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!vf05RX1JTQ 11/04/10(Thu)06:56 No.12675592 File1288868202.jpg-(590 KB, 1200x900, 1287097354943.jpg)
 >>12675590 Advancing, you land gently in the tunnel, again with the almost perfectly round tunnel, excepting the corridor corners. Advancing, you're puzzled to see it gone from your sight, despite being sure you'd seen it a moment ago. Hmm...
You literally jump, practically out of your skin, as a female bronze dragon appears next to you. One older than you are, significantly so. You spin around preparing to fight for your life, until you realize that it is not registering you. Speaking. Crying. Mourning. But evidently not aware of you. Your extremely potent swearing trails off, as you realize it is a ghost... or an image, at least. Older than you indeed...
"--give. My son, my hatchling. Taken from me. Bahamut above, what have I done to deserve this?" it sobs. Metallic or not, you can't help but feel a twinge of sympathy, watching her weep, plead, even demand, refuse to believe, that her son is dead.
Just when you are about to give up, and leave the pitiful and depressing scene, you almost jump again. A solid wall of blackness... not shiny, not dull, but black. Blacker than anything you have ever seen, a quintessential void of light, appears at the exit of the corridor, moving towards you.
"The ghost. The memory." Scinnari whispers beside you, as you start to take a step back. You glance at her and nod, standing your ground. For a brief moment, you notice that Scinnari actually seems... torn up, affected by the sight as much as you felt, if not more. More pressing concerns quickly reassert their hold, though. The wall... no, sphere, approaches, carving out the walls of the stately corridor, carving out, obliterating, the bronze dragonness, and leaving nothing in it's wake. An empty void where it passed...
It suddenly vanishes, and you find yourself facing the empty corridor... the one you entered. Beside you Scinnari stands, silent. |