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  • File : 1261626363.jpg-(84 KB, 469x800, Grenth.jpg)
    84 KB Ye Randome Olde Worlde Geckilian 12/23/09(Wed)22:46 No.7263525  
    I feel like running something, so lets see if I can get a thread going. The setting is generic fantasy. You are a rogue, and at first glance probably human.


    You wake up after a good night of refreshing sleep, and happily don your leather armour. Checking the room you quickly find your dirk, backpack of useful adventuring gear, and moneybag.

    After going downstairs and treating yourself to a nice breakfast at the local and busy inn, you notice a gaunt figure enter and glance around. After spotting you the figure appears to mutter a curse and run outside, even though he didn't seem familiar in the slightest.

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)22:49 No.7263559
    run after the guy
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)22:50 No.7263569
    i cast magic missle
    >> Geckilian 12/23/09(Wed)22:54 No.7263615

    With a brief muttering and flutter of your hands you leap up from your seat, rushing outside. As power crackles around your fingertips you notice that the figure had in fact stopped not far from the inn entrance and is casually aiming a crossbow at you.

    Unleashing your stored power you note with satisfaction the man's dismay as he's thumped backwards by the barely seen force, though the satisfaction ebbs as a crossbow bolt skims your arm.

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)22:56 No.7263631
    Run up to him, grab him by the collar with one hand, use the other to cast Magic Missile directly into his balls.

    Then interrogate.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)22:58 No.7263658
    Use magic to give him full, luscious breasts.

    Tell him if he doesn't answer my questions, I'll finish the transformation.
    >> Geckilian 12/23/09(Wed)23:00 No.7263673

    A sudden surge of speed catches the man off guard as you race up to him, grabbing his collar.

    "What-" he manages before his eyes roll up in pain and his weight drags your hand downwards as your spontaneously cast missiles slam in to his nether regions, the sound sickening even to your own mildly jaded self.

    "Speak, stranger. For what reason were you targeting me?" you say, only to find that the unfortunate man is simply clutching at his groin, crossbow forgotten on the ground, whimpering in pain.

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Geckilian 12/23/09(Wed)23:03 No.7263711

    Noting the lack of answer to your question, and feeling fairly malicious, you deftly weave an illusion around his chest, causing it to visibly swell in to a generous bust. This seems to catch his attention and he trembles, though in pain or horror you are unable to tell.

    "What... what have you done to me?" he asks, fear creeping across his lean features.
    Grinning mirthlessly, you proclaim, "Answer my first question, or I shall finish the transformation and you'll find out just how badly you can be persecuted..."

    Instead of answering, he starts to quiety sob, the gleam of madness creeping in to his eyes.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:04 No.7263721
    check his clothes to see any obvious signs or symbols to were he was from
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:04 No.7263722
    Heal his genitals with magic.

    Tell him that I can crush, remove, and regrow his testicles all goddamn night if he doesn't answer my questions.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:05 No.7263733
    Magically cure him of his madness.

    You can't get away that easily.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:06 No.7263742
    Shave our contact info into his hair and finish the upper-body part of the transformation. Leave the lower body alone.

    Then loot him of everything he possesses and dump him naked and sobbing in the street.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:08 No.7263766
    Screw this cocksucker. Let's turn this tavern into a pleasure palace with our magic.

    Begin by turning all the furniture to gold with red velvet cushions.
    >> Geckilian 12/23/09(Wed)23:14 No.7263809

    Irritated by his sobs, you quickly rifle through his cloak and jerkin, finding a small iron relic that closely resembles a strange S, inexplicably with an open mouth in the centre replete with fangs.

    It takes a moment of concentration, but you manage to send a surge of healing magic through the man's system, and not only does clarity return to his eyes, but he stops sobbing, and seems to give a relaxed sigh.

    "Hey!" you fiercely state, "I can damage and heal your tender parts all day if I have to, so answer my damn question. Why were you aiming at me?"

    Realizing his predicament, and noticing his chest is still not as it should be, he appears to slump. "I... I was ordered to kill you and retrive the disc. Please change me back, I don't wish to be this... freak of nature."

    Not knowing what disc he means, you shrug and clout the man heavily around the head, knocking him out. With your dirk you quickly etch the name of the inn in to his head, cursing slightly as you get blood over your hands, and rifle through the rest of his clothing.

    Overall you find what appears to be a short metal rod with a handle, and several silver coins. There is nothing else of value on him. For good measure you strip his naked and reinforce the illusion woven around his chest,m and discretely back off when people start to notice him.

