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!9UacgIKB5g 06/06/11(Mon)20:56 No.15179458 File1307408211.png-(21 KB, 600x800, Unit RPSLS.png)
 Alright. An explanation of units...
Each race generally has four units: Recruits, Grunts, Soldiers, and Elites. Each unit has a total of six values: Attack, Defense, Size, and Morale used in battle, Cost and Power used at the strategic level.
Every time one unit attacks another unit, it rolls a number of dice equal to its Attack. Every die that is equal to or greater than the enemy's Defense is a hit. Every hit reduces Size by one. At Size of 0, the unit is destroyed. We'll get to Morale in a bit.
Power is used to conduct battles purely at the strategic levels and in determining Morale. When running battles at the strategic level, you simply make an opposed Power check between one province and another. Generally speaking, Recruits have Power of 1/4, Grunts of 1/3, Soldiers of 1/2, and Elites of 1, and units are typically bought in a set such that they equal a full Power. Koyani are higher than most, with Recruits of 1/3, Grunts of 1/2, etc. etc. Morale is either 0, 1/4, 1/2, or 3/4. At the beginning of a mass combat, you calculate how much total Power is on each side, and then calculate at which point they'll dip below 3/4, 1/2, or 1/4 (if you bring 4 Power to a battle, it's nice and easy). Whenever your Power dips below one of those thresholds, all units with that Morale level will immediately flee. Thus, low Morale is good, and a unit with Morale 0 will never flee the battlefield. Note that if a unit's Size is reduced to 1 but you then have it retreat, it won't count against you for purposes of morale. Strategic retreats can be extremely valuable.
I think this post is long enough already. Continued in next post. |