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H.A.N.A. Quest Part 6
!FzAyW.Rdbg 01/16/10(Sat)23:55 No.7626697 File1263704155.jpg-(123 KB, 500x369, 3292157106_bbd670b865.jpg)
 You quickly peer above your console and take a potshot with your Light Automatic Rifle at the advancing shielded pirates. Your slugs bounce off with little visible effect. One crew member bravely dashes from cover and tosses a Breaching charge at an advancing shield - against all odds it sticks. However, the pirate quickly shoves his shield away, and you see the massive piece of metal quickly spin into the Bridge - the Breaching Charge now on the opposite side of the shield. You hit the deck as you hear a collective "OH SHIT" through your radio.
It's strange to hear no sound in space as the shield fractures into hundreds of tiny pieces of edged and partially melted metal that ricochet across the Bridge. The brave yet unfortunate crew member who tossed the charge is reduced to a shredded blue pulp almost instantly, as the effect is not unlike that of a hand grenade going off. Thanks to the directed charge, the pirate who tossed the shield is relatively unscathed, and retreats behind another shielded comrade.
"FUCK THIS! Time for Plan B! Follow my lead, guys!" you yell to your three remaining guards. You toss one of your Breaching charges against the nearby metal wall and detonate it, opening up a ragged hole leading to the starry deep. You kick off strongly against the floor and console, and grabbing the guard in front of you to angle yourself, you shoot off in an arrow-like glide towards the hole. At the last moment, you grab the torn metal edges and spin yourself so that your feet connect solidly with the hull outside, and you can feel a sort of traction gained from your magnetic soles.
"Shit, FOLLOW HER, KEEP HER SAFE! COVERING FIRE!" the Captain shouts as the Bridge crew begins to fire again at the nearing Pirates who are almost into the Bridge. Your guards each follow suit, and you can see them carefully making their way out onto the hull after you.
-One more writeup incoming. |