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!uGYNBMPzOs 06/10/11(Fri)00:51 No.15215265 File1307681509.png-(125 KB, 2828x880, Pantheon.png)
 You nod "Certainly, Princeps. The gods, while comparatively weak at the moment, are steadily growing in power. I have done my best to reamin neutral to warm in my relationship with all ten of them, however a few are... less than happy with me at the moment. Each god holds domain over one of the elements, as well as several aspects of mortal emotion, or states of being that one can go through. Fire is the realm of Lamynus, the Succubus Queen, who holds domain over lust and malice; as well as Jogra, who holds domain of Friendship, retribution, the campfire and the forge." you begin, before continuing to list off all of teh gods, and their domains, as well as the five elements.
Trepilius nods "We have learned much the same, the fact that the pantheon is split in twain makes us nervous, as it could easily fall to Degnar worshiping one half, and Uurlanth the other. An unbalanced and potentially dangerous. When things are calm enough to re-establish the office of the final Praetorian, one who could walk that line would be most useful."
You nod in agreement, before continuing "In my studies I have found that Uurlanth has traditionally had more arcanists than Degnar. The different schools are the Elementalism, or control over one or more of the elements, Magic which comes in two schools, shadow and Shining; Necromancy, which is mostly related to the raising and commanding of the dead, though also includes the crafting flesh golems, and a broader school known as curses. Mysticism, which encompasses illusions and the reading or controlling of the mind; and finally, two singular talents, in Runeforging, and Arcanasmithing. I have several experts who doubtless know more than I, if you wish I can have them summoned." >cont'd |