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!!cxzh3hxzuC1 02/06/11(Sun)22:05 No.13809877 File1297047953.jpg-(204 KB, 700x1071, Ancient Gate.jpg)
 ################################### Coming ashore in Cazranel, your ships are left behind, along with their crews. The majority of you, however, proceed inland, Tashzmir, the golden city, your destination.
You pause a few days while Carmack commissions a pair of carts made- He's very specific about how little the eggs can be rocked or moved, and you indulge him since he seems to know what he speaks of. It delays the trip a few days, but you set out shortly thereafter, taking to the Western Road. The Western Road and the desert...
Probably the most dangerous part of the journey, you think. The blues that live about it are only loosely organized, but at least /usually/ leave travelers that stick to the Roads alone. In this case, they do, and you are grateful- You don't fancy tangling with a blue, definitely not in the air... They leave you unmolested, though, and the guards you bring along are sufficient to deter most passing thieves. A small group of ankhegs attack one night, but your guards to manage to fight them off, with the help of Scinnari and yourself. No actual deaths, though one of your lizardfolk lost her arm in the battle. Eventually, though, Tashzmir itself looms on the horizon before you, and you pass through it's gates.
You are immediately ushered up to the sultanates' palace, a 'small' wing is granted to your party. Quite luxurious if you do say so yourself- it proves to be large enough to comfortably board twice your party, and even your guards have quite generous quarters. As for yourself, well, the Sultan's famous hospitality more than lives up to the legend. The needs of your entire party are waited on, and instantly supplied. Though you could simply enjoy such excellent service, you have arrived a few weeks early, and feel you should make use of the time.
[What do?] |