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!!pyb5WSpixjT 04/19/11(Tue)04:56 No.14642962 File1303203393.jpg-(134 KB, 724x533, brown-hyena-2..jpg)
 Since I haven't actually described everyone yet and I'm waiting:
Slicks is about 5'2, but denser than a human, even though it isn't obvious at first. Her scales are a bright greenish-yellow color. She's taken to wearing a cloth wrap around her chest to make herself easier to identify as female for humans.
Septimia is small, but has a strong-skinny build which has become more emphasized over the past month and a half. She has tan skin and dark hair, which was cropped close to her scalp when you bought her, and has grown out slightly.
Antonina has a similar color scheme to Septimia, but she is taller and has long, wavy hair. She is also a bit heavier.
You are basically pic related, but in a dress and with hands and shit. Look at you. So fluffy. So hilariously patterned.
>Training Montage! Training continues as usual. You switch things up a bit, but focus on developing skills that will be useful for the planned fights.
>Also get our gladiatrixes to think up their finishing moves and how to apply them. Set a day up for this. Slicks points out that, while her tail isn't much practical use in a fight, humans don't have them. She tries out various impractical grappling moves.
Antonina has no idea where to begin, but warms up to the idea of sitting on shoulders because it's straightforward.
Septimia starts wearing her elbow wrap more often.
>Make a bit of a point to put in a few spars with Slicks being unarmed so she knows how to put those teeth and claws to better use if it comes down to it.
Once you verify that Slicks can bite you without drawing blood, this goes very well.
Fight day arrives! |