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!thDvoo2z2o 10/04/10(Mon)15:00 No.12326816 File1286218811.jpg-(258 KB, 1000x811, 1272515875419.jpg)
 >>12326643 That makes me much less than optimistic.
>>12326627 Good point. Now, it's not exactly a board...
I arrive in the square, to see the Caller looking over the paper he holds, adjusting small glasses.
"Very well, then, we shall begin!" he shouts, his words ringing out to the large area clearly. "The first Job is posted by the Town of Maybury! They have reported that their barrier is failing, one of many in this past month. Thankfully, the rate is slow enough that they can escape... but they will need someone to guard their caravan as they make their way through the Weak Road. The pay is four hundred to the man, and they are taking a maximum of ten mercs! Will anyone step forth?"
"I shall!" calls a young woman, making me jump. She was right beside me! She stands and walks to the rotund Caller, who hands her a single copper coin: A sign of a taken job.
"Anyone else! Anyone? Anyone?" he calls. "There are four other jobs. Remember, you can come forth and request any of the jobs, so long as they are not filled. Anyone who would like this job will stand near..."
She whispers.
"Anna Silver! right over there, miss, thank you Now, is that all for now?" |