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!qw2cdBTZAc 04/12/11(Tue)04:52 No.14566250 File1302598352.jpg-(279 KB, 700x721, 1301477470567.jpg)
 One of the assik walks into the room, interrupting your conversation, the armor over his toes clanging on the floor. He nods to the lot of you. "All of you please follow me."
You follow him, with Karn trailing behind you.
"So, why are you outsiders here to see him?" Karn asks.
"Uh," Paima says, looking at you. "We're here for diplomatic reasons as well."
"Oh, I see." His tail twitches. "And you represent your peoples."
"Well, not really." Paima says. "Listen, you'll get it when we get inside."
You enter a large, dome-like room, with a hole at the top of the room, letting in some of the cool air from outside. A slender, black serpent slips out from the room as you enter.
An older lizard man with faded green scales is seated at a wooden ornate throne. He wears a headdress with a set of four curled horns, as well as jeweled emerald eyes above his own, arranged on a crown made of a light, white wood. His clothing consists of laminated wood painted in oranges, yellows, bronzes and golds, a large red feather embroidered loincloth, and wrappings of thick black cord around his still quite muscular arms with metallic ornaments hanging from them. His loincloth has a bit of bark cloth skirting, with triangular His right leg has a thick, black paint applied to it, with copper ornamentation and a greave, while his left leg is made from ice, with delicate, shimmering scales that are visible as the light hits the construction. A few bands of orange and red cord, interwoven are around his artificial leg, which moves smooth as flesh. His eyes, once a distinct yellow, have an icy blue color in the iris. He tilts his head as he looks over at your group.
"You are friends with Algers? It is not like him to know ones so... young." |