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12/12/10(Sun)19:34 No.13129400 File1292200499.png-(1.24 MB, 1985x778, map1.png)
 rolled 2, 2 = 4
An eye from above watched the world. It had been watching for a while, but exactly how long was up to question.
Today, the eye looked upon the world and blinked. Had the world not been flat, desolate, and empty mere moments ago, as it closed its eye? Or had it been settled, even then? Auron's eye puzzled over this for a moment, before taking a closed look. The land that had seemed so promising such a short time ago now seemed to be filled with the enemies of nature, the fools.
It was time for a change.
Yes, yes it was.
And so Auron looked for promising life in the world, and found a snake in the jungle.
He dropped to the land for a moment, picking up the snake in his gaze.
And so the snake changed, becoming the form Auron would take as he wandered. The snake grew, and grew limbs, taking the shape of a man, of an elf. It rose on it new legs, now as tall as a tree. The horns of a bull sprouted from his head, and Aursol was born.
Aursol walked the world, but as he was a mere snakeman, didn't get too far.
He found the sea, and decided this would be where nature would begin to reclaim this world.
And so the Norii, the snakemen of Auron, were born. Four feet tall, they were, as they stumbled, confused, through their new home. They burrowed into the sand of the beach, fished the fish, hunted the beasts, as was Auron's will.
The god watched, and waited. And he blinked, this time ready for what he may find when his eye opened.
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