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!jxrVRQy2To 10/22/10(Fri)18:13 No.12536874 File1287785614.gif-(19 KB, 1091x824, 2.gif)
 Here in remote Dantus sector, stability is holding on by a thread. Border conflicts against other isolated territories have more than once threatened to escalate into full blown war. Most of the Dantus fleet is currently tied up in neighbouring Fath sector, trying to forestall the total collapse of the local government at the hands of Rebel agitators. Should Fath meet its demise, the flood of refugees into Dantus may prove just as devastating as an invading armada. In order to concentrate on the military intervention and avoid hostilities on two fronts, Moff Nerrei Aedo signed a treaty with the newly independent Prefsbelt Authority that would have been unthinkable just years ago. With the Neutrality Accord, both sides agreed to cede control of several low priority systems to Sabaoth Squadron, a mercenary outfit that had already taken over much of the region's patrol and escort duties neglected by both resource strapped sector fleets. The newly created buffer state is lightyears across, but hyperspace is fast, and peace remains in place on a paper thin pretense.
Despite its flaws, the Accord may have remained unchallenged if not for further chaos in the mid rim. A great deal of freighter traffic that would have once arrived directly at the capital has been rerouted through the unknown regions to Harridan. Flushed with its newfound importance and unsatisfied with a security arrangement negotiated without its consent, the former backwater system removed itself from the Neutrality Accord. But the locals soon learned that throwing a temper tantrum and kicking out all foreign protectors is exactly the opposite of what should be done when you lack for security. Scarcely a year after their declaration, Harridan's overtaxed planetary defense force have made overtures to all three neighbouring powers for a permanent alliance. |