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!qw2cdBTZAc 03/30/11(Wed)21:57 No.14423047 File1301536622.jpg-(77 KB, 612x801, cult.jpg)
 >>"I don't know...Let's go sleep and wait back in the cave for the Father to return." You say, brushing some of the weeds off of your body.
>>You creep back into the cave, where you can hear soft squeaking from the bats who are now getting to sleep. You feel somewhat tired yourself. But you remain awake, to wait for the father. It's not like he can move you while you're sleeping.
>>He doesn't come.
>>"It's really early." Hugh says with a yawn. "Sun's getting up there."
>>"You don't think..." He stops himself, tensing.
>>A quiet voice rouses you from slumber that you know has not lasted long. It sounds like the voice of a young girl, coming from the other cave entrance.
>>Hugh is roused as well, but is silent.
>>"Hello? Anyone there?"
>>You can see a young girl, about three feet in height with long, wavering hair dressed in a skirt and sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt. She is a child, probably no more than seven. She's rubbing her knee where she fell, and walking awkwardly further into the cave.
>>"Are you lost, miss?" You call down the cave.
>>She perks up instantly. "Yes! I need help! There are bad men after me!"
>>You whisper to Hugh to guard the child, skirting out past the young girl, who is now deep in the cave.
>>You are outside. You hear rustling in the brush.
>>You see a man stalking on a path towards the cave, a strange knife that curves like a river in his hand. He is wearing a mask with long tendrils attached to the front, and he moves oddly, like a puppet with no visible strings. His breathing is hard and erratic.
>>You get into the brush. You see him walk down the path, clutching the knife in his grasp with the point down. You smell fresh blood from the blade. He is softly chanting something.
>>"Dread Cthulhu sleeps in R'leyh, beyond time and space, soon he will awaken, soon, soon. I'a I'a Cthulhu f'tagn..." |