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:19 No.7263876
         File1261628368.png-(27 KB, 1218x137, Elf Age.png)
    27 KB
    I am obviously a powerful mage. Why am I wearing unenchanted leather armor and sleeping in this shithole inn?

    I immediately enchant my armor to repel arrows, swords, and other weapons, as well as increase my spellpower. This will do until I can have some made for me out of gryphon skulls.

    I then begin work on my own pocket dimension full of experimental magic and powerful enchantments in which I will achieve immortality. The portal to this dimension will be kept behind the throne in the giant floating castle I will now create out of goddamn air.

    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:20 No.7263883
    go into the inn, asking what this symbol means
    >> Geckilian 12/23/09(Wed)23:23 No.7263934

    Noticing you're slightly unprotected in the leather armour you have had ever since you stole it a few days ago, you decide to weave the magic you have been striving to achieve. However, after several minutes you realise that you're still only capable of force missiles, illusions and a host of other paltry tricks.

    Frustrated by your lack of magical might after a reading a whole single magical primer for beginners book, you reckon you may need more actual training and experience before creating a lot of matter from very little.

    On the plus side, so far this day you are slightly richer.

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Geckilian 12/23/09(Wed)23:26 No.7263968

    After a moment's thought, and noticing quite a few people have come over to inspect the busty naked would-be assassin, you enter the inn. Walking up to the barkeep, you hold out the metal symbol with an inquisitive look. "Do you know what this means?"

    Seeing the symbol, the barman goes pale, whimpers, and whispers "I paid my dues, I'll have no trouble here good sir. Please leave, and take that symbol of evil with you." Trembling, he backs away a step before his back hits the racks of wine, and he begins to mutter rapid prayers with his eyes tightly shut.

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:26 No.7263977
    Use magic to make everybody think the inn has burned down. Use the "charred remains" as a headquarters.

    Drink booze.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:27 No.7263982

    kill him, burn the bar, sell the symbol, use money to find a hooker
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:27 No.7263988
    >"burn" the bar

    As in >>7263977
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:29 No.7264003
    When this is archived, it should be "I USE MAGIC Quest"
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:33 No.7264058
    go to the near by library to look up the symbol
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:37 No.7264141
    Use magic to give him full, luscious breasts.

    Tell him you will complete the transformation if he doesn't explain who the hell the symbol represents.
    >> Geckilian 12/23/09(Wed)23:38 No.7264166

    Unsatisfied with his answer, and increasingly annoyed by the general lack of information from people you question, you decide you may as well establish a base of operations and get things DONE. Drawing upon all your magical energy, what appears to be flames erupt throughout the bar, causing the patrons to scream in fear and flee.

    Though illusory, no one appears to notice in their panic to escape. hearing the screams, the barman opens his eyes and cries out in horror, quickly rushing off to get water. After several failed attempts to put out the flames, the barman wails in despair as he sees the inn crumbling to smouldering ashes.

    Hoping no one is still watching, you quickly stab your dirk in to the man's lower back twice in succession, puncturing both of his kidneys. In shock he falls to the ground, where a third stab ends his poor life. After the customary rifle which nets several gold pieces, you wander out in to the street.

    Noticing what appears to be a merchant, you amble over and make polite conversation about the fire, before attempting to sell the metal icon. Upon seeing it the merchant makes a symbol of faith and goes to retreat, before freezing when he sees the bloodied dirk still in your hand.

    With a forced polite chuckle he buys the symbol for what appears to be all his money, before fleeing from you in barely held panic. Noting your luck this morning in obtaining finances, you notice a local strumpet looking dejected at the smouldering inn, her place of work seemingly gone. Approaching her, you flash the money and she visibly cheers up almost instantly, though appears mildly confused as you question her about the location of the library.

    Leaving her after giving a few coins for the information, you walk in and ask one of the keepers about the symbol and, though he appears reluctant, he points you towards the relevant section before hurrying off.

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:41 No.7264213
    Use magic to give the relevant book full, luscious breasts.

    Tell it you will complete the transformation if it doesn't have information on the symbol.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:42 No.7264227

    Rifle through the selection and find the information. After which, illusory fire burning down the entire library.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:43 No.7264253
    rolled 4, 2, 4, 3 = 13

    yay, burn the library and go to that section
    >> Geckilian 12/23/09(Wed)23:45 No.7264296

    Skimming through the book as best you can, you glean that the symbol appears to be related to plans, subterfuge, intrigue, misinformation, mutation and, above all else, evil. All in all therefore it has a wide scope within the realm of 'not good' and appears to have been adopted by various nefarious groups all claiming to serve a single master, though there is no mention of any name by which such a master is known.

