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12/11/10(Sat)15:33 No.13113583 File1292099593.png-(53 KB, 1650x778, thosethatlisten.png)
 rolled 2, 6 = 8
Gyzer continues to haunt the nightmares of his Gyzerians, and with time, manages to push a select few well beyond the brink of insanity, so that they might also hear his voice while they are awake.
Despite being mouth-breathing, drooling, bona fide lunatics, these crazies are revered among the Gyzerians as mystics, capable of speaking with their God. The general populace refer to these chosen few "Those that Listen."
Those that Listen are never outside of Gyzers influence, they see his silhouette in every shadow, hear his voice in every echo, and feel his hot, wet breath on the back of their necks with every gust of wind.
Gyzer whispers in the ears of Those than Listen, he tells them of his grand plan for the Gyzerians, he promises them that if they follow his orders carefully they will attain riches and power beyond anything they could imagine. He orders them to relay all his commands to the Gyzerian tribes, and that soon they will help set his plan in motion. Gyzer demands obedience, and patience... and he will get it.
>create order and command order puts me at zero |