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07/03/10(Sat)16:46 No.10911020 File1278189962.png-(2.02 MB, 2100x2100, Map9.png)
 rolled 2, 5, 1 = 8
Day 28, Month 11. Things go well, or at least as well as can be expected. The opposition's network is present in every facet of your County and even its government, including DCE. Though your counter-espionage department is by far the best off, the ease with which your holdings were infiltrated disturbs you. Still, the twins have their plans in place. At a word, you can have all known members of this conspiracy arrested. Yet, you wonder what would keep something like this from happening again. If you are to make Dreamwood truly secure, the network must be traced, and its heart disposed of.
On your orders, five think tanks, corresponding to the four classical elements and one to arcana, have been established and are operating under the Bureau of Research. None are well-staffed, but there isn't much to go around at the moment. Hopefully, they will prove to be a great asset in the future.
Contact has been established between BemCorp and several air travel companies in Perin's metropolitan districts. The general sentiment, considering the speed with which you've implemented rail, is that they will all be driven out of business in less than a year if they don't do something. About half of those contacted are open to a partnership or a buy-out.
An entrepreneur from the capital is in correspondence with one of your economic advisers. He appears to be interested in investing in Zeppelin transport. The government's scientific network, headed by New Aarmour, has expressed interest in acquiring six of your hybrid steam engines. Designs for an eight-ton armored Zeppelin have been completed, up to government spec but too large to be built in your existing facilities. |