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!uGYNBMPzOs 06/16/11(Thu)21:33 No.15291187 File1308274404.png-(225 KB, 1460x1754, Timeline.png)
 You slowly ease out of bed, careful not to wake Laelith, the only one still asleep this late in the morning, and after cleaning yourself, head to the dining hall to eat. You find degrian, propped up against the wall, looking at the cog that would form the last piece needed for the gnomes to have a functional combat automaton. The inside gears of it interlock, and provide fingerholds. When the engineer twists them in a certain pattern, a few of the teeth will puch their way from an inside gear to the main, outside portion of it. Seeing your approach, he repeats the pattern several times, in reverse, and the item contracts to roughly the size of your fist. Degrian deposits the gear in his pocket, salutes and greets you "Good morning, Commander. All tasks finished best I can. Safe to assume that you have new project for me?"
You shake your head, and take a seat next to the engineer "No, I realize that I have been making you work perhaps too hard of late. I will let you work on something of your choosing." you trail off, thinkging on it for a moment before adding "Though, a device that can project burning oils may be useful against the-"
"NO!!!" Degrian cuts you off "Bad, stupid, kill you. Explode, die, casualties... NO!!!!" his eyes twitching, breathing heavily, clearly frightened by your idea.
You chuckle "It was a joke, idle thought my friend. I may not be as intelligent as you, but I am no fool." the kaskyana settles down, and straightened his now disheveled mustache.
A nervous laugh escapes his beak, or, his approximation of a laugh at least "Thank you for the... choice of project. I will not disappoint." You nod, finish eating, make your reply to Rufus that you would be happy to meet him today, and head off to find Wulf. >cont'd |