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03/16/10(Tue)23:45 No.8625596 File1268797510.jpg-(350 KB, 1896x1387, Therians.jpg)
 On the Galactic Council side of the Galaxy they decided it was time to start a more defensive stand and to build up for the worst.
In dire need of allies that where able to fight the Galactic Council decided to increase the status of the Batarians, first with greater concessions of Territories apt for colonization to allow them to grow until they where ready to join the Citadel Council.
Then the council decide to proceed their plan of "Uplifting" the Batarians and nominated the First Batarian Specter the Commander Xepard, it was clear for the 'lesser' races that a seat in the Council was soon to follow. This particularly placed a negative impression on some of the Citadel Races, as the Batarians where still considered uncivilized by most standards. With Piracy, Slavery and Drug running being considered a profitable legitimate business.
The Turians never truly seemed to recover from the losses during the Relay 314 incident, at least on the Psychological level. Testimonies from POW's and unclassified documents and general gossip soon blew up out of proportion, on the span of days the general thought was that Transhumanity was essentially a race of Eldritch murderous machines that had completely wiped out their creators and where looking to cooperate with the Geth in order to destroy all sentient biological beings of the galaxy.
The Turian vid bussiness made a killing with war movies that portrayed the Transhumans in the worst light possible, the most "accurate" vid narrated how a Turian patrol heroically stopped an Invasion fleet from activating the Relay and deploy their forces on the Citadel dying heroically in a last stand that gave the opportunity for the Turian Fleet to arrive. |