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05/23/11(Mon)05:10 No.15021658 File1306141805.jpg-(451 KB, 1100x1070, Brotherhood of the Megalith 4.jpg)
 The writings of a bored madman. How does all this sound? --------
The Brotherhood of the Megalith are undoubtably one of the stranger chapters that serve the Imperium. Very little survives of the chapters early history, with not even the chapter's founding date known (althought the chapter itself believes that it was a second or third founding chapter, there is no evidence to support these claims). While many chapters lose their records due to conflict or rebellion, the Brotherhood lost theirs through regression, for in their isolated postion from the Imperium, the chapter has become increasingly primative in its nature.
Over the millennias the Brotherhood have adopted more and more of the customs of the tribes of Kaneq Prime, something that the chapter had tried to fight against by keeping their distance from the feral population. What the Brotherhood of the Megalith had been like before they settled on Kaneq Secondus isn't know, but there is little doubt that it would have been a farcry from what the chapter is like now. The battle brothers of the chapter adorn themselves with trophies, be they animal, xeno or human. Ancient talismans and sacred stones are often imbedded onto the chapter's power armour for protection; whether or not this primative mysticism actually does anything is a question best not asked.
However, some of the marines have noticed their chapters inevitable descent into feralism and have fought to combat it. Ancient tomes and texts are treasured by the chapter, while the Techmarines try their very best to keep their machines of war in shape. In recent years, Chapter master Quogh-Haab has even turned to Lord Magyar, chapter master of the Mortifactors chapter, for guidance in these dark times. |