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04/26/11(Tue)04:34 No.14723929 File1303806885.png-(329 KB, 270x228, Totally not Canderous.png)
 You want to hear about humans? Didn't you learn this in school or something? Whatever, I can give you the abridged version.
The logical starting point would be fucking Africa. Nice place, if you like 110 degree weather and fucking tigers. That's where humans started. But we didn't stay there. We moved about like a bunch of fucking morons, spreading ourselves to the four corners of the goddamned Earth before we even had a spoken language. Far as I know, this played hell with our development time. Took us five thousand years longer than the next slowest species to figure out electricity.
Well by the time we hit what you lot call 'the unity', the information age, we had already fought wars that killed fifty-plus million fucking people. Fifty plus million. This wasn't in space mind you, we did this manually, on the ground, without nuclear weapons. Some aircraft, some artillery, always conventional explosives and fucking hand held guns.
Unlike the rest of the sapient species in the galaxy, unless you want to count those Soledrin fucks or the fucking Kithx -which you shouldn't because they aren't fucking sapient, I swear to God I'll never accept it- We kept up this whole pointless violence thing right up until, and continuing on after, we got into fucking space. Space war was something else, let me tell you. We lost a lot of fucking people to stupid shit during the early space age.
And then we bumped into you fucking lot. Kind of put a damper on our goddamn parade, you did. Higher technology, larger holdings, more resources, there was no way for us to continue fighting with you right there. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you were planning anything, but you try telling a human that back in those days, we didn't even trust each other, why would we trust some fucking big with seven legs and a prehensile cock? |