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Quest 1: Scout
05/27/11(Fri)11:54 No.15070813 File1306511682.jpg-(23 KB, 400x357, goblin-minion.jpg)
 Royce has asked you to scout ahead of the party through the forest on their path to the dwarven fortress of Grindstone.
Off the beaten path, you discover a small camp of four goblins nestled beneath a large oak. The goblins are currently congregating around a small fire where a pig is slowly spit roasting over coals. Neither of them appear to have their weapons handy. You can hear the goblins conversing amongst themselves.
(In their goblin tongue) " Yes, he is a sage who has abandoned violence towards living beings, be they moving or stationary, and who neither slays nor causes others to slay." "-father encouraged him. That beautiful state wherein the mind recognizes itself for what it is, wherein all activity is stilled except that of awareness alone, and even then it is an awareness without an object— for you see, Gurm, this is the heart of the experience..."
Their mouth noises annoy you. What will you do? >Violence: "I'm going to cut off all your limbs and your ears and your tongue-" >Violence: TLDR Because that is my fetish. >Diplomacy: Demand tribute under threat of death >Other |