    You begin to summon energy to create yet another illusion before you realise that doing so would end the illusions you're currently maintaining elsewhere, notably the generous bust on the gaunt man, and the burnt down inn.

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:45 No.7264297
    After reading about the symbol, turn the librarian into a chocolate statue.

    Eat librarian.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:48 No.7264361

    Well the burnt inn would only attract attention anyway. So burn down the library anyway. Or this time round do it for real.

    Go out, try to find the merchant we sold the sign to, get it back without giving him back the money.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:49 No.7264376
    While I'm here, pick up every book on AWESOME MYSTICAL ARCANA and read them.

    Become amazing mage.

    Give the Earth full, luscious breasts.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:50 No.7264385
    Who said anything about illusion?

    Actually give the book breasts.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:52 No.7264419
    Magical arson?

    In MY quest thread?
    >> Geckilian 12/23/09(Wed)23:52 No.7264422

    You come to the conclusion that the inn was probably a bad idea and a continual waste of energy, so release that illusion. Knowing that the library would be an even harder task in terms of illusion, you casually get out your flint and tinder and set the nearby books on fire.

    The fire quickly spreads throughout all the dry parchment, and you quickly exit as the shouts of panic start, and are thankfully unseen as you do so. Knowing that the symbol is most likely important, you quickly set out to track the merchant down, though you feel remorseful that you have not the power to turn the library inhabitants to nutritious chocolate.

    It's not long before you find the merchant in the main city square trying to earn some coin, though when he sees you he screams, drops the icon and runs as fast as he can, leaving two very bewildered peasants behind.

    You pick up the icon, which the peasants haven't noticed, and see their panic as they look past you to notice the smoke rising from the library.

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:56 No.7264470
    Wreck people's shit while holding up the symbol and claiming to be possessed by the true master it represents.

    When the constablery arrives, throw the symbol from your hands and act relieved. Thank them for breaking the enchantment and saving you from eternal enthrallment. Tell them some dark force was controlling you.

    >> Anonymous 12/23/09(Wed)23:58 No.7264487
    check inventory
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:00 No.7264505

    Look at the peasants steadily. 'Who here holds this sign as well?'
    >> Geckilian 12/24/09(Thu)00:08 No.7264604

    Waving your hands in front of the peasants you gain their attention, and hold up the symbol. 'Who here holds this sign as well?' you ask, your gaze steady and fairly reassuring.

    Though they both appear to panic as they see the symbol, the one on the left stammers, "I... I d..don't know Lord, but that be an evil dooers sign Lord. P... please don't hurt us Lord." The other however appears to be sharper on the uptake, and glances from the symbol to the smoke in the distance and back again.

    With a cry of alarm the peasant runs off leaving his friend behind, crying out loudly for the guards. His friend, upon seeing this, also bolts with a terrified cry.

    Cursing, you hear the guards running towards to commotion though they won't arrive for at least another half a minute. Checking your available gear, aside from your dirk, money and leather armour you have a long rope, grappling hook, crowbar, soap, flint and tinder, several torches, a few days of rations, goggles, pitons, caltrops, a sturdy pair of gloves, several flasks of alchemist's fire and a few potions of healing.

    You can guess from the reactions of everyone so far that simply throwing down the symbol when the guards arrive and acting innocent is probably not going to stop them simply killing you to be sure.

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:11 No.7264639
    there is still much that needs to be known about this symbol

    look for the closest paladin/priest you can find and try to stab him in the nuts with the symbol

    study his reaction
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:12 No.7264656

    >>7264639 here
    stabbing the guards with the symbol might work aswell
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:14 No.7264677
    cast invisibility on self and walk at the inn i guess
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:15 No.7264686

    Any way we can disguise the symbol using an illusion? Turn it into an orange.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:17 No.7264694
    Run the fuck away.

    Go to the next town over and start intimidating people with the symbol, using religious imagery to imply that you are, in fact, the True Master that the symbol represents. Gather a cult following. Burn down the village.

    >> Geckilian 12/24/09(Thu)00:18 No.7264715

    Turning, you decide to try and find a Paladin or Cleric, to see how the symbol reacts with them even though it may be quite dangerous for yourself. As you start to run a guard enters the street, and immediately swerves to intercept you, since you're the only other person running.

