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!!QVgBJCzCjEB 08/16/11(Tue)00:55 No.15953390 File1313470538.png-(411 KB, 640x427, Inspiration!.png)
 >>15953282 >Epicness is Epic.
"Duly noted Ogden."
You slowly get up, and, after considering donning a tunic, decide not to, leaving the wagon with your torso bare, revealing the bandages covering your wound.
The caravan has stopped, and the main host stands at attention in front of you, nearly two-thousand strong. At first, you worry that you will not be heard, but you notice Ogden at your side.
"The trees and the wind will relay your words, my Lord."
You nod, and then turn to the soldiers.
"Men! Last night was the first victory the people of Dessex have secured against a proper enemy in many years! We no longer fight mere barbarians, but an organized enemy!"
You hear a few cheers, and murmurs of agreement bubble amongst the crowd.
The men erupt into cheers and shouts, as well as a few rather harsh insults concerning the parentage of the Umbrans. After a few moments, it finally settles, and you continue. You gesture towards your (still somewhat bloody) bandages, and continue speaking.
"I stand before you, now, as proof that while I am blessed to be your lord, I am also a man. I bleed like any of you. But that shall not stop me!"
More cheers.
"That shall not stop us!"
The ground begins to shake, as the dwarves stomp upon the earth, their voices like bronze gongs.
"Soon we shall fight like men possesed! And we will show the Umbrans WHAT TRUE SOLDIERS ARE MADE OF!" |