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12/25/10(Sat)14:23 No.13287646 File1293305003.jpg-(7 KB, 292x173, embarassed.jpg)
 Another note: Those bundles of rope that Arthur purchased all hang from Grimlock's person. He looks more or less like a walking mop. At anyrate, back to their meeting with Raftrin.
"Speakin' of mechs. I'm guessin' ye'll need a berth fer yours? There should be an open alcove in the mech cave. Thedrin, who ye've already met, can take ye there. Just look fer a metal gate as large as Redstone's front door and ye'll have found it."
The three players are suddenly ashen faced. They exchange looks.
"Uh, sir..." Grimlock begins, but Mack, who was enjoying the fine dwarven ale he had been given, finishes the cleric's sentence, foam on his upper lip, "I apologize, Mr. Willstone. We... we don't actually have a mech. Our employers usually supply us with one... we assumed the Stenians had told you."
Silence hangs in the air. Raftrin's face is unchanged initially, then he frowns, his disappointment clear. There is a small sigh and he leans forward, clearing away the papers on his desk which had somehow managed to crowd his intercom again. He says something in Dwarven.
"Uh, DM? He and I are dwarves." Arthur mentions, pointing to himself and Mark, "It would be stupid if we didn't know our own language, eh?"
Peter adds in, "And Mack has worked with the Stenians before so he would know the language too."
Pictured: My face when I realize how stupid I am, followed by an immediate facepalm.
So I tell them what Raftrin has said in the intercom since they sat down with him. The first time, he was just ordering drinks. Ground water from under the mountain for the steamborg and the finest ale they have in their stores.
"Thedrin, could you come here, please?" Is what Raftrin calmly says into the speaker now, a small note of irritation tinging the question.
Uh oh. |