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!qw2cdBTZAc 03/28/11(Mon)21:09 No.14399349 File1301360981.jpg-(99 KB, 600x746, Gargoyle_by_TheWitchKing989.jpg)
 >>You hear the father walk far off into the cavern.
>>You listen to the soft squeaking screeches of the bats for a while, the sounds gaining a depth to them as your hearing adjusts to them.
>>You try to imitate the sound, quietly. You do so for several minutes, varying the pitch and tone until it is perfect. You can hear yourself, but your vision does not return.
>>You listen, silently.
>>You slowly begin to hear more and more. The flowing stream far off down the tunnel, Hugh's toes grinding into the ground as they clench and unclench, You hear the soft echoes off of the walls, and then, after a while, you hear a far off screeching. It slowly builds, getting closer, as a wall of sound drives into your ears. You are lost in a chaotic mass of noise, the flutter of leathery wings nearly drowned out as you feel a few of the bats brush past you. You feel a pain in your ears, and suddenly you feel as though a hole has been punched into them, widening the small holes into your head. The noise becomes much more manageable.
>>Your hearing has improved.
>>You listen to each individual bat's screeching for a while. The noise is different for many of them, just at a very high pitch. You puff up your chest, and screech. You can hear right where the sound impacted the wall, imagining every curve and "seeing" dozens of tiny, swift blurs in the air.
>>Bats. |