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!!1tDIRRlgZfN 08/29/10(Sun)04:24 No.11867193 File1283070249.jpg-(28 KB, 497x600, Image10.jpg)
 No better chance to wander around. A bit about the layout of the ship:
The ship is divided to four main sections. Prow Gunnery Section consists of six Gunnery Decks, all outfitted with macro-cannon batteries, Gunnery Crew Quarters, Ship Armament Manufactorum, Gunnery Storage, and Gunnery Generatorum. Access only by gunnery crew, or personel with the highest clearance.
The Central Section consists of four Launch Bays, Legion and Serf Quarters (including your personal cabin), the Lodge Chamber, Apothecarion, Training Grounds and Arming Chamber, Armoury and Vehicle Hangar/Lifter Bay, Manufactorum, Teleport Chamber, Central Generatorum, Foodstuff Processing Manufactory, and Prisoner Hab. Defence Turret Batteries are on the Upper Decks, access only by gunnery crew, or with highest clearance. The Lower Decks are mostly Waste Processing Plants.
The Command Section consists of Command Bridge, Navigator Chamber, Astropathic Choir, Librarium, Lance Batteries and Gunner Crew Quarters, Void Shield Generators, Geller Field Generator. Access only by lance battery crew, or personel with the highest clearance.
The Rear Section consists of Ship Engines, Warp Drive, and Tech-Shrine. Access only by Mechanicus personel, or with the highest clearance. |