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02/16/11(Wed)03:51 No.13920758Okay. With the Cicada, we're already taxing the tech teams, but it'll be worth it.
The Javelin, unless I'm reading this record sheet wrong, doesn't actually need the arm to fight competently. It's barely packing any armor there anyway- anything heavier than an LLas hit will just rip it back off. I say, replace anything missing on the torso and take the bitch back in, it's a fucking 30-tonner anyway. See if we can use the extra weight to squeeze in another sink. It won't go swimming any time soon, but it's also 24 points of close-range "Fuck You" that we can't afford to lose - at least, until it runs out of ammo...
It really looks like what we need isn't just medical supplies, but armor... and a lot of it.
Other mechs: The Vindie is a fucking >loss<. Scrap it for the PPC and reactor, and any plating we can use on the others - the Caps use enough of them that its parts'll be useful eventually, so keep them somewhere.
SHD- one of our better mechs atm. Keep it in a fire-support position, rely on it for the LRMs and the AC-5, and for the love of God, don't get in close right now. Pull the SRM2 or at least its ammo (that shit's a death sentence) and replace it with a Medium or something, and tell the pilot to keep behind cover - that'll spare us having to replace the leg armor at the moment.
We should be able to use the Wolvie armor to repair the Shad, but that'll put us out another medium. Granted, a fairly terrible one, but a Medium nonetheless. Maybe we can pull some stuff off the Vindie, but it's gonna be an ugly fit.
So - summary from this mechajock: Working: Commando, Maxim, Urbie: Packrats and 3 vans/school busses.
Repairable: currently combat-functional, with light-ish damage Shadowhawk, Javelin
Probably repairable, but it's a lot of godsdamn work. Not combat-functional or safe to take in. Cicada (First priority), Wolverine.
Totalled, and we should probably scrap them: Bulldog, Vindicator, |