Why not?

    Tell the Daemonhost we represent the Great Devourer, who will be present in three very short days.

    Ask if it's willing to work together?

    After all, it wants to leave the planet before we consume all biomass, and we DO need to get rid of a certain pesky Battle Barge in orbit.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)21:10 No.7237567

    The doll sighs heavily, as the girl giggles.

    "I did not ask who you are, creature. I asked WHAT you are. Ponder your answer before you give it to me."
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)21:11 No.7237576
    That is silly. We are what we do; that is the same as who we are.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)21:12 No.7237584

    What part of Great Devourer did you not unnerstan', bish?

    Seriously though, aren't daemonhosts supposedly to know shit?
    >> Bad idea enthusiast 12/21/09(Mon)21:13 No.7237590
    Well guys, what are we?
    Can we honestly claim to be just a lictor any more?
    Do we believe that we're still a tool of the hivemind?
    What more is there?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)21:14 No.7237600
    "Our origin dictates our function. We are the Devourer. We are the Consumer. We are the Swarm. Our goal is to devour all biomass. We are naught but an independent node of the Hive."
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)21:15 No.7237605

    The girl begins to cry, shaking her head frantically, as the Grox doll speaks.

    "I see that you are not yet prepared for the message we bring. Farewell."

    Chewy is thrown against the side of the pit like a ragdoll, as the girl (still holding the Grox) comes flying at you.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)21:15 No.7237613

    "Who is what. What is who. We are Doomlictor. We are Great Devourer. We are all that has been consumed. Justicar, Grey Knight, foreman, drugdealer, techpriest, cultist.

    "You are Tzeentch. Grey Knights, cultists attest. What are you? [Parasite/Daemon controls everything], [Host/The psyker itself controlling a daemon], [Symbiote/Daemon and psyker work together]? What compels you to inspect us?"
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)21:17 No.7237626
    Query: What the hell happened to forty-five minutes?!

    Command: Dodge, engage all long range attacks.
    Command: Bitch that I was too slow this time. . .
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)21:17 No.7237628

    This is the part when we run away.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)21:17 No.7237631

    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)21:18 No.7237651
    "We are the future, We are the evolution. We are what is going to be all."
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)21:18 No.7237652
    Frantic order: Scrape the Justicar's brain for the 666 Rites of Detest. We need to shield our mind!
    >> Bad idea enthusiast 12/21/09(Mon)21:20 No.7237661
    Actually, scream this with as much psionic might as we can muster while we dodge, for added effectiveness/drama
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)21:20 No.7237663

    As you hop out of the way, the pair fly past you, into the tunnel you emerged from, leading to the warehouses. The Grox doll laughs maniacally as it passes by.

    A quick psychic ping confirms that the pair, upon entering the tunnel, vanished.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)21:23 No.7237684
    While responding to threat, become oddly agitated that Chewy was assaulted so.

    This thing is an agent of change: What could be a greater change than coming to know individuality as a part of a greater thing, like Tyranids are?

    Maybe that is what she seeks, and showing the the process is begun, but you do not yet recognize it, may halt her attack, and reopen communication.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)21:25 No.7237693

    That is simply too good an idea to pass up.
    >> Bad idea enthusiast 12/21/09(Mon)21:26 No.7237700
    Well that was wierd, Let's rally what forces we have left and go make sure the slaneshii remnants don't ad another monster to our to-do list.
    Let's send a communique to the Patriarch, and try and organize a two-pronged strike against the khornate cult once we're done with the slaneshiis.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)21:27 No.7237707
    Also: try recreating the Grey Knight Mind Shield. See if it has any bothersome consequence with our link with the Hive.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)21:27 No.7237715
    Awaiting consensus on next course of action.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)21:29 No.7237732

    COMMAND: Order Genestealers to neutralize Khornate cult while we finish off the Slaaneshi cult. Swear to Overmind, we do everything around here.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)21:31 No.7237755



    >> Bad idea enthusiast 12/21/09(Mon)21:31 No.7237759
    While we're at it, let's do the chewy power armor bit so we can be a terminator-lictor
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)21:32 No.7237763
    Send communications ripper with psychic message to Patriarch:

    "Grey Knights destroyed. Tzeentchian daemon active. Shadow of the Warp active. The Great Devourer arrives in three days. Kryptmann is notified. Neutralize Khornate Cult. Rendezvous with us after we neutralize Slaaneshi cult.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)21:35 No.7237788

    Confirmed: Synripper modified with wings, imbued with message, and sent off to inform the patriarch.


    Mind-Shielding: Failed. Apparently Tyranids lack the circuitry for it.
    Chewyporter: Will take five hours to create.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)21:37 No.7237809

    Would strengthening our personal Shadow in the Warp reduce the effectiveness of any daemonic mind-tricks used on us?
    >> Bad idea enthusiast 12/21/09(Mon)21:37 No.7237810
    Is Chewy mobile whilst working on the teleporter? or do we need to have him hide while we take care of the cult ourselves?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)21:37 No.7237811
    Make note for the Hive: try to evolve said circuites. Could be used to fight against Daemons.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)21:39 No.7237823

    Chewy can develop the Chewyporter while doing other things, yes.
    >> Bad idea enthusiast 12/21/09(Mon)21:41 No.7237831
    Alright, let's move out with Chewy in tow, and nom some cultists.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)21:45 No.7237860
    And I need to be off, gents.

    Could I kindly get an archival link?
    >> Bad idea enthusiast 12/21/09(Mon)21:47 No.7237882
    Archiving thread 7234880
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    Thread 7234880 is now archived. View Here You will be redirected to the archive page in 20 seconds.
    >> Hive Node 12/21/09(Mon)21:48 No.7237892

    Statement: This node is in agreement. Take Chewy and rape some slaaneshi cultists.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)21:50 No.7237911

    Thank you for that, sir.

    No idea when the next Lictor Quest will be gents, I need to get some hours in at works this week as well as finish preparing some X-mas presents for my immediate family. Best guess: Christmas day, but maybe sooner.
    >> Bad idea enthusiast 12/21/09(Mon)21:52 No.7237926
    Have a Merry Christmas, Motherfucker.

    I always wanted to say that
    >> LORICON 12/21/09(Mon)21:52 No.7237927
         File1261450347.jpg-(33 KB, 733x663, FUCK.jpg)
    33 KB
    At first it was cool and all.

    Then it got easy mode. No challenge.
    Then it got stupidish, ridiculous
    Now what the fuck warp-entity on a god damn fringe world this is so fucking dumb.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)21:56 No.7237956

    I assume that's color-coded for each part of the quest.

    Commence OCD-analysis on my part.
    >> That Motherfucking Goblin !XGZ8nDwSYI 12/21/09(Mon)21:58 No.7237968

    Aaaand now I'm out for real.

    Hope to see that Chewy drawfaggotry floating around in the next couple of days or so.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/09(Mon)22:16 No.7238082
    Hive Node [Rictus 3] awakening;

    Hive Node [Rictus 3] active.


    Pheremone trail signature {frustration/outrage}

    Hive Node [Rictus 3] deactivating.

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