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02/10/11(Thu)06:36 No.13849170 File1297337769.jpg-(77 KB, 640x480, watcher-sleeper-dreamer.jpg)
 All right. This is a complete mess. I haven't slept. The banner's too wide. I drew it on a soft surface, freehand instead of with a ruler. I used a dull pencil. Hell, I don't even have my scanner hooked up, so I used a webcam. But I had to get this down before I forgot it. A hypothetical proposal for the Emperor's Nightmare Fifth Company banner. The details, as I envisioned them, in no particular order. 1: A golden owl perched atop the banner. 2: WATCHER - SLEEPER - DREAMER, symbolizing the body of the Emperor's ranks. On the left side, a Watcher, clear lines of fatigue beneath his open eye. On the right, a Sleeper, eyes closed to the Materium, and yet still armed to protect Man in his sleep. A Dreamer above, his eyes closed but a third eye radiant upon his forehead. And above, a stylized sunburst, and IMPERATOR. Watcher, Sleeper, and Dreamer, and the Emperor over all. The tips of their blades just meet, but never rise higher than, the sunbeam. 3: Golden cord at the top corners of the banner, not unlike the edges of a flying carpet, a subtle callout to 1,001 Arabian nights. 4: A stylized five in the center, with the helm of an astartes in the midst.
I humbly beg for a more experienced gothic-style artist with more time, tools, and talent to remake this to their fitting. I was also thinking perhaps the Watcher would hold a sword, and the Sleeper a bolter. Please, res/tg/uardians, tell me what you think. If I can, I will produce a cleaner, more precise version when I have time. |