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02/05/10(Fri)00:15 No.7929519 File1265346915.jpg-(93 KB, 320x240, Domonrage.jpg)
 >>7929373 Charmeleon considers Magnemite's words. "...then take it from someone who knows - you're lucky you weren't given this 'gift'. So far, it's been nothing but a curse..." We look around at the others, with conviction in our eyes. "We don't have any more time for delays, no more room for mistakes - Porygon Z seeks to kill us now, and half the world seems to be either with him or under his influence. The next few days are going to be hard, almost impossible, for all of us..." She takes note of their expressions before continuing. "...but I'm not going to give up. For my mother, for Seviper and Sableye's master, for the fallen leader of Magma, and for everyone else that has suffered loss from all this - I will see to it that Skarem pays dearly for all that he has done, and that the Monster will lie dead beneath my feet, before I burn his filth away and scatter his ashes to the winds!" |