    On impulse you lash forwards and your fist slams in to his nose, breaking it with an audible crunch. As you go to break past him however you note that the symbol was still in your grip, and a point of the S had been poking out from between your fingers, and had actually stabbed the guard in the face.

    Before your very eyes the guard devolves completely in to a writing mess, limbs and organs forming and reforming like liquid across his form as it completely ceases to resemble anything sane. You feel your own sanily slipping as you witness this absolute horror, and the symbol drops from your grasp to the floor, bouncing twice before it comes to a halt.

    Several more guards run in to the street only to freeze in horror at the thing next to you.

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:20 No.7264727
    "Oh gods! He did something with that symbol and turned into that...thing! HELP!"
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:21 No.7264736
    Give the blob full, luscious breasts.

    Act natural.
    >> Geckilian 12/24/09(Thu)00:22 No.7264744
    At this moment you wish you could be invisible, but alas such a trick is beyond your power. Thinking as quick as you can, you quickly throw a glamour on to the symbol, resulting in what looks like a very misshapen orange, though you manage to pick it up without the guards paying you the least bit of attention.

    Sprinting past them, they offer no resistance as one by one they start to convulse as they look upon the constantly mutating flesh, before erupting in to mutations themselves. Looking behind you, you see the 'bodies' of the 6 guards slithering towards eachother before forming in to one giant mass and, worryingly, it begins to accelerate towards you.

    If you could control it no doubt you could pose as the true master, but it looks doubtful.

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:23 No.7264751

    Does the thing listen to our command? Yell 'attack them!' and run the hell away in case it doesn't.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:23 No.7264755
    How the fuck does everyone but the PC knows the symbol? wth OP?
    >> The Mad Googlier 12/24/09(Thu)00:24 No.7264766
    use magic to steal shit
    >> Geckilian 12/24/09(Thu)00:24 No.7264769

    For what it's worth, you're new to this town, but the symbol isn't.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:25 No.7264773

    Well if just looking at it is mutagenic, we should run. Go out into an open space, then throw the sign away. Does the monster follow us or the sign?
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:26 No.7264780
    the first experiment was clearly a great sucess!!

    however we must enlarge our horizons..

    while you try to keep the giant mass under your control, try to stab a tree/dog/cat/dragon/demongod
    >> Geckilian 12/24/09(Thu)00:30 No.7264832

    As you run you can almost feel the presence of the warped monster behind you, and in desperation you fling the symbol sideways in the hopes of distracting it. Through sheer fluke, it nicks a peasant emerging from a store, and with a horrible death cry he too devolves.

    He is not absorbed by the one chasing you however, yet lashes out with malformed appendages to ensnare more people, before also setting off after you. It now appears that there are two of them chasing you, and with a shudder you notice that you can just about hear speech coming from both of them, muttering and giggles as if from each of the corpses that make up their constitution.

    Turning corners at breakneck speed, you manage to exit the city and get some more space between you and the monsters, though you are tiring and they are not.

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:32 No.7264862

    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:32 No.7264865

    Oh hoho. Turn around and face them, then. See how they interact with each other, since they will meet while they're chasing me...
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:37 No.7264921
    I'm telling you, judicious application of full, luscious breasts are the solution to this predicament.
    >> Geckilian 12/24/09(Thu)00:37 No.7264929

    Nearing a tree, you figure you may as well stab that too to see if it will turn in to something to defend you, but as you go to try you remember that you threw the symbol away not long ago. With a bitter curse you turn round to look at the creatures to see what they actually want, though you strain to resist the horrifying yet beguiling trance of their mutating flesh.

    As they near you one slows and stops, whilst the other races round behind you. With the two monsters flanking you, the one in front whispers in several voices, "Join usss.... and die...."

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:40 No.7264954
    "Join you? Do you know to whom you speak? Cower, fools! I AM--"

    Our character needs a name. I humbly submit Kogan BloodMurder.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:41 No.7264964
    rolled 1 = 1


    Join you how?

    We're fucked, aren't we?
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:41 No.7264966
    Use magic to give it full, luscious breasts.

    Tell it you will complete the transformation if it doesn't jiggle pleasantly before absorbing you.
    >> Geckilian 12/24/09(Thu)00:45 No.7265023

    "Join you?" you arrogantly state, "Do you know to whom you speak? Cower, fools! I am the mighty Kogan Bloodmurder, scourge of the west and murderer of many innocent souls! Why, and in fact how can I even, join you foul beasts?"

