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!vf05RX1JTQ 12/18/10(Sat)23:11 No.13209607 File1292731881.jpg-(33 KB, 400x340, AncientGreatWyrm_Red.jpg)
 [You know, my original impression was that we, back at the beginning, make with the flashy magic, use it to cover/justify our escape, and vanish. Seems like the intent was to use it to maintain our presence. Seems reasonable, just redact anything I've said contradicting that.]
"Ge the.... 'militia'," you say, feeling that aside from the dwarves, it's practically an insult to the word, "and have them start collecting weapons and armor. Our prisoners are to stay that way, and ideally, not at all unified. If they start noticing how many of them are alive, they might get ideas." you order.
"Of course, my lord." she says, turning to leave. You remain, surveying the harbor, but continue the conversation on another wavelength.
"Can you identify anyone who was particularly valuable? Those who fought should be rewarded over those who... didn't." you elaborate.
"Ah, of course..." Scinnari thinks back, and then flashes you a brief series of images, along with names. She knows a surprising amount of them...
"Captain Thade. What would you consider the most valuable profits of the battle?" you ask, as he approaches.
"I'm not one going in for liberty, or freedom, or any of those things. But if you're going for more material things, then I'd say those ships." he says, gesturing at the cripples adrift. "Carpenter tells me he can't get good wood from this jungle, but first person to come back with some good plank or replacements can get them all in working order. Hells, probably have spares somewhere on board, Rhasver's are always prepared like that."
"I see. And how many would you claim as your share in the salvage?"
"Ooooh...." The pirate exhales, sweeping his gaze across the battlefield. "As many as I could get away with uncontested. Maybe one more. More practically, though, I could hardly do anything with more than two of them; don't have a large enough crew to sail 'em all." |