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02/16/11(Wed)18:18 No.13927176 File1297898317.jpg-(92 KB, 640x507, 1296002797158.jpg)
You seem to be in some sort of classroom or something. There's a good deal of tables and chairs, along with a white board, and some very old looking windows, whose blinds are drawn. Despite this fact, ethereal blue light is leaking in through the bottom, casting ghastly shadows about the room.
There's an emergency exit on the far side of the room, and directly opposite of it is an open door, from which the sounds are coming. It's a slow sorta clopping sound, footsteps, only louder, and higher pitched.
Scrambling beneath the furthest tables and behind a mass of chairs, you flick open your phone, still crawling towards the exit.
There's a plethora of names here... City Hosptial, Cregagh Cabs, Good Fortune Chinese, Hayleigh, Mum Mob, My Cousin mark, Sorcha, The Strand Cinema...
You dial the first familiar one. Mum Mob. Unfortunately, you're greeted with the lack of anything besides a dial tone, and to make matters worse...
A voice calls out from the door. It's quiet, mocking, punctuated by the slightest of near hysterical glee. It is not a pleasant voice.
"Are you in here-ere~?" |