    Slinking slightly to the side, you carefully seeks a means of escape, noting with some satisfaction that the beasts have not moved. Instead both at once they hiss slowly, before beginning in a sibilant tongue, "Our master knows of you oh Kogan, and to join us is to die, but you will be rewarded with power beyond your imagining! Control over the material worlds, magical mastery so potent and instant you will have no need of studies and books to bend reality to your very whim! Join us and die oh Kogan, and be reborn in the guise of our master!"

    As one, they raise their limbs in to the air and begin to undulate, a deeply disturbing sight and sound emanating from their cores.

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:49 No.7265064
    Fuck it. We were bluffing with this scourge of the west crap, and it's obviously bluffing about knowing who we are. This is some kind of bottom-of-the-barrel scavenger demon.

    Magic missile and walk away. Vultures, I tell you.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:50 No.7265071

    then use the magic they teach to bring you back to life, then proceed with liberal use of fire, doom and full, luscious breasts to purge the abominations and their master from the land
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:50 No.7265083
    That's it. We are obviously passed out drunk and experiencing a truly bizarre dream sequence. Time to wake up.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)00:52 No.7265101
    I'm going to sleep now /tg/
    When I come back I want to see this thread either still running, archived or continued

    There are no excuses anon

    Emperor speed to you OP
    and a Merry Christmas to you all
    >> Geckilian 12/24/09(Thu)00:58 No.7265196

    Uncomfortable with this twin mounds of flesh appearing to know your name, and even more uncomfortable that your spur of the moment lie was utterly bought yet didn't really help, you extend your hands out towards them both.

    A few quick words and the pair are rocked backwards by the force thrown at them, but you are still tired and their warping flesh simply heals over the damage caused. Both of them screech as they slither towards you, their voices raised in anguish and what sounds like hurt betrayal.

    "Our master offers you power Kogan! Such power, why hurt us, why hurt what you create with the tool of our master? Let us kill you, and be instantly reborn with such power all the mortals in this realm shall tremble! Let us grant you everything!" they cry in unison, a multitude of forming and reforming limbs slowly reaching out towards you.

    It seems their offer truly is genuine, yet your vision is starting to blur from their appearance, and you can hear wispering in your head, goading you to accept the incredibly fast road to power. faltering slightly, you take a step towards them. If only it were all a dream, but unfortunately the pain seems all too real.

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)01:03 No.7265267
    "I may die with you now, but I must die FIGHTING!"

    Blow them apart. It's not like they'll mind. They're invincible.
    >> Geckilian 12/24/09(Thu)01:15 No.7265422

    "I may die with you now, but I must die FIGHTING!" you yell, shaking off the nausea and lunging forwards with your dirk. You puncture and eye, then what looks like a strange heart, before darting back away from them both and in to a low guard. The wounds you caused start to heal, but before they can finish you aim a hasty volley of force missiles at the injuries, and from sheer weight of fire you manage to blow one of the two apart, a massive explosion from something inside it sending viscera and gore everywhere with a last piteous wail.

    The remaining shifting flesh wails as its partner dies, and skitters towards you as you sag, most of your energy spent. With a series of deft movements it lashes you a few times with tentacles adorned with teeth and bones, lacerating part of your left upper arm and your right leg.

    Staggering backwards, you see the air above the crature start to shimmer, before a calming voice soothingly says, "Give up, and submit yourself to me. I promise all your suffering will go away, and you will be adorned with power as one of my chosen champions. Fear not Kodan, for though you lie about being a scourge, I shall give you all the power you could ever dream of. Become the scourge you wish yourself to be, and die to pledge your soul to my cause..."

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)01:19 No.7265480
    Why would you want a champion who pledges themselves to the first person to come along with some nasty minions and vague promises of vast power, anyway? That hardly seems like a desirable set of job qualities.

    Try to gather our magical energies back together as we say this, with the ultimate goal of blasting the thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)01:25 No.7265543
    Because it's a desperate, bottom-of-the-barrel scavenger demon. Honestly, if a shitty rogue/wizard cross-class like us could destroy one of its chosen abominations, it's not exactly Yahweh.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)01:30 No.7265591
    I meant to say that IC- talking to stall for time while trying to pull another magical blast together.
    >> Geckilian 12/24/09(Thu)01:33 No.7265641

    Backing away as fast as you can, you rummage around in your pack and grab one of the potions of healing, draining the vial in one go. With a relaxed sigh the damage on your arm and leg heals, and you feel a new influx of energy. As such, and seeing how effective your last course of action was, you extend your arm towards the remaining creature.

