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!9KcLB.Vx8I 01/14/11(Fri)20:12 No.13523105 File1295053962.png-(17 KB, 800x800, 062.png)
 rolled 4, 7, 3, 3, 5 = 22
It was... beautiful. Like a choir of angels soothing your worries away... /x/ calms and her pain dissapears n a blissful song...
>I-I did that?
A seductress voice echoes... >Sure you did darling... I want to hear... more...
/x/ relationship with /fa/ goes up (first d10) /fa/ relationship with /tg/ goes up (second d10) /d/ relationship with /fa/ goes up (third d10) ?? relationship with /fa/ goes up (fourth d10) ?? relationship with /fa/ goes down (fifth d10) |