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!vf05RX1JTQ 12/05/10(Sun)20:25 No.13043612 File1291598747.jpg-(131 KB, 640x480, You fucked up.jpg)
 "I think... it would be unwise to prolong this more than necessary." you remark thoughtfully. "In which case..." you trail off as you reach down into the hole, picking up Asha by her shoulders. She screams, and you sigh.
"Asha, you're a thief, a professional assassin, and a self-made betrayer. Of me and of your home. Surely you can hardly expect me to trust you after that..."
"My lord, please-" she sobs as you inhale. You then exhale, breathing not flame, but air. Hot air. Asha gasps, pants, tries not to breath, but you can see her skin turning a faint scorched pink. Deciding to waste no further time, you snatch her out of you claws, devouring her over her agonized screams.
As it turns out, royal blood, or at least, hers, does seem slightly sweeter. "Now, Scinnari, with that filed away... perhaps we can move on to more important things. We have visitors to attend to."
"Of course, my lord Prestor." Scinnari says, bowing, "Perhaps you would care to accompany me down to the village?"
"I believe I would, my lady." you reply, walking towards the mouth of the magma tube.
The two pirate ships have already arrived. At the moment, they are being the kind of guests this town likes; wealthy, not too violent, and with some plunder to spend. The Morinthian navy ship, though, is on the horizon, inbound. Of course, only you know what it is, yet, but still...
The pirates, though drunk and rowdy, don't get too close to you, perhaps having heard stories, maybe even exaggerated ones, told by the townspeople here. They don't seem to be a problem at the moment, though from what you hear, one of the ships that came in is a rival with the ship that was already in port; they are currently keeping things civil, though you may be expected to shut either or both down, should they become too violent. |