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!uGYNBMPzOs 06/21/11(Tue)21:07 No.15344740 File1308704873.png-(827 KB, 3904x868, Pantheon v2.png)
 >The war, however, is not the only thing spreading chaos about the land. The gods, and the arcane are returning to the world after nearly 4000 years of having been thought dead. You, are at the forefront of those in the empire re-discovering that which has been lost for four millenia, and your ultimate goal is to become the Praetorian of the Divine. > >That office once thought lost to obsolescence with the disappearance of the gods, 1000 some years after the mortal races, humans, dwarves, elves, the cat-like felixsians, and the massive hulking lizard-men known as lacertans, killed the gods immortal servants on the mortal plain, the 6 Dragons, Elemental Patriarchs and Elemental Matrairchs 5000 years ago. >You are currently going through a much needed period of staff enlargement and tending to your persoinal assets, and most of your plans involve either training the arcanists in the maniples of the other members of the Praetorian Militants fists, and the new order tasked with hunting and killing the vicious, bestial Loukys, an ancient race of intelligent predatory creatures recently returned to the land of the living.
The next morning comes softly. You had spent the night watching over Cornelius and Aurelius as they hid from the harshness of their realities in the bottoms of cups and bottles, drinking only a little yourself. No secrets were spilt, and with his commanding officer nearby, Cornelius never went beyond glancing to the drug dealers in the back of the bar. You look out your window to see Janos already tutoring Wulf, who is absentmindedly laquering a suit of scalemail he took from your armory, a deep gray and crimson for his supposed lordly colors. You could speak with the gods if you wished, you have confidence that it would be safe to converse with all of them by now, but it may be prudent to speak with some of the other members of your maniple, you suppose. |