    "Foul creature, why would you even want a champion fickle enough to simply roll over and submit at the first sign of trouble? Your bargain, and the power promised, makes no sense. Goodbye." With the last remark you unleash the barrage of force and the remaining monster detonates in a similar manner to the first, body parts and blood splattering the surrounding area.

    Once again your strength ebbs with such magic, and the haze in the air simmers and issues a last whisper before fading away. "Bear my mark then against your will, and we will both see how long you survive...."

    A fiery burning pain erupts on your forehead as the presence vanishes, and angling your dirk as best you can you can just about make out the strange S-shape symbol branded in to your forehead, though this one has a representation of an eye rather than a mouth.

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)01:36 No.7265679
    Find a headband. Wear it.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)01:38 No.7265693



    We start a cult. We have been emblazoned with "our master's sigil," chosen by his fleshy children, and given a sacred quest...which just happens to involve giving me lots of money and women, as well as killing all the people in similar organizations (FALSE PROPHETS ALL).

    Let's go raise an army.

    An army with full, luscious breasts.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)01:42 No.7265738
    I... don't really have any objection to running a cult as a scam, but I suspect that the brand on our forehead might turn it into something real. I have no desire to be some demon or whatever's bitch for all eternity.

    Also, we probably have more immediate concerns. The guard are likely coming.
    >> Geckilian 12/24/09(Thu)01:44 No.7265752

    Looking at the devastation you have wrought, and knowing you have been badly scarred, you feel the situation entirely warrants a bandana. As the leather and cloth on one of your legs and arms is ripped, you tear a strip of cloth off from underneath the armour and carefully tie it around your head to conceal the brand, and to look great.

    Stretching out, you ease the fatigue from your limbs, and, once limber again, start to walk towards another town you've briefly heard of while staying at the inn of the last. It's likely you can escape responsibility for anything there, not to mention intimidate people should you wish.

    After a few hours travelling on foot you spot a farmhouse on the horizon amidst several fields with some livestock.

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Geckilian 12/24/09(Thu)01:46 No.7265786

    As you look at the farm, you suddenly remember the guards, and whirl round to see if any have been following you. To your mild amusement and yet slight dismay, you see a massive amount of smoke rising from the last town you came from in the distance.

    It's entirely likely that the fire in the library escalated and spread to nearby buildings, especially the thatched hovels of the poor. From what you can see, any guards ae likely to be busy for a while as they no douby try to save people and curb the fire as best they can.

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)01:47 No.7265793
    Take inventory. What have we got on us? How is our appearance? How can we make ourselves look less threatening (and perhaps less messed up) to the casual observer?
    >> Geckilian 12/24/09(Thu)01:57 No.7265898

    Checking your available gear, aside from your dirk, money and fairly bland leather armour you have a long rope, grappling hook, crowbar, soap, flint and tinder, several torches, a few days of rations, goggles, pitons, caltrops, a sturdy pair of gloves, several flasks of alchemist's fire and now just 2 potions of healing.

    You now of course are also wearing a bandana, and your general clothing is fairly normal and neutral dark tones - britches and jerkin underneath the leather armour, and decent boots. Unfortunately you are almost entirely splattered with blood and viscera.

    To make yourself less threatening you would need to clean yourself, and you at least have soap, but looking around you can see no readily available water source.

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)02:00 No.7265937

    We need to find a nearby river or stream or something then. Are there travellers around? We'll need to avoid them.

    Or maybe not, we could just walk up to them calmly and ask if they've got some spare water.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)02:00 No.7265946
    There's a farm on the horizon... if we haven't passed any streams or anything, they've probably got a well or other water source with which we could get rid of some of this blood. We do not want to walk into a town looking like this. Head for the farm, keeping a sharp eye out for any other people.
    >> Geckilian 12/24/09(Thu)02:05 No.7265995

    As you approach the farm, you do notice that you can see what is very likely the edge of a well behind it, so you angle towards it. After about 10 minutes you reach the farm and note that it is in fact on a hill, and the building itself is larger than you thought, as are all the animals.

    Glancing at a nearby goat, it appears to be half again as big as a normal one, but at the moment water is more important. Seeing no one around, you reach the well and haul up a bucket of water, and start scrubbing up a pink froth using your soap, cleaning not only your skin but your leather armour too. The cloth is harder to clean, but already dark so the blood is barely noticeable anyway.

