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H.A.N.A. Quest Pt5
!FzAyW.Rdbg 01/14/10(Thu)18:24 No.7589367 File1263511449.jpg-(212 KB, 631x950, outsider052.jpg)
 The pic sets a nice mood for me... >>7588931 "I think I'd enjoy seeing Assura myself when we get there. Shall we head to the bridge?" you ask Cam. "Why certainly, ma'am." He replies in a dignified tone.
You press a small button next to your cabin door, and it slides open with a slight hiss of pressurized air. The four guards outside are slightly startled at your appearance, but when you explain your intentions to them, they gladly assist you to the elevator and towards the Bridge.
A pair of doors as thickly armored as the one on your cabin slide open to reveal the nerve center of the Seeker ship, and your first thoughts are of how crowded it is. It's quite different from what you're used to seeing on Human craft, with almost three times the consoles and crew present; most likely to make up for the lack of a H.A.N.A.. A large viewscreen in the front shows a detailed look of the Thanela Gate, almost invisible against the black background of space and unblinking stars if it wasn't for the reflecting rays of the system's Star. Around the Gate there seems to be no wreckage at all, but there is what looks like a small station or outpost in orbit.
A tall Seeker approaches you respectfully and introduces himself. "My name is Thal'tek, and I am honored to be your Captain for this momentous event. Welcome to the Bridge of the "Light Bringer"." This close to him you can see that he has black leathery skin, but has three silver stripes actually embedded in the skin on top of his shoulders. He also seems to be wearing a gray space suit of sorts, but without a helmet. |