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!!cxzh3hxzuC1 04/17/11(Sun)18:23 No.14626400 File1303079038.jpg-(86 KB, 794x775, 0da22dc9b94b00004c4ab00c6f1602(...).jpg)
 Exactly one of your guests makes the blunder of actually remarking on Azyra's bizarre appearance. Well, two- The Morinthian ambassador, though, is intelligent enough to keep her questions polite and interested. The other, the visiting prince of a miniscule kingdom bordering yours, is somewhat less polite, though, you take pleasure in noting, is given quite the tirade by his 'minister' afterward- The actual diplomat quite enraged at the prince's gaffe.
Ozzias Mazran proves totally unperturbed, and seems to strike up quite a friendship with Lady Issa. You do not contact him privately after the initial reception, nor does he you. He seems to be surprised, but simply not care about the issue of Azyra's birth, or particular heritage. You thank him via note, and leave it at that when he does not reply. Likewise, you send thanks to Seffestranias- Obviously she was hardly surprised, but she was an excellent ally, regardless. She dismisses it as 'nothing', but does not turn down the small gift you pass on to her in thanks. It was hardly necessary, in your opinion- She, more than any other, is most comfortable availing herself of your hospitality and minions. And her gift...
Though your attention passed over it, looking instead for hostile or otherwise inimical enchantments, the blade she gifted to Azyra is, beneath several other enchantments, empowered with chaos for the disruption of order. Nothing sinister, or with any threat of suborning will or intent, but it does inflict disproportionately horrific wounds on those of lawful nature that it touches. You are interested to find Azyra immune, but were Scinnari (or perhaps yourself?) to be wounded by it, you doubt you would appreciate the results. There is little danger of this; Scinnari is educating Azyra in swordplay, but does not allow Azyra to use the enchanted blade. Along with simply being dangerous, she derides magical assistance as a crutch Azyra may use later, but should not be dependent on while she learns. |