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!!cxzh3hxzuC1 01/23/11(Sun)18:24 No.13632667 File1295825086.jpg-(838 KB, 900x1175, Red_by_kerembeyit.jpg)
 “And an honor to meet a dragon of your stature.” you reply. “Allow me to introduce my party... My wife you seem to already know, as well as her servant, Asha. Asha's children... Master Engineer Badran, Tradesmith Dorran, and Overseer Ranglin, and guards, emissaries of the dwarven enclave on Mza. Guild officials Stephens, Valeria, and Esthen, and guards, emissaries of the trade interests of Mza. Finally, Zaxis and Kzessa, personal retainers.” you say, introducing the important names of those with you, skipping over their minions.
“I see... A comprehensive group. I look forward to making all your acquaintances...” Seffestranias says, gaze passing among the group. The humans quail under it, the dwarves meet her eyes, though you notice their hands turning white as the grip the table. Asha looks down, Scinnari meets her eyes, as do you, ostensibly unimpressed. Her sweep slows towards the end, lingering on you and the lizardfolk, Zaxis and his sister.
“Perhaps we can continue over dinner.” Seffestranias says, a signal, apparently. Dozens of servant swarm into the room, setting the table, from where her wingbeats blew it into disarray, and bringing dishes and trays of food. Seffestranias merely sits, watching you eat. Presumably, what is served is a bit too small in size to be much for her. You watch her in return, as you eat, sizing her up.
A bit larger than you, she ripples with muscle. And scars- You are surprised at quite how many she has. On barely misses her left eye, her forelegs and chest are striated at random, and her wings are almost a patchwork, the maze of healed scar-tissue resembling a street map. Obviously an experienced combatant, you suppose, and her invisible entrance would suggest that she has at least some spell-casting ability, or magical devices that can offer a facsimile of such. |