    After a few minutes of vigorous scrubbing you hear a sharp intake of breath behind you before a highly commanding female voice shouts, "Just what do you think you're doing with our well?!"

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)02:05 No.7265999
    Use magic to give the farmer's wife full, luscious breasts.

    Tell the farmer you will leave them there if he lets you wash up.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)02:09 No.7266031

    Turn around. If the woman is hostile, magic missile. If she's worth looking at, explain nicely.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)02:09 No.7266032
    Turn and answer politely. Explain that we were in need of some water to cleanse ourself after walking for quite some ways, and did not think that it would be taken amiss if we used their well to get some before traveling onwards.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)02:10 No.7266041
    You need to get into the feel of this character.

    Breasts ahoy!
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)02:12 No.7266069
    Look, man, not that I'm opposed to illusionary breasts, but we haven't slept after completely fucking up a town and a pair of demons. We can indulge our taste for wacky fun when we're in good condition.
    >> Geckilian 12/24/09(Thu)02:14 No.7266084

    You carefully turn around and, sure enough, there is an imposingly tall woman standing there, dressed as a normal farmer's wife. The main difference is that she appears to be a full 9 feet tall yet proportioned normally, suggesting that she's not completely human.

    "Well unfortunately after travelling for so long through the countryside I was in dire need of some water to cleanse myself, and, upon seeing this well and no one else, I had hoped that the owner would not begrudge me using a single bucket to clean up as best I can." you say with an amiable smile.

    Her eyes narrow and her voice takes on a dangerous tone as she growls, "Countryside dirt does not turn bubble red. What exactly have you been doing?"

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)02:18 No.7266114
    Getting in far too much trouble. Would rather not go into the details, really. If pressed, admit that there may have been mutant monsters involved.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)02:18 No.7266123

    'I've been attempting to butcher a very stubborn pig, madam. Surely you should know how that looks. Well, it's all for the best, I managed to kill it...'
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)02:20 No.7266136
    "I was attacked by crazy blobs of malformed human flesh twisted into infernal abominations which tried to eat me. I cut my way free and ran like it was going out of style. I haven't eaten, I haven't slept, and until just now, I hadn't bathed. Can we get past this interrogation? You quit asking me questions, and I won't start asking you about why you're nine feet tall. K?"
    >> Geckilian 12/24/09(Thu)02:24 No.7266174

    "I've been getting in to too much trouble you see," you say in order to placate her, "as I've been doing my best to kill a pig and as you know, that can get quite messy at times. To be fair, I'd rather not discuss it too much honestly, it was quite disturbing..."

    Hearing your explanation, she appears to swell with absolute rage. Balling her fists, she shrieks loudly, "Harald! Harald come here right now, some thief has just killed one of our pigs! Harald!"

    From inside you hear a bellow of rage that actually causes the ground to shake slightly, and dust is thrown up from the farmhouse from the vibration. Storming out of the building with a massive axe is a very, very angry man with ridiculously large muscles and a beard any dwarf would be proud of. He is, rather alarmingly, nearly 11 feet tall, and looking right at you.

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Swissaboo 12/24/09(Thu)02:25 No.7266189
    not right now, but if possible we should later try to turn the symbol on our forehead into something else... possibly a figure 8?
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)02:27 No.7266199
    Explain that there was a misunderstanding and that you were being metaphorical, referring to the thing that attacked you as a 'pig' to show your disdain. What would you do with a dead pig anyway? Not like you're strong enough to carry it.
    >> Swissaboo 12/24/09(Thu)02:29 No.7266220
    this. also add that he can go check his pigs and note that they are in no worse condition then he last checked.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)02:30 No.7266235
    Turn his axe into tits, THEN explain that we haven't killed any of his filthy, demonically-huge pigs.

    Threaten to give his wife a penis if he doesn't leave us the fuck alone.
    >> Geckilian 12/24/09(Thu)02:38 No.7266302

    "Wait, wait!" you say quickly, holding up your hands, "I haven't killed any of your pigs, I meant pig as in a mutated wretch, since I had no other name for it. Please, by all means count your own pigs, you'll find them unharmed."

    Scowling, the woman leaves to check on the pigs as the man glowers as you, can you can tell he's straining to hold himself back from simply slicing you in to thin, and very dead, strips. After a few tense minutes the woman returns, and grudgingly says, "All the pigs are fine. I guess I understood. Still, what do you mean by mutant wretch?"

