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06/02/10(Wed)00:36 No.10215288 File1275453368.jpg-(243 KB, 891x594, Puzzles the kitten.jpg)
 > The gaming cat puts away his notes and pushes up his glasses as he looks at you, steepling his hands and taking a sip of his martini.
"So, that's where we stand. Now, down to business."
"In honor of this, our approaching the half-way point of the Quest, I'm granting you one Boon. You may choose to apply this Boon as you see fit. Here they are, as follows."
Reginald - Reginald's Boon will activate a secondary Quest with him. It will cause the two of you to grow closer and become true bros. This will both increase your combat abilities and make the final duel against him easier.
Samantha - Samantha's Boon will activate a side quest with her. This one is more erotically oriented, so if you're a pervert, you'll probably really like this one.
Katherine - Katherine's Boon will immediately sidetrack her current tragic angst storyline and end it in a decent, amicable manner. If you're sick and tired of the homophobia and want to end this storyline quickly, you'll probably want this boon.
Koyomi - Koyomi's Boon completely remakes her character. It will end the storyline with the mysterious alien sphere and change her stats completely, into something much more powerful.
Jehanne - Jehanne's Boon will grant her an equipment upgrade. Think artifact-level power.
Felicia - Felicia's Boon activates a side storyline with her. Instead of just being a fuckbuddy, she will gain a true storyline. Maybe you'll like it, maybe you won't. Your call.
CARMINE - Carmine's Boon will drop her completely out of Angry Marine status. It will instead switch her to the Order Famulous Branch of the Adeptus Sororitas and immediately starts her romance storyline, instead of having to spend a lot of time to raise your relationship with her.
Alicia has no Boon. Sorry.