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01/26/10(Tue)19:15 No.7784928 File1264551330.jpg-(18 KB, 512x384, glyph1.jpg)
 >>7774999 I propose a new system of magic.
Actually I just got inspiration for this while playing Thief: Deadly Shadows
Glyph Magic:
At the Apex of humanity, the language was split into two groups. High Speech: The language of the nobles, and the 'educated' classes. Common Speech: The language of the commoners, those who worked to ensure the lives of the nobles were comfortable. But there was a 3rd time, a potent type that tapped right into the source of all magic. Glyph Speech. This was a language that few among even the humans knew, and even fewer practiced it. It was a type of magic that drew its power from symbols, made up of what seemed like random scribblings, but held some sort of frequency in the "Energy" realm. This frequency, when written, caused the written symbol, or Glyph, to manifest itself, becoming almost solid that the original summoner could use. The Glyphs were many and varied, many of which were discovered by accident by a mage who was doodling in a notebook. However the powers the Glyphs held could not be denied.
The Literi were those in the old empire that knew how to effectively utilize glyph magic, carving the glyph into a surface, then casting the manifested spell. And it was the Literi who had turned more than one battle to the empire's favor with a few scribblings in the dirt. Today the art is but a shadow of what it once was, but scribes al over the world, of many different races, continue to delve into the secrets of Glyph magic, attempting to recover the many words now lost to the sands of time. Though only a hunderedth of the knowledge has been regained, it proves its potency time and time again, and a Literati may be found wandering wastes and ruins of the fallen empire.
The skill of the Glyphs is difficult to master, as one has to perform the necessary strokes to carve the correct Glyph. One mistake and a Glyph that could have held healing properties could become a potent explosive. |