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03/11/10(Thu)12:41 No.8527341 File1268329297.png-(1.37 MB, 1800x1400, Koishi Crazy White.png)
 • The Intelligence/Charisma psion can opt for Far Hand and Forceful Push in place of Distract and Send Thoughts. Forceful Push is currently broken due to being able to negate an enemy melee or close attack, mind you, making it appealing for an Intelligence/Charisma psion. No powers, feats, paragon paths, epic destinies, magic items, or rituals whatsoever call for a specific Discipline Focus, and so there is no harm in selecting Telekinetic Focus and resorting to Intelligence/Charisma powers.
• Intelligence/Charisma psions have access to heroic-tier Resplendent Gloves, a level 5 item that costs only 1,000 gp and applies 2 extra damage onto any attack that targets Will. Intelligence/Wisdom psions do not have an equivalent item.
• Intelligence/Charisma psions opting for an orb can take up a Crystal Orb superior implement, gaining a +2/+3/+4 bonus to damage rolls for *all* of their Will-targeting attacks that roll for damage, as well as a +1 bonus to attack rolls against Will. Intelligence/Wisdom psions, on the other hand, must settle for the Petrified Orb, which gives them a +2/+3/+4 bonus to damage rolls for *most* of their powers that roll for damage (this does not include Burning Flux, one of the few powers that they have going for them) and, rather than increasing their reliability, adds another square to the forced movement overkill.
• Intelligence/Charisma psions opting for an orb can gain a bonus to damage rolls through feats such as Dark Fury, Psychic Focus, and Dual Mind Strength. As far as I can tell, there is no feat whatsoever that provides a feat bonus to damage rolls with force powers. |