    Harold seems to relax slightly, though he still clearly doesn't trust you, and seems irked that you appear to be covered in pink froth.

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)02:41 No.7266338
    There are many things to say and do, but setting this man's beard aflame is priority #1.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)02:42 No.7266345
    Say that there were these nasty, mutated things attacking people in town (point), and that you took being attacked by one as your cue to leave with all possible haste. Based upon the smoke, you probably made the right choice.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)02:42 No.7266359
    We don't have a fire spell. We have illusion and blasting.

    ...we could make it seem that his beard is aflame, I suppose, but let's save that for when he inevitably attacks.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)02:45 No.7266374
    We have flint and tinder. Wait until he falls asleep.

    The beard must be cleansed with fire.
    >> Geckilian 12/24/09(Thu)02:52 No.7266458

    You quickly explain about the mutating guards and how they went to mutilate and ransack the innocent peasants in the town, pointing at the smoke rising on the horizon. "I killed one of them and barely managed to escape and, as you're no doubt aware, wandering around covered in blood isn't a good option for avoiding trouble."

    Harold looks in to the distance and seems mildly surprised by the pall of smoke in the distance, as does his wife. "Mutated things you say?" mutters Harold, his voice deep and gravelly. "Well should they turn up here they can have a taste of my axe. As for you, finish cleaning and go away. You can expect no more hospitality from us."

    Muttering darkly about the state of the world, Harold goes back inside, though his wife continues to watch you with stern disapproving eyes, clearly waiting for you to finish and go.

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)02:53 No.7266476
    Finish cleaning and go.

    As we leave, amuse ourselves by giving the well full, luscious breasts.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)02:54 No.7266484
    >> Geckilian 12/24/09(Thu)03:02 No.7266558

    It takes a few minutes, but you cleans most of the remaining blood from your armour, and pretty much manage to clear all the blood from your skin, though you're careful not to remove the bandana, just in case. After lowering the bucket back down the well, you gether your stuff and walk away, much the the approval of the woman.

    You're not bothered as you leave, and after another couple of hours you note it's beginning to get dark slightly earlier than usual, and it appears that bad weather is setting in as strom clouds gather. Out in the open you don't really have much cover should it rain, but you're fairly sure you could improvise a shelter from a solitary nearby tree.

    - What would you like to do? -
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)03:08 No.7266605
    We'd better improvise a shelter, then, and make a note to ourselves that we need to buy a good cloak in the next town. We don't even have a blanket; this is going to be bloody miserable.

    ...hey, can we make ourselves think that we're warm and cozy with an illusionary fire? In an illusionary tent. Possibly even with an illusionary woman.
    >> Geckilian 12/24/09(Thu)03:28 No.7266775

    Your stunning tent improvisation skills strip the tree down, using branches to set up a framework, and more branches and strips of bark to create a substantial covering. The 'tent' is easily large anough for you with comfortable room, and a bed of leaves inside is adequately comfortable.

    By the time you finish building a fairly impressive looking tent, it starts to rain. You get inside to stay relatively dry and munch on some rations as you listen to the pleasing downpour, which is starting to get fairly heavy. Thankfully the ground you're on is slightly raised, so water will flow away from you.

    With a small amount of effort you create an illusory fire, before simply taking out a vial of alchemist's fire and letting a few drops hit some leaves outside the tent, causing a small green fire to spring up. Even with the downpour it keeps burning, close enough to fill the tent with warmth, and far enough to not burn it down.

    Knowing the fire will probably last a few minutes every couple of drops, and having several vials, you could probably keep the fire going for a very long time indeed, but as it is it seems like the day is coming to a close. Settling down, you slowly drift off to sleep as the fire warms you, and you thankfully stay dry as the construction of the tent guide the water away down the sides rather than in.


    And with that, lets call it and end there for now. Someone feel free to archive this, and if it is, I'll continue it on later, probably tonight as I've been up all night keeping it going anyway.

    Cheers all.
    >> Anonymous 12/24/09(Thu)03:44 No.7266895
    Archived. Called it "Geckilian Quest" since no name came to mind.

    Was written quite well. My complements. Perhaps next time more people will participate.
    >> Geckilian 12/24/09(Thu)04:12 No.7267153
    Ta very much. I'm hoping more will participate later, if only for the sheer chaos of combining all the plans of action in to a single one.

    It was quite entertaining to write over all.

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